ไม่รู้ว่าตอนนี้น้ำตาที่ไหลรินต้นเหตุมันมาจากไหนอาจจะเพราะว่าวันนี้ฉันเ การแปล - ไม่รู้ว่าตอนนี้น้ำตาที่ไหลรินต้นเหตุมันมาจากไหนอาจจะเพราะว่าวันนี้ฉันเ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



ก็ในวันนั้นฉันเอง ที่เป็นที่คนทำร้ายเธอ

ไม่มีเธอแล้ว อ้อนวอนแค่ไหน
จบลงตรงนี้ สิ้นแรงขัดขืน


ก็ในวันนั้นฉันเอง ที่เป็นคนที่ทำร้ายเธอ

ไม่มีเธอแล้ว อ้อนวอนแค่ไหน
จบลงตรงนี้ สิ้นแรงขัดขืน

ไม่มีเธอแล้ว อ้อนวอนแค่ไหน
จบลงตรงนี้ สิ้นแรงขัดขืน

ไม่มีเธอแล้ว อ้อนวอนแค่ไหน
จบลงตรงนี้ สิ้นแรงขัดขืน
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

ก็ในวันนั้นฉันเอง A man attacked her

do not always hurt her to see that she is important

I regret to this day not her.
Pleaded not what to do, how she ended up there
return here. The rebel force would be back in time at this

back to the well to revive our love


ก็ในวันนั้นฉันเอง The people who hurt her, hurt her, do it

.She was never seen until today in the

I regret not her.
Pleaded not what to do, how she ended up there
return here. The rebel force would be back in time at this

back to the well to revive our love

No, she begged me not to do that she would never return there
ended. The rebel force would be back in time at this

back to the well to revive our love

love it. How pleaded
.No matter how she ended up there
return here. The rebel force would be back in time at this

back to the good old cause: I love our great resurgence
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Don't know now tear dribble
causing it?
maybe because today I myself want her to spoil
and she will never come back

it for my own. That is where people hurt her

she always cham pain will never look that she is important people
.Until today I'm sorry

do not have her. Appeal?
is not what to do, she would never back
ends here. I would like to end his force in time here
back to make our love revive!

.If that day when I still have her body above
, if I pay attention more than if I had to take care of this
love her more every minute
today, there are no tears, I own that day

. That is, people who hurt her, she always

cham pain.Will never look that she is someone important coming in today that I finally
regret not having her

. Appeal?
is not what to do, she would never back
ends here. I would like to end his force in time here
back to make our love revive!

.There is no appeal, no matter how powerful she never back
ends here. I would like to end his force in time here
back to make our love revive!

do not have her. Appeal?
No matter how she never back
ends here. I would like to end his force in time here
back to the original person that would make wonderful love!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
don't know what now tears

where did it come from cause it may be because this day I had to go to her, and she will not have a day

it was in the day that I am a man who had hurt her so she was feeling very sore

always never to be looked at, she was an important
until this day I am sorry I do not have a

how she begged, not that she was not going to do a day
back to an end at the end of the Rebel
wanted to be back in time from the
back to make good, to love our recovery

If that, in that day, when I still have her side

if I am paying attention than this if I love her. Take care, every minute
on this day it would not have a

and his eyes filled with tears, in the day that I was a man who had hurt her so she was feeling very sore

always.Never had to be looked at, she was a major
until they came to this day that I am sorry and begged her

there is no matter how
is not what is to be done about her, it does not have a day
back to an end at the end of this struggle
wanted to be back in time from the
back to make good, to love our recovery

There is no matter how
and begged her not to do what she does not have a day
back to an end at the end of this struggle
wanted to be back in time from the
back to make good, to love of our recovery is not

how much pleading with her.not that it will do what it was she did not have a day
back to an end at the end of this powerful to resist
wanted to be back in time from the direct
back to people who want to do the original
good, to love our good recovery
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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