Petals of black had scarcely stopped cascading from the ceiling when J การแปล - Petals of black had scarcely stopped cascading from the ceiling when J อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Petals of black had scarcely stoppe

Petals of black had scarcely stopped cascading from the ceiling when Joan Smalls marched onto the catwalk in a yeti shag and Aztec headdress, like the high priestess of a techno death cult. Furriness and fringing in multiple variations followed, creating a liquid, indefinable silhouette. When Pugh drew that silhouette back to the body, he used snakeskin on a jersey backing, a sinuously elemental effect which automatically evoked the poor misbegotten serpent who tried to wise up Adam and Eve to their state of unblissful ignorance in Eden. But if Eve took the rap for Adam's fall, Pugh was determined to restore some semblance of her dignity. His women were battlefield-worthy in their funnel necks and spiked shoulders. And their enemy? Could it be God Himself, textured through Stone's soundtrack by Twitter voices saying His name? The conceit was an audacious one, but it's hard to ignore the niggle that Pugh needs something bold at this point in his career to knock him up to the next level. Alien beauty has a shelf life, after all.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
petals of black had scarcely stopped cascading from the ceiling when joan smalls marched onto the catwalk in a yeti shag and aztec headdress, like the high priestess of a techno death cult. furriness and fringing in multiple variations followed, creating a liquid, indefinable silhouette. when pugh drew that silhouette back to the body, he used snakeskin on a jersey backing,.a sinuously elemental effect which automatically evoked the poor misbegotten serpent who tried to wise up adam and eve to their state of unblissful ignorance in eden. but if eve took the rap for adam's fall, pugh was determined to restore some semblance of her dignity. his women were battlefield-worthy in their funnel necks and spiked shoulders. and their enemy? could it be god himself,.textured through stone's soundtrack by twitter voices saying his name? the conceit was an audacious one, but it's hard to ignore the niggle that pugh needs something bold at this point in his career to knock him up to the next level. alien beauty has a shelf life, after all.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Petals of black had scarcely stopped cascading from the ceiling when Joan Smalls marched onto the catwalk in a yeti shag and Aztec headdress, like the high priestess of a techno death cult. Furriness and fringing in multiple variations followed, creating a liquid, indefinable silhouette. When Pugh drew that silhouette back to the body, he used snakeskin on a jersey backing, a sinuously elemental effect which automatically evoked the poor misbegotten serpent who tried to wise up Adam and Eve to their state of unblissful ignorance in Eden. But if Eve took the rap for Adam's fall, Pugh was determined to restore some semblance of her dignity. His women were battlefield-worthy in their funnel necks and spiked shoulders. And their enemy? Could it be God Himself, textured through Stone's soundtrack by Twitter voices saying His name? The conceit was an audacious one, but it's hard to ignore the niggle that Pugh needs something bold at this point in his career to knock him up to the next level. Alien beauty has a shelf life, after all.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
of black Petals had scarcely stopped cascading from the ceiling when Joan Smalls marched onto the catwalk in a yeti and shag Aztec headdress, like the high priestess of a techno death cult. Furriness and fringing in multiple variations followed, creating a liquid, indefinable silhouette. When Pugh silhouette that drew back to the body, he used on a snakeskin Jersey backing,A sinuously elemental effect which automatically evoked the poor misbegotten serpent who tried to wise up to their Adam and Eve unblissful state of ignorance in Eden.If But Eve took the rap for Adam' s fall, Pugh was determined to restore some semblance of her dignity.His women were battlefield-worthy in their funnel necks and spiked shoulders. And Could it be their enemy? God Himself,textured through Stone' s soundtrack by Twitter voices saying His name? The conceit was an audacious one, but it's hard to ignore the niggle that Pugh needs something bold at this point in his career to knock him up to the next level. Alien beauty has a shelf life, after all.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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