I have at least half the world's ambition to help people like me to be การแปล - I have at least half the world's ambition to help people like me to be อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

I have at least half the world's am

I have at least half the world's ambition to help people like me to be comfortable. Or do what they like in the future after we graduated. Some wanted office Some wanted a business Some say that athletes, musicians, or even cancerous

.I was the one who always dream that one day will be a doctor. Rescued I think the kids just wanted to be a doctor. He is thought to be rich to be comfortable as career people.But my opinion has changed over time. I have seen the departure of the other grandmother both rich and poor, seeing the well-being of local people at the time did not have money to see a doctor. Illness endured Despite various initiatives to help out.Or if it is the far more civilized. They have the health center The engine was not fully My dream was to help others. Although it will not help them much.Being a doctor is not comfortable as everyone thought. The doctor on duty to To help patients It will be followed by a time of emergency. No more time for yourself and family. I've been distracted I think that I do not want to be a doctor.I will be a doctor, I want to help others. Would return the grace of this country. And even though I'm not a doctor
.Finally, I would like an article I was telling people that there are many difficulties. If we now have it all, just wanted to help them. And people want to be a doctor, he was thinking that he wanted to be a doctor because of it.But, I just want everyone to help each other, our country Thailand as well does not help, then it will help me?
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
i have at least half the world's ambition to help people like me to be comfortable. or do what they like in the future after we graduated. some wanted office some wanted a business some say that athletes, musicians, or even cancerous

. i was the one who always dream that one day will be a doctor. rescued i think the kids just wanted to be a doctor.they have the health center the engine was not fully my dream was to help others. although it will not help them much.being a doctor is not comfortable as everyone thought. the doctor on duty to to help patients it will be followed by a time of emergency. no more time for yourself and family. i've been distracted i think that i do not want to be a doctor.i will be a doctor,.i want to help others. would return the grace of this country. and even though i'm not a doctor
. finally, i would like an article i was telling people that there are many difficulties. if we now have it all, just wanted to help them. and people want to be a doctor, he was thinking that he wanted to be a doctor because of it.but, i just want everyone to help each other,.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
I have at least half the world's ambition to help people like me to be comfortable. Or do what they like in the future after we graduated. Some wanted office Some wanted a business Some say that athletes, musicians, or even cancerous

.I was the one who always dream that one day will be a doctor. Rescued I think the kids just wanted to be a doctor. He is thought to be rich to be comfortable as career people.But my opinion has changed over time. I have seen the departure of the other grandmother both rich and poor, seeing the well-being of local people at the time did not have money to see a doctor. Illness endured Despite various initiatives to help out.Or if it is the far more civilized. They have the health center The engine was not fully My dream was to help others. Although it will not help them much.Being a doctor is not comfortable as everyone thought. The doctor on duty to To help patients It will be followed by a time of emergency. No more time for yourself and family. I've been distracted I think that I do not want to be a doctor.I will be a doctor, I want to help others. Would return the grace of this country. And even though I'm not a doctor
.Finally, I would like an article I was telling people that there are many difficulties. If we now have it all, just wanted to help them. And people want to be a doctor, he was thinking that he wanted to be a doctor because of it.But, I just want everyone to help each other, our country Thailand as well does not help, then it will help me?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
I have at least half the world's ambition to help people like me to be comfortable. Or do what they like in the future after we graduated.Some Some wanted Office wanted a Business Some say that athletes, musicians, or even cancerous

.I was the one who always dream that one day will be a doctor. Rescued I think the kids just wanted to be a doctor.He is thought to be rich to be comfortable career as people. But my opinion has changed over time. I have seen the departure of the other grandmother both rich and poor, seeing the well-being of local people at the time did not have money to see a doctor. Illness Despite endured various initiatives to help out. If it is the Or far more civilized.have the engine The They health center was not fully My dream was to help others. Although it will not help them much. Being a doctor is not comfortable as everyone thought.The doctor on duty to help patients To It will be followed by a time of emergency. No more time for yourself and family. I've been distracted I I think that do not want to be a doctor. I will be a doctor,I want to help others. Would return the grace of this country. even though I And M 'Not a doctor
.Finally, I would like an article I was telling people that there are many difficulties.If we now have it all, just wanted to help them. And people want to be a doctor, he was thinking that he wanted to be a doctor because of it. But, I just want everyone to help each other,our country Thailand as well does not help, then it will help me?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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