เรื่องพยาบาลในชุดแดงของคณะแพทย์เห็นเขาเล่าว่ามีนักศึกษาคนนึงของคณะแพทย การแปล - เรื่องพยาบาลในชุดแดงของคณะแพทย์เห็นเขาเล่าว่ามีนักศึกษาคนนึงของคณะแพทย อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



เห็นเขาเล่าว่ามีนักศึกษาคนนึงของคณะแพทย์อยู่ทำงานในตึกของฝั่งสวนดอก(ไม่แน่ใจว่าเป็น โรงพยาบาลหรือตึกแพทย์คนเล่าไม่ยืนยันแต่2ตึกนี้ก็ใกล้กันนี่กลับเข้าเรื่องต่อ)

เขาคนนี้ก็ทำงานอยู่จนดึกก็เลยว่าจะลงลิฟต์มาระหว่างที่รอ เขาก็ได้ยินเสียงเดินมาข้างๆเขาก็หันไปมองเห็นพยาบาลคนนึงเดินมา เขาก็ไม่ได้สงสัยอะไร เพราะพยาบาลกับแพทย์


ระหว่างรอลิฟต์นักศึกษาคนนี้ก็ได้กลิ่นอะไรแปลกๆ ก็เลยหันไปมองพยาบาลคนนี้ ก็ไม่เห็นมีอะไร ซ้ำพยาบาลคนนี้ยังยิ้มให้ด้วย สักพักต่อมาเมื่อเข้าไปในลิฟต์พยาบาลคนนี้ก็


เขาเลยตอบว่ามาศึกษาเรื่องการผ่าตัดภายในเพราะว่าจะสอบ พยาบาลคนนี้เลยบอกว่างั้นให้ฉันช่วยนะนักศึกษาคนนี้ก็เลยงง และเริ่มสังเกตว่าคอของผู้หญิงเริ่มมีเลือด


เขาตกใจมากพยายามที่จะหนีออกมาจากลิฟต์แต่ลิฟต์เหมือนค้างหรืออะไรไม่ทราบ เลือดไหลนองทั่วชุดของนางพยาบาลคนนี้ แล้วเธอก็เริ่มสอนนักศึกษาแพทย์คนนี้ตั้งแต่ลำไส้

ปอด สมอง หัวใจ พร้อมทั้งควักส่วนต่างๆเหล่านี้ออกมา รุ่งขึ้นก็มีคนพบชายคนนี้นอนคาอยู่ทางประตูลิฟต์ที่เปิดปิดอยู่แล้วเขาก็เอาแต่ พร่ำเพ้ออย่างคนบ้าว่า” พยาบาล

ชุดแดง พยาบาลชุดแดง”
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
The nurses in the medical corps of the Red

He is described as having one of the medical students were working in the building of the garden flowers (not sure what it is. Building a hospital or doctor, but I can not confirm this is the second building near the back story here)

.He was running late, so I have to wait for the elevator. Heard the one side he turned to see my nurse came. He did not suspect anything. The nurses and doctors have to meet them


.This student was waiting for the elevator smells strange. I turned to the nurse. I do not see anything. The nurse with a smile. Later on in the elevator while a nurse was asked to do


late.He replied that he studied surgery within the test. This nurse told me that I help my students would do it. And noted that the woman's neck, blood started gushing out from the throat

passive.He was shocked, trying to escape from the elevator, but the elevator is down or something unknown. Blood flow throughout this series nurse. She then began teaching medical students, since the intestine

.Lung, brain, heart and other parts pick these out. The following people have found this man lying value of the elevator doors opened and he took off. The mad ravings as "nurse
red. Hospital Red Dress ".
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Nursing issues in the Red series of doctors there told him that

see student editor of the doctors working in the building of the suan dok side (not sure if it. The hospital doctor told this building, but could not confirm 2 close this back story here)

.He had people working on it late at night so that the elevator between waiting he heard came next, he turned to see a nurse who now walk. He did not suspect anything because the medical doctors, often faced each other


.During the wait for the elevators were students, "what a strange smell had turned to look at the people there do not see the hospital's orthopedic nurse who is still smiling, with the moment when the person in the hospital elevator, asked what do


duek.He said it was an internal surgery education because it it. This man, I told a nurse, I'm passing this man I was student and started to notice that the neck of the woman with the blood flow increasing collections to come out

.He's very afraid to try to escape from an elevator, elevator and hold it or anything I don't know. Overflow bleed around the set of this nurse and she began to teach medical students, this man from the gut

.The lungs, heart, brain, as well as to dig out these sections out. Dawn, someone found the man lying on the elevator doors open on the Casino is closed, then he took some raving mad men without limit but "nurse nurse in red dress red dress

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Subject: nurses in the unit's Red the physicians

that he told me that there are students who are working in a building of the physicians of the flower garden (not sure that is a hospital, doctor or block 2 blocks away, but he could not confirm this close together, it was about to go back to)

He was working on this until late at night, so I had to wait for the elevator, he heard the sound he was walking beside him and he turned to see one of nurses came up, and he did not suspect because nurses and doctors what they need to see you frequently

it is.During this time, students waiting for elevators smell strange what was turned to look at nurses, they do not see what is unique to this nurse, who, with a smile, when I went to lift

nurse this one was asked, what is this late

He said that it was because I have studied the internal auditor surgery nurse who told her about this, I think it would help students who do this, and I was puzzled, and began to notice that the woman's blood began to flow out of the

daisy chainHe was very much astonished to try to get away from elevator elevator, but like and hold or what didn't know his blood ran through the whole of this nurse was then, she began to teach medical students, since this gut

brain and heart and lungs to crochet these parts out came to pass on the morrow, and they found the man lying in the elevator doors open, and then he took off, but vernacular." nurses, mad,

the red unit nurse Red".
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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