Subject: nurses in the unit's Red the physicians
that he told me that there are students who are working in a building of the physicians of the flower garden (not sure that is a hospital, doctor or block 2 blocks away, but he could not confirm this close together, it was about to go back to)
He was working on this until late at night, so I had to wait for the elevator, he heard the sound he was walking beside him and he turned to see one of nurses came up, and he did not suspect because nurses and doctors what they need to see you frequently
it is.During this time, students waiting for elevators smell strange what was turned to look at nurses, they do not see what is unique to this nurse, who, with a smile, when I went to lift
nurse this one was asked, what is this late
He said that it was because I have studied the internal auditor surgery nurse who told her about this, I think it would help students who do this, and I was puzzled, and began to notice that the woman's blood began to flow out of the
daisy chainHe was very much astonished to try to get away from elevator elevator, but like and hold or what didn't know his blood ran through the whole of this nurse was then, she began to teach medical students, since this gut
brain and heart and lungs to crochet these parts out came to pass on the morrow, and they found the man lying in the elevator doors open, and then he took off, but vernacular." nurses, mad,
the red unit nurse Red".
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