It is 20th century and all the early references to it relate to the US การแปล - It is 20th century and all the early references to it relate to the US อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

It is 20th century and all the earl

It is 20th century and all the early references to it relate to the US military. The New York Times Magazine, March 1954, had a related phrase, in a glossary of jet pilots' slang:
"Bought a plot, had a fatal crash."
That clearly refers to a burial plot. The 'bought' in that case probably doesn't suggest any actual or potential purchase, but to an earlier use of 'bought', that is, being killed. This dates back to at least the early 20th century. This example from 1943 isn't the earliest, but it does make the meaning explicit. It's from Cyril Ward-Jackson's It's a piece of cake; or, R.A.F. slang made easy:
"He's bought it, he is dead - that is, he has paid with his life."
Specific references to 'the farm' come a little later. There are reports of the phrase being in use in the US military from 1955 onward. Here's a citation from 1963, in Ed Miller's Exile to the Stars:
"The police dispatcher says a plane just bought the farm.
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เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
it is 20th century and all the early references to it relate to the us military. the new york times magazine, march 1954, had a related phrase, in a glossary of jet pilots' slang:
"bought a plot, had a fatal crash."
that clearly refers to a burial plot. the 'bought' in that case probably doesn't suggest any actual or potential purchase, but to an earlier use of 'bought', that is, being killed.this dates back to at least the early 20th century. this example from 1943 isn't the earliest, but it does make the meaning explicit. it's from cyril ward-jackson's it's a piece of cake; or, raf. slang made easy:
"he's bought it, he is dead - that is, he has paid with his life."
specific references to 'the farm' come a little later.there are reports of the phrase being in use in the us military from 1955 onward. here's a citation from 1963, in ed miller's exile to the stars:
"the police dispatcher says a plane just bought the farm.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
It is 20th century and all the early references to it relate to the US military. The New York Times Magazine, March 1954, had a related phrase, in a glossary of jet pilots' slang:
"Bought a plot, had a fatal crash."
That clearly refers to a burial plot. The 'bought' in that case probably doesn't suggest any actual or potential purchase, but to an earlier use of 'bought', that is, being killed. This dates back to at least the early 20th century. This example from 1943 isn't the earliest, but it does make the meaning explicit. It's from Cyril Ward-Jackson's It's a piece of cake; or, R.A.F. slang made easy:
"He's bought it, he is dead - that is, he has paid with his life."
Specific references to 'the farm' come a little later. There are reports of the phrase being in use in the US military from 1955 onward. Here's a citation from 1963, in Ed Miller's Exile to the Stars:
"The police dispatcher says a plane just bought the farm.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
All It is 20 th century and the early references to relate it to the military US. The New York Times Magazine, March 1954, had a related phrase, in a glossary of jet pilots' slang:
"Bought a plot, had a fatal crash."
That clearly refers to a burial plot.The 'bought' in that case probably doesn' T suggest any potential or actual purchase, but to an earlier use of 'bought', that is, being killed.This dates back at least to the early 20 th century. This example from 1943 ISN 't the earliest, but it does make the meaning explicit. It' s from Cyril Ward - Jackson It' s' s a piece of cake; or, R.A.F.slang made easy:
"He's bought it, he is dead - that is, he has paid with his life."
Specific references to 'The Farm' come a little later.There are reports of the phrase being in use in the military from 1955 onward US. Here' s a citation from 1963, in Ed Exile Miller' s to the Stars:
"The police dispatcher says a plane just bought the farm.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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