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1] จิตรลดา คนยืน. “การใช้กลวิธีสอนแ

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ที่ได้รับการสอนอ่านแบบปฏิสัมพันธ์ด้วยวิธี KWL-PLUS กับวิธีการสอนปกติ. วิทยานิพนธ์ศึกษาศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาการสอนภาษาไทย มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร. 2547.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
1] Chitrada stand. "Use teaching strategies kwl-plus to teach English reading comprehension of Grade 6 students dashed if" Journal of Vocational Education. Volume 3 Issue 2: 11; July to December 2552.
[2] S. Chai Sak style brilliantly. Curriculum and teaching high school math Bangkok. School Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, 2543. [3], point Puntip the course.Development of CAI over the web. Education programs in career The use of Internet search to career development. The method of teaching practice.Special Problems courses Master of Science in Industrial Computer Technology Graduate King Mongkut's University of Technology, 2553. [4] proved bubble Sri Vishnu. Creating and developing research tools. 3rd edition.Bangkok: Dhaka net printing company, 2554 [5] Patcharin glowing bright. Comparison achievement reading comprehension of students at two schools under the Department of Education District, Phetchaburi Province
.That taught reading, interaction with kwl-plus the usual teaching methods. Master of Education Thesis Thailand Language Instructor University. In 2547. [6] Boon Srisa_ard. Preliminary research. Edition 7. York:.New American Drug Hermes, in 2545. [7] North of Khmer Ornament format. Instruction: a variety of choices. 3rd edition., Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University Press, 2548. [8] The next glass of red. Revolutionized the study of Thailand. 8th. York:.Matichon Publishing, 2543. [9] are all lines of rank and rank Aungkana line. Techniques of educational research. (5th edition) New York: New American boy, in 2538. [10], a simple rule base on the actual field.Teaching K W L Plus to improve their skills in reading and writing English. Student level. Master of Education Thesis Teaching English University. 2551 ..
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
1. a standing person chitralada.] "Using tactics to develop KWL-Plus tutorials to teach English language reading comprehension of students of grade 6 students of employers" Udon Thani rajabhat graduate magazine. Vol. 3 issue 2: 11; July – December 2552 (2009).
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[3] T. wachi rasu softer tip Development of computer-assisted lessons taught over the Web. Major occupations in the program. Use of the Internet to improve the career information search by means of teaching the practice. A special problem course education graduate computer science, industrial technology, the Graduate School of University of technology Phra Chom Phra Nakhon Nua, dare, 2553 (2010).
[4] Bubble phitnu SI. The creation and development of research equipment. Print # 3. Bangkok: Dan suttatip printing co., Ltd., 2554 (2011)
[5] Patcharin chamrun lamps. A comparison of the achievement of students ' reading comprehension grade 2 school, affiliated with the Department of education, Cha-am petchaburi province
. That has been taught to read the interaction with normal teaching methods with KWL-PLUS. thesis studies Bachelor of science teaching. Thai language, silpakorn University. 2547 (2004).
[6] Juicy watch SI SA. Preliminary research. Edition 7. Bangkok: U.s v Riya message, 2545 (2002).
[7] direction na khaem ornament. Teaching pattern: provides a wide variety of choices. Edition 3. Bangkok, Thailand: Chulalongkorn University print Bureau, 2548 (2005).
[8] Rung Kaew daeng. Thai education revolution. Printing time 8. Bangkok: Matichon publishing, 2543 (2000).
[9] are airline ranks and ranks of the late angkhana. Educational research techniques (Edition 5) Bangkok: Surat v Riya message, 2538 (1995).
[10] Sittha and Rakan district workers. K & w tutorials plus to increase reading and writing skills of students ' English levels. thesis study science disciplines to teach English, Chiang Mai University. 2551 (2008) ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
1] Chitralada stood. "The teaching strategy, KWL - Plus for the development of teaching English to read, understand the story of the students to study in a lecture on 6." Journal of graduate dialog Udon Thani. Last year 3 of the 2:11; July - December, 2552.
[ 2] Chai rank population huddling round jacuzzi, high school math courses and the teaching Bangkok school. University demo Si student enrolment registration for pathum wan, 2543.
[ 3] Pantip Masman, cheese รสุต.The development computer help teach lessons learned via the web application processed in the career of the Internet searching for information on how to teach career development practice. practice.Special problems courses Master of industrial education courses Computer Technology Graduate School University of Technology North Bangkok, dare, 2553.
[ 4] to admire at the bubble Prof. to create and develop research tools. Type 3.BANGKOK: Dan สุทธา printing Co. , Ltd. , 2554
[ 5] civilian career khwao sinarin Cham remember holes J. The comparison of the Reading comprehension, effectively Mathayom 2 student's School District to the Department of General Education of Cha Am Petchaburi province
The interaction with the teacher, read How KWL - PLUS with normal teaching methods. A thesis bachelor Master of education in teaching English Prof. 2547.
[ 6] merit to Si Ajarn research Ajarn type 7. Bangkok:Drug สุวี, CEO, 2545.
[ 7] to gasp, a jewel of the compass. The format of teaching: a wide choice.type 3. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University publishing house, 2548.
[ 8] glass of red dawn. Thai revolution of education. Type 8. Bangkok:The teaching and K-greenbacks rise, plus to enhance the skills of reading and writing in English for students at the beginning of .thesis bachelor Master degree study at Chiang Mai University Teaching English. 2551.)
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