Perfect Packing Industry Co., Ltd is a professional Chinese supplier s การแปล - Perfect Packing Industry Co., Ltd is a professional Chinese supplier s อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Perfect Packing Industry Co., Ltd i

Perfect Packing Industry Co., Ltd is a professional Chinese supplier specializing in all kinds of plastic packaging bag and paper products. We have complete production line for color printing and bag making, impressing, sealing, and automatic sticking can be finished without interval. Based on our principle of sincerity obeyed, quality guaranteed, we export all our products to North and South America, Europe, Mid East, and Africa. Advanced machines, rich experienced operators, high-quality services bring us favorable reputation and repeated orders year by year. Sincerely we welcome companies interesting in cooperating with us to create a glories future in packaging industry

Main Products:
1. Plastic bags: bopp bag, opp bag, ziplock bag, stand up pouch, vacuum food bag, bag in box packing, candy bag, flower bag, flower wrapping sleeves, mailing bag, flower pot cover, spout pouch, aseptic bag, juice pouch, zipper bag, reclosable bag, retort pouch etc.
2. Jewelry packaging: OPP bag, jewelry card, necklace card, barrette card, fold card, earring card, hair card, tag etc
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Perfect Packing Industry Co., Ltd is a professional Chinese supplier specializing in all kinds of plastic packaging bag and paper products. We have complete production line for color printing and bag making, impressing, sealing, and automatic sticking can be finished without interval. Based on our principle of sincerity obeyed, quality guaranteed, we export all our products to North and South America, Europe, Mid East, and Africa. Advanced machines, rich experienced operators, high-quality services bring us favorable reputation and repeated orders year by year. Sincerely we welcome companies interesting in cooperating with us to create a glories future in packaging industryMain Products:1. Plastic bags: bopp bag, opp bag, ziplock bag, stand up pouch, vacuum food bag, bag in box packing, candy bag, flower bag, flower wrapping sleeves, mailing bag, flower pot cover, spout pouch, aseptic bag, juice pouch, zipper bag, reclosable bag, retort pouch etc.2. Jewelry packaging: OPP bag, jewelry card, necklace card, barrette card, fold card, earring card, hair card, tag etc
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Perfect Packing Industry Co., Ltd is a professional Chinese supplier specializing in all kinds of plastic packaging bag and paper products. We have complete production line for color printing and bag making, impressing, sealing, and automatic sticking can be finished without interval. Based on our principle of sincerity obeyed, quality guaranteed, we export all our products to North and South America, Europe, Mid East, and Africa. Advanced machines, rich experienced operators, high-quality services bring us favorable reputation and repeated orders year by year. Interesting in cooperating with companies we sincerely Welcome to create a US glories in packaging Industry Future Main Products: 1. Plastic bags: bopp bag, opp bag, ziplock bag, stand up pouch, vacuum food bag, bag in box packing, candy bag, flower bag, flower wrapping sleeves, mailing bag, flower pot cover, spout pouch, aseptic bag, juice pouch. , Bag zipper, reclosable Bag, etc. retort Pouch 2. Jewelry packaging: OPP bag, jewelry card, necklace card, barrette card, fold card, earring card, hair card, tag etc.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Perfect Packing Industry Co, Ltd is a professional Chinese supplier specializing in all kinds of plastic packaging bag. And paper products. We have complete production line for color printing and bag making impressing sealing and automatic,,,, Sticking can be finished without interval. Based on our principle of sincerity obeyed quality guaranteed,,We export all our products to North and South America Europe Mid East,,,, and Africa. Advanced machines rich experienced. Operators high-quality services, bring us favorable reputation and repeated orders year by year. Sincerely we welcome companies. Interesting in cooperating with us to create a glories future in packaging industry

Main Products:
1. Plastic bags: BOPP. Bag OPP bag ziplock bag,,,Stand, up pouch vacuum food bag bag in, box, bag packing candy, bag flower flower, wrapping sleeves mailing bag flower,,, Pot cover spout pouch aseptic bag,,,,, juice pouch zipper bag, reclosable bag retort pouch etc.
2. Jewelry packaging: OPP. Bag jewelry, card, card necklace, card barrette, card fold, card earring, card tag hair, etc.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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