ตัวอย่างจดหมายสั่งซื้อสินค้าภาษาอังกฤษGiant musical instrument Store,2 การแปล - ตัวอย่างจดหมายสั่งซื้อสินค้าภาษาอังกฤษGiant musical instrument Store,2 อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



Giant musical instrument Store,
20 Rama 7 Road, Lumpinee, Pratumwan,
Bangkok 10330.

10 March 2010

Siam Musical Store,
60 Rajburana Road, Bangpakok,
Bangkok 10140.

Dear Sirs,

In our correspondence on the orders of Thai musical instruments from you, we are pleased to order the goods of your warehouse as mentioned below:
1. The oboes 10 sets
2. The tenor fiddles 20 sets
3. The gongs 5 sets
Please dispatch a copy of the credit note immediately for our inspection.Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Charee Meesuksun
Head of department


เรียน ท่านที่นับถือ

ในการตอบรับเกี่ยวกับการซื้อเครื่องดนตรีจากคุณแล้ว ทางเรารู้สึกยินดีที่จะสั่งสินค้าซึ่งเป็นเครื่องดนตรีไทยจากคลังสินค้าของท่านดังรายการต่อไปนี้
1. ปี่ 10 เลา
2. ซอด้วง 20 อัน
3. ฆ้อง 5 วง

ชาลี มีสุขสันต์

เมื่อเราได้ยืนยันการสั่งซื้อไปแล้ว ทางบริษัทที่จำหน่ายสินค้าได้รับจดหมาย เราจะได้รับจดหมายตอบกลับจากเขา ในทำนองนี้

Dear Sirs,

We are appreciative of your letter on March 10, 2010. We have pleasure to tell you that we have delivered the ordered goods today. We have attached a copy of bill for your forward data. We assure you of our best service.

Yours faithfully,
Tony Taylor
Sales Manager

"ทางเราขอขอบคุณที่ท่านติดต่อมาเมื่อวันที่ 10 มีนาคม 2010 ทางเรารู้สึกยินดีที่จะเรียนท่านให้ทราบว่าสินค้าที่สั่งได้ถูกจัดส่งไปแล้ววันนี้ ทางเราได้แนบสำเนาใบเสร็จให้มาเป็นข้อมูลล่วงหน้า มั่นใจได้ว่าเราจะบริการคุณอย่างดีที่สุด
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Sample letter to order in English.Giant musical instrument Store,20 Rama 7 Road, Lumpinee, Pratumwan,Bangkok 10330.10 March 2010Siam Musical Store,60 Rajburana Road, Bangpakok,Bangkok 10140.Dear Sirs,In our correspondence on the orders of Thai musical instruments from you, we are pleased to order the goods of your warehouse as mentioned below:1. The oboes 10 sets2. The tenor fiddles 20 sets3. The gongs 5 setsPlease dispatch a copy of the credit note immediately for our inspection.Thank you.Yours faithfully,Charee MeesuksunHead of departmentTranslation of the letter.Dear esteemed clients.In response, about buying musical instruments from you. We feel happy to order items which are the Thai musical instruments from his warehouse in the following list:1. PI-10: 30 a.m.2. software and 20 beetle3. Gong 5 bandPlease send a copy of the invoice to us immediately to check the gratitude.Get ready to salute.Charlie Have a Merry?Head of the Department.Once we have confirmed your order, then the company that sells the item has been received, we will mail a letter reply from him. In this wayDear Sirs,We are appreciative of your letter on March 10, 2010. We have pleasure to tell you that we have delivered the ordered goods today. We have attached a copy of bill for your forward data. We assure you of our best service.Yours faithfully,Tony TaylorSales ManagerTranslation of the letter."We thank you for your contact to March 10 2010, we feel happy to learn you that items ordered have been shipped today. We have attached a copy of the receipt to be sure in advance that we will serve you the best.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Sample order English Giant musical instrument Store, 20 Rama 7 Road, Lumpinee, Pratumwan, Bangkok 10330. 10 March 2010 Siam Musical Store, 60 Rajburana Road, Bangpakok, Bangkok 10140. Dear Sirs, In our Correspondence on The orders of. Thai musical Instruments from You, we are pleased to Order The goods of your warehouse As mentioned Below: 1. The Oboes 10 sets 20 sets 2. The Tenor Fiddles 3. The Gongs 5 sets Please note immediately dispatch a Copy of The Credit for our. You Inspection.Thank. Yours faithfully, Charee Meesuksun Head of Department Translation letter report. You esteemed in feedback about buying instruments from you. We feel pleasure to order from the warehouse of Thailand, which is the instrument of the following items : 1. In addition to 10 of 20 beetles 2. 3. gong 5 bands , please send a copy of the invoice to us immediately to check grateful Yours get hold of Charlie. Happy with department heads when we have confirmation of purchase. The company's products have received the letter. We will get a reply from him. In this manner, Dear Sirs, We are appreciative of your letter on March 10, 2010. We Have pleasure to tell You that we Have Delivered The ordered goods today. We Have attached a Copy of your bill for Forward Data. We assure of our You. best Service. Yours faithfully, Tony Taylor Sales Manager Translation letters "We appreciate that you contact us on 10 March 2010, we are pleased to tell you that you order has been shipped today. We have attached a copy of the receipt to the data in advance. Rest assured, we will serve you best.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Sample order letter English

Store Giant musical instrument, 20 Rama 7 Road Lumpinee Pratumwan,,, Bangkok 10330

10. March 2010

Store Siam Musical, 60, Rajburana Road, Bangkok 10140 Bangpakok

In Sirs Dear, our correspondence on the orders. Of Thai musical instruments, from youWe are pleased to order the goods of your warehouse as mentioned below:
1. The oboes 10 sets
2. The tenor fiddles 20 sets
3.? The gongs 5 sets
Please dispatch a copy of the credit note immediately for our inspection.Thank you.

Charee faithfully Yours,, Meesuksun
Head of department

n letter dear esteemed

.In response, about buying the instrument from you. We feel happy to order a seaplane from your warehouse as following
1. PI 10 Lau
2. Sentence 20 A
3.? The Gong 5 band
.Please send a copy of the invoice to us immediately to investigate the thank you

I show ความรับ hold
Charlie. Have a happy

.Once we confirm the order. The company sold products received a letter. We got a reply from him. In this manner

We, Dear Sirs are appreciative of your letter on, March 10 2010. We have pleasure. To tell you that we have delivered the ordered goods today.We have attached a copy of bill for your forward data. We assure you of our best service.

, Yours faithfully Tony Taylor Sales. Manager

. One letter"We thank you for your contact on 10 March 2010 we feel pleased to learn you to know that the ordered goods have been shipped out today. We have attached a copy of the receipt to be data in advance.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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