Thank you for trying to understand my Bad English. Not a day goes by t การแปล - Thank you for trying to understand my Bad English. Not a day goes by t อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Thank you for trying to understand

Thank you for trying to understand my Bad English. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I am waiting for an email from you all day. My sweet I understood you that you said don’t want money from me.I I have had bad experience with bad man in TLL , yes who try to ask me for money, But I know his tricks I had to cancel and do not talk to him anymore. But I did not report TLL

My mother lived in a district outside Roi, my father died a long time ago. I have two brothers, they were running the government. One is a teacher like me, another one is a policeman, he likes to play golf like you. They live in own houses. Hope you will not mind if I say that I have one daughter and one son, ages 15 and 16 years, they lived with my mother. If you don't mine please love them, pity them because he had no father. I talk about you to my family. I said I have met people who is agood man , understand me everything but who is a foreigner. They are pleased to see me happy and acceptable you, Because they saw I was crying for a long time. And everyone wants to know you.
Darling. I have everything that you want in a wife, but it does not mean I will be perfect 100% No relationship is perfect, ever. but the love we have for each other
is bigger than these small differences. I will be myself I'm willing to do everything for you. 'Cause I love you true. I've never expected you'll give anything back to me. Please keep me in your heart. It's the only thing that I wish to be.
Please pity me .My heart filled wound ,waiting for real love come for care and treatment . Please don't walk away from me. love me what I am. If I love who once again, I ask you to have me?

Thank you for your unconditional love. You are my reason for living. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I hope that my the letter will not change your feeling to me.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
thank you for trying to understand my bad english. not a day goes by that i don't think of you. i am waiting for an email from you all day. my sweet i understood you that you said don't want money from me.ii have had bad experience with bad man in tll, yes who try to ask me for money, but i know his tricks i had to cancel and do not talk to. him anymore. but i did not report tll

.my mother lived in a district outside roi, my father died a long time ago. i have two brothers, they were running the government. one is a teacher like me, another one is a policeman, he likes to play golf like you. they live in own houses. hope you will not mind if i say that i have one daughter and one son, ages 15 and 16 years, they lived with my mother. if you don't mine please love them,.pity them because he had no father. i talk about you to my family. i said i have met people who is agood man, understand me everything but who is a foreigner. they are pleased to see me happy and acceptable you, because they saw i was crying for a long time. and everyone wants to know you.
darling. i have everything that you want in a wife,.but it does not mean i will be perfect 100% no relationship is perfect, ever. but the love we have for each other
is bigger than these small differences. i will be myself i'm willing to do everything for you. 'Cause i love you true. i've never expected you'll give anything back to me. please keep me in your heart. it's the only thing that i wish to be.
please pity me. my heart filled wound,.waiting for real love come for care and treatment. please don't walk away from me. love me what i am. if i love who once again, i ask you to have me?

thank you for your unconditional love. you are my reason for living. i want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I hope that my the letter will not change your feeling to me.
Love & kiss

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Thank you for trying to understand my Bad English. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I am waiting for an email from you all day. My sweet I understood you that you said don't want money from me.I I have had bad experience with bad man in TLL , yes who try to ask me for money, But I know his tricks I had to cancel and do not talk to him anymore. But I did not report TLL

My mother lived in a district outside Roi, my father died a long time ago. I have two brothers, they were running the government. One is a teacher like me, another one is a policeman, he likes to play golf like you. They live in own houses. Hope you will not mind if I say that I have one daughter and one son, ages 15 and 16 years, they lived with my mother. If you don't mine please love them, pity them because he had no father. I talk about you to my family. I said I have met people who is agood man , understand me everything but who is a foreigner. They are pleased to see me happy and acceptable you, Because they saw I was crying for a long time. And everyone wants to know you.
Darling. I have everything that you want in a wife, but it does not mean I will be perfect 100% No relationship is perfect, ever. but the love we have for each other
is bigger than these small differences. I will be myself I'm willing to do everything for you. 'Cause I love you true. I've never expected you'll give anything back to me. Please keep me in your heart. It's the only thing that I wish to be.
Please pity me .My heart filled wound ,waiting for real love come for care and treatment . Please don't walk away from me. love me what I am. If I love who once again, I ask you to have me?

Thank you for your unconditional love. You are my reason for living. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I hope that my the letter will not change your feeling to me.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Thank you for trying to understand my Bad English.Not I a day goes by that you don' T think of. I am waiting for an email from you all day. sweet My I understood you said that you don' t want money from me. I I have had bad experience with bad man in TLL, yes who try to ask me for money, But I I know his tricks had to cancel and do not talk to him anymore. But I did not report TLL

mother lived in a District outside My Roi, My father died a long time ago. I have two brothers, they were running the government. One is a teacher like me, another one is a policeman, he likes to play golf like you. They live in own houses. Hope will not mind if you say that I I have one daughter and one son, ages 15 and 16 years, they lived with my mother. If you don 't mine please love them,pity them because he had no father. I talk to you about my family. I I said people who have met is agood man, understand me everything but who is a foreigner. They are pleased to see me happy and you acceptable, they saw Because I was crying for a long time. And everyone wants to know you.
Darling.I have everything that you want in a wife,but it does not mean I will be 100% perfect No relationship is perfect, ever. but the love we have for each other
is bigger than these small differences. I I myself' will be willing to do everything for you m. 'Cause I true love you. I', 'll give you ve never expected anything back to me. Keep me in your heart Please. It' s the only thing that wish to be I.
Please pity me. My filled heart wound,waiting for real love come for care and treatment. Please don' T walk away from me. love me what am I. If I who love once again, I ask you to have me?

Thank you for your unconditional love. You are my reason for living. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
I the hope that my letter will not change your feeling to me.

Love & kiss Nicha

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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