While many clothes are made ready to wear today, you will still find s การแปล - While many clothes are made ready to wear today, you will still find s อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

While many clothes are made ready t

While many clothes are made ready to wear today, you will still find some items that need to be ironed occasionally. You can ruin your clothing if you don’t know how to use an iron.

Edit Steps1Check to see if the clothing can be ironed. Look at the tags to see if they provide ironing instructions. If they don't tell you what setting to put your iron, then look to see if they indicate what material the fabric is made of; some irons have setting based on type of material.

2Set up the ironing area. Use a sturdy table or ironing board.

3Fill the iron’s water reservoir, if it has one. Make sure that you use filtered water to avoid calcium build-up in your iron, which could end up clogging the iron's steam spouts.

4Set the iron on the appropriate setting and let it heat up.

5Begin ironing by laying your garment flat on the board. Make sure there are no wrinkles.

6Begin ironing. Do not let the iron sit still on the garment.

7Turn the clothing over and iron the other side.

8Hang the clothing on a hanger immediately to prevent re-wrinkling.

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
while many clothes are made ready to wear today, you will still find some items that need to be ironed occasionally. you can ruin your clothing if you don't know how to use an iron.

Edit steps1check to see if the clothing can be ironed. look at the tags to see if they provide ironing instructions. if they don't tell you what setting to put your iron,.then look to see if they indicate what material the fabric is made of; some irons have setting based on type of material.

2set up the ironing area. use a sturdy table or ironing board.

3fill the iron's water reservoir, if it has one. make sure that you use filtered water to avoid calcium build-up in your iron, which could end up clogging the iron's steam spouts.

.4set the iron on the appropriate setting and let it heat up.

5begin ironing by laying your garment flat on the board. make sure there are no wrinkles.

6begin ironing. do not let the iron sit still on the garment.

7turn the clothing over and iron the other side.

8hang the clothing on a hanger immediately to prevent re-wrinkling.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
While many clothes are made ready to wear today, you will still find some items that need to be ironed occasionally. You can ruin your clothing if you don't know how to use an iron.

Edit Steps1Check to see if the clothing can be ironed. Look at the tags to see if they provide ironing instructions. If they don't tell you what setting to put your iron, then look to see if they indicate what material the fabric is made of; some irons have setting based on type of material.

2Set up the ironing area. Use a sturdy table or ironing board.

3Fill the iron's water reservoir, if it has one. Make sure that you use filtered water to avoid calcium build-up in your iron, which could end up clogging the iron's steam spouts.

4Set the iron on the appropriate setting and let it heat up.

5Begin ironing by laying your garment flat on the board. Make sure there are no wrinkles.

6Begin ironing. Do not let the iron sit still on the garment.

7Turn the clothing over and iron the other side.

8Hang the clothing on a hanger immediately to prevent re-wrinkling.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
many While clothes are made ready to wear today, you will still find some items that need to be ironed occasionally. You can ruin your clothing if you don' T know how to use an iron.

Edit Steps Check 1 to see if the clothing can be ironed. Look at the tags to see if they provide ironing instructions.If they don' T tell you what setting to put your iron,then look to see if they indicate what the fabric is made of material; some have irons setting based on type of material.

2 Set up the ironing area. Use a sturdy table or ironing board.

3 Fill the iron's Water reservoir, if it has one. Make sure that you use filtered water to avoid calcium build-up in your iron, which could end up clogging the iron's steam spouts.

4 Set the iron on the appropriate setting and let it heat up.

5 Begin ironing your garment by laying flat on the board. Make sure there are no wrinkles.

6 Begin ironing. Do not let the iron sit still on the garment.

7 Turn clothing over the iron and the other side.

8 Hang the clothing on a hanger immediately to prevent re-wrinkling.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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