Both primary and secondary data will be used in order to complete this การแปล - Both primary and secondary data will be used in order to complete this อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Both primary and secondary data wil

Both primary and secondary data will be used in order to complete this study. Primary data
collection is done through self-administered questionnaire distribution. The questionnaire is handed
out by physical distribution and online distribution. For physical distribution, respondent located in
Bukit Jalil is chosen.
The majority of the respondents consist of students from the Asia Pacific University of
Technology and Innovation (APU) and Technology Park Malaysia College (TPM). For online
distribution, it is distributed through email as well as social media to people around Klang Valley.
It is distributed by convenient non-probability random sampling method, where respondents are
chosen randomly among the targeted group.
The result obtained from online distribution is not a summarized result. It is received in
individual answers. In this research, 150 questionnaires are distributed. Questionnaire distribution
International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2013, 3(12): 2426-2440
© 2013 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved
is controlled, so that it do not bias to only one age group or gender. For secondary research, data
are collected through literature review. Information is obtained from various sources such as
Google scholar, a directory of open access journals (DOAJ) and Emerald.
The scope of the literature reviewed include area like consumer behavior, consumer decision
process, Smartphone in Malaysia, Generation Y and determinant of the purchase decision,
including brand concern, convenience concern, dependency concern, price concern, product feature
concern and social influence concern. Variables derived from these literature reviews is
investigated through primary research.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Both primary and secondary data will be used in order to complete this study. Primary datacollection is done through self-administered questionnaire distribution. The questionnaire is handedout by physical distribution and online distribution. For physical distribution, respondent located inBukit Jalil is chosen.The majority of the respondents consist of students from the Asia Pacific University ofTechnology and Innovation (APU) and Technology Park Malaysia College (TPM). For onlinedistribution, it is distributed through email as well as social media to people around Klang Valley.It is distributed by convenient non-probability random sampling method, where respondents arechosen randomly among the targeted group.The result obtained from online distribution is not a summarized result. It is received inindividual answers. In this research, 150 questionnaires are distributed. Questionnaire distribution International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2013, 3(12): 2426-2440© 2013 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved2432is controlled, so that it do not bias to only one age group or gender. For secondary research, dataare collected through literature review. Information is obtained from various sources such asGoogle scholar, a directory of open access journals (DOAJ) and Emerald.The scope of the literature reviewed include area like consumer behavior, consumer decisionprocess, Smartphone in Malaysia, Generation Y and determinant of the purchase decision,including brand concern, convenience concern, dependency concern, price concern, product featureconcern and social influence concern. Variables derived from these literature reviews isinvestigated through primary research.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Both primary and secondary data will be used in order to complete this study. Primary data
collection is done through self-administered. Questionnaire distribution. The questionnaire is handed
out by physical distribution and online distribution. For physical. Distribution respondent located, in
Bukit Jalil is chosen.
.The majority of the respondents consist of students from the Asia Pacific University of
Technology and Innovation (APU). And Technology Park Malaysia College (TPM). For online
distribution it is, distributed through email as well as social media. To people around Klang Valley.
It is distributed by convenient non-probability random sampling method where respondents,, Are
.Chosen randomly among the targeted group.
The result obtained from online distribution is not a summarized result. It is. Received in
individual answers. In this research 150 questionnaires, are distributed. Questionnaire distribution
International. Journal of Asian Social Science 2013 3 (,, 12): 2426-2440
s 2013 AESS Publications. All Rights Reserved

is, 2432 controlledSo that it do not bias to only one age group or gender. For, secondary research data
are collected through literature, review. Information is obtained from various sources such as
Google scholar a directory, of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Emerald.
The. Scope of the literature reviewed include area like, consumer behavior consumer decision
process Smartphone in Malaysia,,Generation Y and determinant of the, purchase decision
including brand concern convenience concern concern dependency,,,, Price, concern product feature
concern and social influence concern. Variables derived from these literature reviews is
investigated. Through primary research.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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