Loy Krathong Day is one of the most popular festivals of Thailand cele การแปล - Loy Krathong Day is one of the most popular festivals of Thailand cele อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Loy Krathong Day is one of the most

Loy Krathong Day is one of the most popular festivals of Thailand celebrated annually on the Full-Moon Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month. It takes place at a time when the weather is fine as the rainy season is over and there is a high water level all over the country.

"Loy" means "to float" and a "Krathong" is a lotus-shaped vessel made of banana leaves. The Krathong usually contains a candle, three joss-sticks, some flowers and coins.

In fact, the festival is of Brahmin origin in which people offer thanks to the Goddess of the water. Thus, by moonlight, people light the candles and joss-sticks,

make a wish and launch their Krathongs on canals, rivers or even small ponds. It is believed that the Krathongs carry away sins and bad luck, and the wishes that have been made for the new year due to start. Indeed, it is the time to be joyful and happy as the sufferings are floated away.

The festival starts in the evening when there is a full moon in the sky. People of all walks of life carry their Krathongs to the nearby rivers. After lighting candles and joss-sticks and making a wish, they gently place the Krathongs on the water and let them drift away till they go out of sight.

A Beauty Queen Contest is an important part of the festival and for this occasion

it is called "The Noppamas Queen Contest". Noppamas is a legendary figure from the Sukhothai period. Old documents refer to her as the chief royal consort of a Sukhothai Kng named "Lithai". Noppamas was said to have made the first decorated Krathong to float in the river on the occasion.

In Bangkok, major establishments such as leading hotels and amusement parks organise their Loy Krathong Festival and the Krathong contest as mojor annual function.

For visitors to Thailand, the Loy Krathong Festival is an occasion not to be missed. the festival is listed in the tourist calendar. Everyone is invited to take part and share the joy and happiness.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
loy krathong day is one of the most popular festivals of thailand celebrated annually on the full-moon day of the twelfth lunar month. it takes place at a time when the weather is fine as the rainy season is over and there is a high water level all over the country.

"loy" means "to float" and a "krathong" is a lotus-shaped. vessel made of banana leaves. the krathong usually contains a candle,.three joss-sticks, some flowers and coins.

in fact, the festival is of brahmin origin in which people offer thanks to the goddess of the water. thus, by moonlight, people light the candles and joss-sticks,

make a wish and launch their krathongs on canals, rivers or even small ponds. it is believed that the krathongs carry away sins and bad luck,.and the wishes that have been made for the new year due to start. indeed, it is the time to be joyful and happy as the sufferings are floated away.

the festival starts in the evening when there is a full moon in the sky. people of all walks of life carry their krathongs to the nearby rivers. after lighting candles and joss-sticks and making a wish,.they gently place the krathongs on the water and let them drift away till they go out of sight.

a beauty queen contest is an important part of the festival and for this occasion

it is called "the noppamas queen contest". noppamas is a legendary figure from the sukhothai period. old documents refer to her as the chief royal consort of a sukhothai kng named "lithai".noppamas was said to have made the first decorated krathong to float in the river on the occasion.

in bangkok, major establishments such as leading hotels and amusement parks organise their loy krathong festival and the krathong contest as mojor annual function.

. for visitors to thailand, the loy krathong festival is an occasion not to be missed.the festival is listed in the tourist calendar. everyone is invited to take part and share the joy and happiness.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Loy Krathong Day is one of the most popular festivals of Thailand celebrated annually on the Full-Moon Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month. It takes place at a time when the weather is fine as the rainy season is over and there is a high water level all over the country.

"Loy" means "to float" and a "Krathong" is a lotus-shaped vessel made of banana leaves. The Krathong usually contains a candle, three joss-sticks, some flowers and coins.

In fact, the festival is of Brahmin origin in which people offer thanks to the Goddess of the water. Thus, by moonlight, people light the candles and joss-sticks,

make a wish and launch their Krathongs on canals, rivers or even small ponds. It is believed that the Krathongs carry away sins and bad luck, and the wishes that have been made for the new year due to start. Indeed, it is the time to be joyful and happy as the sufferings are floated away.

The festival starts in the evening when there is a full moon in the sky. People of all walks of life carry their Krathongs to the nearby rivers. After lighting candles and joss-sticks and making a wish, they gently place the Krathongs on the water and let them drift away till they go out of sight.

A Beauty Queen Contest is an important part of the festival and for this occasion

it is called "The Noppamas Queen Contest". Noppamas is a legendary figure from the Sukhothai period. Old documents refer to her as the chief royal consort of a Sukhothai Kng named "Lithai". Noppamas was said to have made the first decorated Krathong to float in the river on the occasion.

In Bangkok, major establishments such as leading hotels and amusement parks organise their Loy Krathong Festival and the Krathong contest as mojor annual function.

For visitors to Thailand, the Loy Krathong Festival is an occasion not to be missed. the festival is listed in the tourist calendar. Everyone is invited to take part and share the joy and happiness.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Loy Krathong Day is one of the most popular festivals of Thailand celebrated annually on the Full - Moon Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month.It takes place at a time when the weather is fine as the rainy season is over and there is a high water level all over the country.

"Loy" means "to float" and a "Krathong" is a lotus-shaped vessel made of banana leaves. The Krathong usually contains a candle,three joss-sticks, some flowers and coins.

In fact, Brahmin origin of the Festival is in which people offer thanks to the water of the Goddess. Thus, by moonlight, the people light candles and joss-sticks,

make a wish and launch their Krathongs on canals, rivers or even small ponds. It Krathongs is believed that carry away the sins and bad luck,and the wishes that have been made for the new year due to start.Indeed, it is the time to be joyful and happy as the sufferings are floated away.

The festival starts in the evening when there is a full moon in the sky. People of all walks of life to the nearby rivers carry their Krathongs. After lighting candles and joss-sticks and making a wish,they gently place the Krathongs on the water and let them drift away till they go out of sight.

A Beauty Queen Contest is an important part of the Festival and for this occasion

it is called "The Noppamas Queen Contest." Noppamas is a legendary figure from the Sukhothai period. Old documents refer to her as the chief of a royal consort Sukhothai Kng named "Lithai".Noppamas was said to have made the first decorated Krathong to float in the river on the occasion.

In Bangkok, leading major establishments such as hotels and amusement parks and organise their Loy Krathong Festival Krathong contest as the mojor annual function.

For Thailand to visitors, the Loy Krathong Festival is an occasion not to be missed.The festival is listed in the tourist calendar. Everyone is invited to take part and share the joy and happiness.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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