Free time is when all my homework and chores have been done for the da การแปล - Free time is when all my homework and chores have been done for the da อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Free time is when all my homework a

Free time is when all my homework and chores have been done for the day and I am "free" to do things that I enjoy doing.

Usually I spend time watching television. As my favorite TV shows come on at specific times, I make sure that I finish my homework and chores well before the shows. Otherwise I will have to miss them. Mostly I manage to watch the shows but sometimes extra homework or chores may cause me to miss a show or two, but it is rare. Anyhow if I know that I am definitely not able to catch a show in time, I will just set the video recorder to tape the show so that I can watch it later.

Another thing that I do in my free time is potter around in the garden with my mother. She plants a fair bit of flowers and I enjoy helping her take care of them. It is a pleasure to feel the soil, prune the plants, remove the weeds and do the little things that help the plants grow better. It always fills me with wonder to watch seedlings germinate, sprout leaves and eventually grow to produce beautiful flowers.

Pottering around in the garden also taught me many things about the insects, butterflies, snails, caterpillars, centipedes, millipedes and other small creatures that inhabit the place. These creatures are mainly harmless and watching them go about their 'chores' always fascinates me.

In the evening when the weather is fine, i sometimes go for a stroll around the neighborhood with my friends. This is the time when most the neighbors have come home from work or school. We say hello to those whom we know. They are mostly friendly people and they acknowledge our greetings. Once in a while we come upon unfriendly neighbors but we just ignore them and carry on.

In the night, I usually do a bit of reading before going to bed. Books are like little treasure chests. A lot of information and knowledge are to be found in them and all it takes is a bit of time spent reading them. This is certainly a very beneficial way to spend my free time. After a spot of reading, it is time for bed and on to another day.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Free time is when all my homework and chores have been done for the day and I am "free" to do things that I enjoy doing.Usually I spend time watching television. As my favorite TV shows come on at specific times, I make sure that I finish my homework and chores well before the shows. Otherwise I will have to miss them. Mostly I manage to watch the shows but sometimes extra homework or chores may cause me to miss a show or two, but it is rare. Anyhow if I know that I am definitely not able to catch a show in time, I will just set the video recorder to tape the show so that I can watch it later.Another thing that I do in my free time is potter around in the garden with my mother. She plants a fair bit of flowers and I enjoy helping her take care of them. It is a pleasure to feel the soil, prune the plants, remove the weeds and do the little things that help the plants grow better. It always fills me with wonder to watch seedlings germinate, sprout leaves and eventually grow to produce beautiful flowers.Pottering around in the garden also taught me many things about the insects, butterflies, snails, caterpillars, centipedes, millipedes and other small creatures that inhabit the place. These creatures are mainly harmless and watching them go about their 'chores' always fascinates me.In the evening when the weather is fine, i sometimes go for a stroll around the neighborhood with my friends. This is the time when most the neighbors have come home from work or school. We say hello to those whom we know. They are mostly friendly people and they acknowledge our greetings. Once in a while we come upon unfriendly neighbors but we just ignore them and carry on.In the night, I usually do a bit of reading before going to bed. Books are like little treasure chests. A lot of information and knowledge are to be found in them and all it takes is a bit of time spent reading them. This is certainly a very beneficial way to spend my free time. After a spot of reading, it is time for bed and on to another day.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Free time is when all my homework and chores have been done for the day and I am "free" to do things that I enjoy doing.

Usually. I spend time watching television. As my favorite TV shows come on at specific times I make, sure that I finish my homework. And chores well before the shows. Otherwise I will have to miss them.Mostly I manage to watch the shows but sometimes extra homework or chores may cause me to miss a show, or two but it is. Rare. Anyhow if I know that I am definitely not able to catch a show in time I will, just set the video recorder to tape. The show so that I can watch it later.

Another thing that I do in my free time is potter around in the garden with my mother.She plants a fair bit of flowers and I enjoy helping her take care of them. It is a pleasure to feel the soil prune the,, Plants remove the, weeds and do the little things that help the plants grow better. It always fills me with wonder to watch. Seedlings germinate sprout leaves, and eventually grow to produce beautiful flowers.

.Pottering around in the garden also taught me many things about the insects butterflies snails,,,,,, centipedes caterpillars Millipedes and other small creatures that inhabit the place. These creatures are mainly harmless and watching them go about. Their 'chores' always fascinates me.

In the evening when the weather, is fine I sometimes go for a stroll around the neighborhood. With my friends.This is the time when most the neighbors have come home from work or school. We say hello to those whom we know. They are. Mostly friendly people and they acknowledge our greetings. Once in a while we come upon unfriendly neighbors but we just. Ignore them and carry on.

In the night I usually, do a bit of reading before going to bed. Books are like little treasure. Chests.A lot of information and knowledge are to be found in them and all it takes is a bit of time spent reading them. This is. Certainly a very beneficial way to spend my free time. After a spot, of reading it is time for bed and on to another day.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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