4.1. The Hanoi water distribution network The Hanoi water distribution การแปล - 4.1. The Hanoi water distribution network The Hanoi water distribution แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

4.1. The Hanoi water distribution n

4.1. The Hanoi water distribution network
The Hanoi water distribution problem has been attacked many times before in the literature [3,9,5,25,8,4], and to
gauge the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, we will apply it to this same problem.

The network consists of one fixed head source, 34 pipes and 31 demand nodes subject to a load condition.
Furthermore, the network has three grids and two ramified branches. One has to find the diameters for the 34 pipes
such that the total cost of this network is minimal and the pressure at each node of consumption is at least 30 m.

For this problem 100 executions of the full algorithm were performed. The costs of the best solution for each run
appear in Fig. 1. Furthermore, Table 1 displays the cost of our best solution obtained compared with the results from
other authors.
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01.04. die Hanoi water verspreidingsnetwerk
die Hanoi water verspreiding probleem is aangeval baie keer voor in die letterkunde [3,9,5,25,8,4], en
meet die doeltreffendheid van ons voorgestelde algoritme, ons sal aansoek doen om dit te. dieselfde probleem
die netwerk bestaan ​​uit 'n vaste hoof bron, 34 pype en 31 vraag nodes onderhewig aan 'n las toestand.
verder.,.die netwerk het drie roosters en twee geraamd takke. een het die deursnee te vind vir die 34 pype
sodanig dat die totale koste van hierdie netwerk is minimaal en die druk by elke knoop van verbruik is ten minste 30 m
. vir hierdie probleem 100 teregstellings van die volle algoritme uitgevoer is. die koste van die beste oplossing vir elke lopie
verskyn in Fig. Eerste. Verder het.tabel 1 toon die koste van ons beste oplossing verkry in vergelyking met die resultate van
ander skrywers.
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