american's find a wide range of subjects particularly laughable and Am การแปล - american's find a wide range of subjects particularly laughable and Am อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

american's find a wide range of sub

american's find a wide range of subjects particularly laughable and American humour has its own aspects

that set it apart from the humour of other countries.

American humour usually concerns aspects of American culture

there are many aspects that will determine if an American will find something funny

the individuals'demographic location, culture and level of education all play a role in what he or she finds funny

Humour began to emerge in the United States shortly after the American Revolution

Humour was typically delivered in written and spoken froms with cartoons often being the most popular humour medium

stand up comedy began to receive notable attention during the 1970s american humour most often refers observational techniques

it often seeks to highlight the aspects of American culture that are obvious while at the same time highlighting the culutre's ridiculousness

the most well known form of american humour is the television sitcom or situation comedy

this form of comedy was first developed in radio and later become the primary form of comedy on television around the world

many sitcoms are based on families and family situations and often portray the characters in a comedic mess as a scheme they developed to achieve a goal fails

another common thread in us sitcoms is the workplace comedy

these sitcoms share the same basic structure as the traditional family sitcom

however, the comedic scheme to achieve a goal is portrayed in a workplace setting

the workplace comedy often uses observational comedy to portray workplace situations most americans are able to relate to

a common misconception of the television that we watch is that most well known shows originated in the united states

the television sitcom provides an opportunity to compare american and british humour, as many amjbiuerican television comedies are simply adaptations of already popular british television shows

for example the office a workplace comedy, is one of the most notable and successful american television comedies

the office was originally a british sitcom that was successfully remade for an american audience using the same title and in many instances even the same script
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
american's find a wide range of subjects particularly laughable and american humour has its own aspects

that set it apart from the humour of other countries.

american humour usually concerns aspects of american culture

there are many aspects that will determine if an. american will find something funny

the individuals'demographic location,.culture and level of education all play a role in what he or she finds funny

humour began to emerge in the united states shortly after the american revolution

humour was typically delivered in written and spoken froms with cartoons often being the most. popular humour medium

.stand up comedy began to receive notable attention during the 1970s american humour most often refers observational techniques

it often seeks to highlight the aspects of american culture that are obvious while at the same time highlighting the culutre's ridiculousness

the most well known. form of american humour is the television sitcom or situation comedy

.this form of comedy was first developed in radio and later become the primary form of comedy on television around the world

many sitcoms are based on families and family situations and often portray the characters in a comedic mess as a scheme they developed to achieve a. goal fails

another common thread in us sitcoms is the workplace comedy

.these sitcoms share the same basic structure as the traditional family sitcom

however, the comedic scheme to achieve a goal is portrayed in a workplace setting

the workplace comedy often uses observational comedy to portray workplace situations most americans are able to relate to

.a common misconception of the television that we watch is that most well known shows originated in the united states

the television sitcom provides an opportunity to compare american and british humour, as many amjbiuerican television comedies are simply adaptations of already popular british television shows
for example the office a workplace comedy,.is one of the most notable and successful american television comedies

the office was originally a british sitcom that was successfully remade for an american audience using the same title and in many instances even the same script.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
american's find a wide range of subjects particularly laughable and American humour has its own aspects

that set it apart from the humour of other countries.

American humour usually concerns aspects of American culture

there are many aspects that will determine if an American will find something funny

the individuals'demographic location, culture and level of education all play a role in what he or she finds funny

Humour began to emerge in the United States shortly after the American Revolution

Humour was typically delivered in written and spoken froms with cartoons often being the most popular humour medium

stand up comedy began to receive notable attention during the 1970s american humour most often refers observational techniques

it often seeks to highlight the aspects of American culture that are obvious while at the same time highlighting the culutre's ridiculousness

the most well known form of american humour is the television sitcom or situation comedy

this form of comedy was first developed in radio and later become the primary form of comedy on television around the world

many sitcoms are based on families and family situations and often portray the characters in a comedic mess as a scheme they developed to achieve a goal fails

another common thread in us sitcoms is the workplace comedy

these sitcoms share the same basic structure as the traditional family sitcom

however, the comedic scheme to achieve a goal is portrayed in a workplace setting

the workplace comedy often uses observational comedy to portray workplace situations most americans are able to relate to

a common misconception of the television that we watch is that most well known shows originated in the united states

the television sitcom provides an opportunity to compare american and british humour, as many amjbiuerican television comedies are simply adaptations of already popular british television shows

for example the office a workplace comedy, is one of the most notable and successful american television comedies

the office was originally a british sitcom that was successfully remade for an american audience using the same title and in many instances even the same script
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
American's find a wide range of subjects and particularly laughable American humour has its own aspects

that set it apart from the other countries of humour.

American humour usually concerns aspects of culture American

there are many aspects that will determine if an American will find something funny

the individuals' demographic location,level of education and culture all play a role in what he or she finds funny

Humour began to emerge in the United States shortly after the American Revolution

Humour was typically delivered in written and spoken froms with cartoons often being the most popular medium humour

stand up comedy began to receive attention during the 1970s American notable humour observational techniques most often refers

it often seeks to highlight the aspects of culture that are obvious American while at the same time highlighting the culutre's ridiculousness

the most well known form of American humour is the television situation comedy or sitcom

This form of comedy was first developed in radio and later become the primary form of comedy on television around the world

many sitcoms are based on families and family situations and often portray the characters in a comedic mess as they developed a scheme to achieve a goal fails

us sitcoms is another common thread in the workplace comedy

these sitcoms share the same basic structure as the traditional family sitcom

however, the comedic scheme to achieve a goal is portrayed in a workplace setting

the workplace comedy observational comedy often uses to portray workplace situations most americans are able to relate to

A common misconception of the television that we watch is most well known shows that originated in the United states

the television sitcom provides an opportunity to compare American and British humour, as many amjbiuerican television comedies are simply adaptations of already popular British television shows

for example the office a workplace comedy,is one of the most notable and successful American television comedies

the office was originally a British sitcom that was successfully remade for an American audience using the same title and in many instances even the same script
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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