ท้ายที่สุดนี้ ขออ้างอิงเอาคุณพระ การแปล - ท้ายที่สุดนี้ ขออ้างอิงเอาคุณพระ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ท้ายที่สุดนี้ ขออ้างอิงเอาคุณพระ

ท้ายที่สุดนี้ ขออ้างอิงเอาคุณพระ
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Therefore, we shall have to take you from novice Rahul exemplary conduct. It is a good model for us.
.When we study the Dhamma of the Lord Buddha. A charitable trust. And keep the discipline of the Lord Buddha, the teachings of Buddha was carved up. And doctrinal,.The goodness of the Lord Buddha to celebrate the nation. Vanguard of the army and the fighters will be fairly light to the world.
When we do this already, we will have a good reputation as a novice,.Descendants of the great Buddhist monk religion monk
the descendants of the people who have to move to a Buddhist monk or a monk in the days ahead, when a Buddhist monk who is suspended, the canon,.Descendants of the great Buddhist monk religion monk
the descendants of the people who have to move to a Buddhist monk or a monk in the days ahead, when a Buddhist monk who is suspended, the canon,.The conduct spectacular. Worthy of worship, as descendants of the monk or novice monastic must inevitably follow that advice as well.
The King Bali. Novice Buddhist monk or the descendants of descendants of the peace
.The conduct spectacular. Worthy of worship, as descendants of the monk or novice monastic must inevitably follow that advice as well.
The King Bali. Novice Buddhist monk or the descendants of descendants of the peace
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Therefore, we should all be grateful rahu brings you three a seminary to conduct compliance. It is a good example for us.
.When we study the Dhamma of the Buddha. B. charity faith and behave according to the teachings of the Lord Buddha's Dharma Education teachings, main style of the Grand Buddha, Dhamma and teaching,Goodness of the Lord Buddha to spread among the people, and is the foremost Warrior of our armed forces that will continue to light the world.
when we do this, we will be called novice,The best of these extremists in his religious somna.
because of these extremists is to advance seating somna to as somna or monks in days ahead, when suspended peaceful somna is, who is the Lord,Applicants should have been operating such a magnificent altar fashioned. I do them in accordance of somna or novice shall be taken according to the watroptibat boundary as well.
: "the Pali. These are novice-of these peaceful people-or somna
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Therefore, we will take you, ye should be the หุล novices, and it is a behavior, because it is in a very good for us.
When we have studied philosophy of Buddha, and a charity and faith worketh transmigration of Buddha, dhamma teaching education memories of the Royal Prophet Mohammed, and the Dhamma teachings,Khun of Buddha to disseminate among the congregation and as a warrior of the armed forces of the Dhamma that is a citizen of the world to light.
when we do this, we will have a name that is a novice monk,the battalions of a clump of Samana. Dr.
stock because of an ascetic, Yong is the person who is going to be an ascetic or Buddhist monk in the future, when an ascetic who is calmly, who is moral,There is a behavior that should be nice to the respect, as truly as stock of an ascetic or novices must follow Article rituals, too.
as the Pali is a novices stock of an ascetic or stock of the calm
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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