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เธอบอกให้ฉันได้รับรู้ ด้วยการสวมกอด

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เธอบอกให้ฉันได้รับรู้ ด้วยการสวมกอด
ที่ชีวิตนี้ไขว่คว้ามาตลอด ก็คือเธอ
...อ้างอิง http://sz4m.com/t5772
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
It feels like I just woke up from the dream of others
life has regained some worried is missing
I know that I ever exacted
It's ridiculous how

on life that I had not been very much
.Do not compare it to the time when this

Nearby is another good one. I understand

did not know what she told me I had to get a hug

exactly what I am looking to go through this life, it is her

.When she turned to stare at me and smile
Now that I understand this world every thing
to look pretty, it just Deceived eyes
has disabled the function is real

The life that I have is not that great. much
.Do not compare it to at this time
Episode Nearby is another good one

I understand what I am
did not know before she told me to get to know. Embraced by

exactly what I am looking to go through this life, it is her

.Everything she does. Restore a smile to my music
as not long ago that I remember listening to warn
ever need. This is just what I am

did not know before, she told me to get to know. Embraced by
Exactly what I am looking to go through this life.
... Is her reference. http://sz4m.com/t5772.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Feel like I just woke up from a dream of someone else's life like a reservoir which is night
recently realized that dream ever clutch

it's ridiculous how technicians at life I ever had, no matter how good the
.It is not at all comparable to at this time, there are more!
good one man.

What I understand of it do not know beforehand that she told me
recognized by embrace
exactly what I was looking at this life
clutch is her

.When she turned to me and smiled, staring at it this world
I understand everything
it's only there to deceive the eye deceived just as she meets the real-life

because I have ever had, no matter how good the
.It is not at all comparable to at this time, there was another nearby

that one person on the understanding that what I didn't know before, she told me to get
know by what I embrace the
this life that clutch is her

.Everything she does. Return the smile to me
, as music for a long time and did not hear the warning, I remember
ever think like this

just what I didn't know before, she told me to get
know by embrace
.Exactly what I was searching for this life came at clutch
forever. Is she
http://sz4m.com/t5772 reference ...
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
It felt like I just woke up from my dream of life as other people
Some thoughts that were lost was just a dream. I know that it was ever eager

what a nonsense when the life I never had a good, not much
It came back up, I don't have to at this time when the

one Nearby there are other people who were waiting for a better understanding of what my

she did not know it before, I have been told by the perception that hugged
things that my life is the advocate for all that she is

When she turned and looked at me, and smiled, but I understand this world

every thing it's just a pretty deceitful eyes
there is directly in front of her just as the life of the actual

because it is not that I have had much better
It came back up, I don't have to at this time when the

one Nearby there are other people who were waiting for a better understanding of what my

she did not know it before, I have been told by the perception that hugged
things that my life is the advocate for all that she is

Everything that she had done, and I returned a smile
like music that is not so long ago, I remember listening to
alert, that I had thought it was just like this thing

the son did not know it, she told me I have been aware of her arms with
Find the things that my life
catching up throughout, it is her reference ... http:/ /sz 4 M .com/T 5772
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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