ิทานอาเซียน ประเทศเวียดนามเรื่องจอมกะล่อนกาลครั้งหนึ่ง มีเด็กหนุ่มคนหน การแปล - ิทานอาเซียน ประเทศเวียดนามเรื่องจอมกะล่อนกาลครั้งหนึ่ง มีเด็กหนุ่มคนหน อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ิทานอาเซียน ประเทศเวียดนามเรื่องจอม

ิทานอาเซียน ประเทศเวียดนาม
กาลครั้งหนึ่ง มีเด็กหนุ่มคนหนึ่ง คนพากันเรียกว่า จอมกะล่อน เขาเป็นเด็กฉลาด แต่ก็เหมือนกับชื่อ
ของเขาที่บอกกล่าวไว้ล่วงหน้า คือ เขาใช้ความฉลาดส่วนใหญ่ไปในการเที่ยวพูดโป้ปดมดเท็จต่าง ๆ นานา
เขาสนุกสนานกับการหลอกคนอื่นได้รอบบ้าน ไม่มีผู้ใดรอดจากการเป็นเหยื่อให้เขาหลอกต้มไปได้เลย แม้แต่
วันหนึ่งลุงของเขาออกไปไถนา ซึ่งอยู่ห่างจากบ้านไปไม่ไกลนัก ส่วนป้าก็อยู่บ้านทํางานบ้าน ขณะที่
เขาเฝ้าดูป้าทําอะไรง่วนอยู่ในครัว พ่อจอมกะล่อนก็เกิดความคิดแวบขึ้นมา นึกกลวิธีที่จะล้อป้าและลุงของ
ตนออกมาได้อย่างหนึ่ง เขารีบย่องออกจากบ้านวิ่งไปท้องนาที่ลุงกําลังไถอยู่
"ลุงครับ ลุง" เขาตะโกนเรียกลุงเมื่อเขาวิ่งไปถึงนา
"กลับบ้านเดี๋ยวนี้เร็ว ๆ เข้า ป้าตกกระไดลงมา เลือดโชกทีเดียว ผมไม่รู้จะทําอย่างไรดี"
ลุงเผ่นผลุงกลับบ้านทันทีโดยไม่ทันพูดอะไรสักคํา แต่พ่อจอมมุสากลับวิ่งไปตามทางลัดตัดถึงบ้าน
ก่อนหน้าลุงจะไปถึง เขาวิ่งถลันเข้าไปในบ้าน ตะโกนลั่น
"ป้าครับป้า ลุงถูกควายขวิดที่ท้องนาแน่ะ ดูเหมือนขวิดเอาท้องทะลุเลย ไปเร็ว ๆ เถอะครับเดี๋ยวลุง
เขาพูดยังไม่ทันจบ ป้าก็วิ่งถลาออกจากบ้านไปแล้ว เขามองตามหลังป้าไปแล้วก็หัวเราะยิงฟันสนุก
สุขใจเป็นกําลัง และเข้าไปหลบซ่อนอยู่หลังบ้าน
ป้าออกวิ่ง วิ่งอย่างเร็วที่สุดเท่าที่ขาจะพาตัวแกไปไหว กระนั้นก็ยังรู้สึกว่ายังไม่ทันใจ พอถึงหัวเลี้ยว
ตรงมุมถนน ป้าก็ชนโครมเข้าให้กับใครคนหนึ่ง สามีของป้านั่นเอง กําลังหอบแฮ่ก ๆ เหงื่อโซมกาย ทั้งคู่
"ไอ้จอมโกหกนั่นอีกแล้ว" ทั้งสองคนรู้ทันทีว่าโดนเล่ห์เก๊ของเจ้าหลานชายเข้าอีกแล้ว ทั้งลุงและป้า
"ครั้งนี้เป็นครั้งสุดท้ายเสียทีที่จะยอมให้อ้ายตัวร้ายมันหลอกเรา" ลุงพูดออกมาแล้วทั้งสองคนก็เข้าบ้าน พบพ่อจอมกะล่อนซ่อนอยู่หลังบ้าน จึงลากตัวมาใส่ลงในกรงไม้ไผ่กรงใหญ่
"อยู่ในนี้แหละ จนกว่าตะวันจะตกดิน" ลุงว่า "แล้วป้าของเจ้ากับข้าจะลากกรงไปโยนลงแม่น้ํา เจ้า
จะได้ไม่เที่ยวพูดโกหกพกลมหลอกใคร ๆ อีก"
ตกเย็นป้าและลุงก็หามกรงไปที่แม่น้ํา ขณะที่โยนลงในแม่น้ํา พ่อจอมกะล่อนก็ร้องออกมาว่า
"คุณลุงคุณป้าครับ ผมรู้ตัวว่าผิดไปแล้ว ผมก็พร้อมแล้วที่จะก้มหน้ารับโทษ แต่ได้โปรดทําอะไรให้ผม
สักอย่างเป็นครั้งสุดท้ายเถิดครับ ผมมีหนังสือเล่มหนึ่ง ชื่อศิลปะแห่งการพูดปด ผมแอบเก็บไว้ข้างหลัง
กระบุงข้าวที่ในบ้าน ขอหนังสือเล่มนั้นให้ผมก่อนเถิดครับ ผมจะได้เอาไปอ่านในนรกด้วย"
ทั้งลุงทั้งป้าต่างก็ไม่ใจร้ายที่จะปฏิเสธคําขอร้องสุดท้ายของหลานชายได้ลงคอ นอกจากนั้นลุงก็ชัก
อยากจะรู้ว่าหนังสือเล่มนั้นบอกไว้ว่ากระไรบ้าง ลุงและป้าจึงกลับบ้านไปเอาหนังสือมาให้หลานชาย ขณะที่
ยอดกระล่อนคอยอยู่ในกรง ชายตาบอดคนหนึ่งก็เดินมาตามริมแม่น้ํา เด็กหนุ่มก็ตะโกนเรียก
"คุณตาบอดครับ โปรดมาทางนี้หน่อยครับ ถ้าคุณอยากให้นัยน์ตามองเห็นอีก"
ชายตาบอดได้ยินเสียงเรียกก็คลําทางมาที่กรงไม้ไผ่ เด็กหนุ่มก็บอกว่า
"เร็ว ๆ หน่อยครับ รีบแก้เชือกที่ฝากรงก่อน แล้วผมจะบอกวิธีรักษาตาของคุณให้หายบอด"
ชายตาบอดเอามือคลํา ๆ กรงไป จนในที่สุดก็จัดการเปิดฝาออกมาได้ ทันทีที่ฝากรงเปิด พ่อจอม
กระล่อนก็กระโดดผลุงออกจากกรงวิ่งอ้าวไปเสียแล้ว เมื่อลุงกับป้ากลับมาหมายจะบอกหลานชายว่าหา
หนังสือไม่พบ หลานชายก็หายไปจากกรงเสียแล้ว เห็นแต่ชายตาบอดมายืนอยู่แทนที่ คอยรับรู้ว่าจะรักษา
นัยน์ตาด้วยวิธีใด ทั้งสามคนโดนตุ๋นอีกครั้งหนึ่งจนได้
ยอดกระล่อนวิ่งฝ่าเข้าไปในกอไม้ไผ่กอหนาใกล้แม่น้ํานั้น ขณะที่เขาเดินเที่ยวสํารวจหาทางออกจาก
กอไผ่ บังเอิญไปพบหม้อเก่า ๆ เข้าใบหนึ่ง ในหม้อมีทองคําเต็ม โชคดีเสียนี่กระไร เขาเอาทองกลับบ้านไปให้
น่าขอบใจมหาสมบัตินั่นแท้ ๆ ครอบครัวของเขาร่ํารวยกลายเป็นเศรษฐีไปแล้ว ตอนนี้ป้ากับลุง
ยอมรับแล้วว่า ยิ่งดุด่าหลานชายเท่าใด ก็ไม่ทําให้เด็กคนนั้นเปลี่ยนนิสัยของเขาได้เลย ทั้งสองคนจึงคิดว่า บางทีถ้าเราหาผู้หญิงที่ดี ๆ ให้แต่งงานกับมันสักคนหนึ่ง เจ้าเด็กหนุ่มนี่อาจยุติการปั้นน้ําเป็นตัว เลิกเที่ยว
แกจึงให้หลานชายแต่งงานกับสาวนางหนึ่งในหมู่บ้าน ดูท่าว่าการแต่งงานจะช่วยแก้ปัญหาไปได้
ระยะหนึ่ง แต่สองสามเดือนต่อมาป้าและลุงเกิดตายลง พ่อจอมกระล่อนเริ่มเที่ยวโป้ปดมดเท็จหลอกโกง
วันหนึ่งเขาเข้าไปเตร็ดเตร่อยู่ในป่า ไปพบเอาลูกเสือสองสามตัวนอนอยู่บนหญ้า เนื่องจากเขาเป็น
หนุ่มนิสัยเลว จึงจับลูกเสือเหล่านั้นมาหักอุ้งเท้ามันเสีย ลูกเสือพากันร้องลั่นด้วยความเจ็บปวด พลันเขาก็ได้
ยินเสียงคํารามอย่างน่าสะพรึงกลัวออกมาจากที่ใดที่หนึ่งใกล้ ๆ คงเป็นแม่ของลูกเสือเหล่านั้นนั่นเอง จอม
ชั่วครู่ต่อมาเสือแม่ลูกอ่อนก็วิ่งมาหาลูก พอเห็นลูกกําลังเจ็บปวดทุรนทุรายเพราะอะไร มันก็คาบลูก
ไปที่โคนต้นไม้เล็ก ๆ ต้นหนึ่ง ซึ่งมีใบสีเขียว ๆ มันทึ้งใบไม้สองสามใบจากต้นใส่ปากเคี้ยว แล้วก็คาบใบไม้ใน
ปากออกใส่อุ้งเท้าของลูก ๆ แล้วพ่อยอดกระล่อนก็อัศจรรย์ใจเหลือ ที่ภายในไม่กี่นาทีแผลของลูกเสือก็หาย
เป็นปลิดทิ้ง เจ้าหนุ่มคอยทีอยู่จนเสือทั้งแม่ลูกไปแล้ว เขาก็ขุดต้นไม้นั้นนํามาบ้าน เอามาปลูกในสนาม ตั้งชื่อ
ว่า ต้นไทร
นับแต่วันนั้นมา เขาเฝ้าดูแลต้นไม้อย่างระวังระไว บอกแก่ภรรยาว่า เทพเจ้าให้ต้นไม้นี้แก่เขา ใบ
ของมันรักษาแผลได้ทุกชนิด รักษาโรคภัยได้สารพัดแม้กระทั่งช่วยคนตายแล้วให้ฟื้นขึ้นมาก็ยังได้ ขอให้
"อย่าเอาขยะมูลฝอยไปเทที่โคนต้นนะ ถ้าขืนทําต้นไม้จะเหาะหนีไปเสีย" เขาพร่ําเตือนแล้วเตือนอีก
แรก ๆ ภรรยาก็ทําตามที่สามีบอก แต่ไม่ช้านางก็ขัดใจกับสามีที่รักต้นไม้มากกว่าตัวนาง นางเบื่อที่
จะฟังคําเตือนครั้งแล้วครั้งเล่าของสามีอยู่แล้วด้วย วันหนึ่งเกิดวิวาทกันขึ้นเรื่องต้นไม้ นางจึงอารมณ์เสียสุด
จะยับยั้ง ตะโกนใส่เขาว่า "ข้าจะเอาขยะไปเทใส่ต้นไม้เสียเมื่อไหร่ก็ได้ ถ้าข้าอยากจะทํา"
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Reviewing the Central Asian States Vietnam

Once upon glib. A boy. Men, he is a clever boy called my glib. But just like the name
.Advance notice is his ingenuity, he used to say, most of the various assertions
he fun to fool others have around the house. No one can survive becoming a victim boiled him pretend to be even
.Aunt and uncle who raised him after his parents until grown to
death of his uncle one day to plow. The distance from home to distance. Forest Park is home to the housework while
.He watched her get busy in the kitchen. My father was a glib thought up. That tactic to lure out his aunt and uncle have one
. He quickly slipped out of the house ran to the field to plow his power
."Uncle, my uncle," he shouted as he ran to his na
"Back home now soon withered forest has come down. Bloodied it. I do not know how to be good, "
.I returned home I immediately leap through before saying a word. But my father lying on the shortcut to run along before I reach home
. He ran into the house shouting loudly swerves
."It was my aunt, uncle, buffalo horn on the field section. Liquid gold seems to go through soon, I'll let it die

"he ended. I was quickly dashed out of the home. He looked after me, then I laughed fun
.Are a delight. And went into hiding after she ran home
. Run as fast as their legs could carry the solution to it. However, they also feel that it is not instant. Enough to turn
.I crashed into the corner of it to someone. My husband there. Pant pant sweat drench facility are both looking well

wordless awe."Fucking liar that again," they both knew it catchy parody of your nephew him again. Both uncle and aunt's angriest

."This is the last conquered it bad to allow me to fool us," I spoke to both of them into the house. I find my glib hidden behind the house. Then drag it into the bamboo cage big cage.

Cover it tightly."This is it. Until the sun goes down, "he said," then I will drag your aunt's cage to throw down, even water.
I do not pretend to say who the UE "
.Evening, aunt and uncle had carried the cage into the river. Thrown into the river. My father exclaimed that glib
"my aunts and uncles. I know it's wrong. I was ready to face the penalty. But please do something for me
.Some say it is the last. I have a book. Art of the title misleading.
I had stored in the back basket of rice in the house. Let me first say that the book itself. Hell, I would not want to read in a "
.The uncle and aunt were not cruel to refuse the last request of his nephew's throat. Moreover, it withdrew
I want to know what is what that book says. Uncle and aunt went back home to take the book to her grandson while
.To be kept in a cage Nylon. A blind man walked along the river. Retrieved boy shouted, "You blind me. This way I please. If you want your eyes to see the "
.Blind man heard the way it's stems from the bamboo cage. Young said: "Soon, I rushed to Francia before a rope. I will tell you how to treat your eyes to be opened "
.The blind man took the speaker enclosure to eventually turn out to be. Once the deposit is maintained.
My father until he passed out of the cage, jumped Nylon scuttled away. When I returned to my nephew as a means to tell
.Books not find his nephew was missing from the cage already. But the blind man stands.
I know that I will keep your eyes in any way. The trio hit the boilers again until
.To be run through a nylon Gore thick bamboo grove near the river. As he went on his way out of the survey: bamboo. Chance to see the doctor, he leaves the old one in a pot full of gold. Fortunately, it was becoming. He took the gold home to her aunt and uncle

.I treasure that's true to his family dancing to the rich became wealthy. The aunt and uncle
.Accept that. How is chides grandson. Was not the habits of the child to change into. Both thought. Maybe if we find a good woman to marry a man with it. You may terminate this boy is a water sculpture.Tweedy does the work so you can perhaps
I married her nephew in the village. Seem that marriage will solve it
.For a while but a few months later, the aunt and uncle died. My father started to wave action assertions fool people to cheat

as usual again.One day he was wandering in the woods. To find out a few scouts lying on the grass. Since he was young
bad habits. Scouts took those broken paw it. Scouts took scream in pain.
He promptly.The terrifying sound of the ram from somewhere close to the mother of those scouts there. Th
lie was rushed to sneak behind bushes
.Moments later, the Tigers ran up to his mother. I see the pain being inflicted why.
It is the period to which the base of a small tree with green leaves around it, tearing leaves few leaves from the mouth chewing. Then in footwork leaves
.Mouth, and put his paw on the ball and then be amazed to peel. Within minutes of the wound is healed Scout
.Totally looking forward to this young child to the mother tiger. Then he dug into the tree house. Planted out in the field, as banyan name

.After that time. He takes care of the tree and surveillance. Tell that to my wife. God gave this tree to him.
Leaves its wounds of all kinds. Healing goodies, even the dead will also give rise to
.His wife kept a clean tree: "I refuse to pour out at the base of my tree. If the tree will resist Zeppelin fled, "he warned, and warned again the dance
.First wife to follow the husband said. But soon she spat on husband loved her more than the trees.
She bore to listen to warnings time and again with her husband already. One day fall foul up the tree. She is upset with
.To stop yelling at him. "I will not waste any time to put the tree away. If I wanted to be, "
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
ASEAN review Country Viet Nam

Jom kalon story once upon a time. Have a young child. People together is known as Chom kalon. He was a clever boy, but it was the same as the name
.His notice in advance is that he uses the most intelligent way to say to tell a lie, he sorts through false
Ant enjoy tricking other people around the House. None survive from the victim, he tricked Tom. Even though
My aunt and uncle who raised him until he came up big after his parents die from one day to his uncle
go out plowing. Not too far from home to visitors Best aunt was at home working at home. As
He watched my aunt do absorbed in the kitchen. Father Chom kalon was thought cell. Think of my aunt and Uncle are tactics of the wheel
one. He was in a hurry to tiptoe out of the House to the NA that is currently plough Uncle
."Yes, uncle, uncle." They holler uncle when he ran to the NA
"now hurry back home Auntie fall into one ... blood kradai. I don't know what to do "
.Uncle phlungklap leap home immediately without saying anything fashionable word tattoo. But father Chom musaklap ran as a shortcut to cut the House earlier to reach Uncle
. He ran to rush into the house yelling to release
."Yes, aunt Auntie Uncle was the Buffalo have the local na Gore. It seems Gore took the pass at all to soon. Oh, Hey dude

is "dead uncle he spoke to could end. My aunt had rushed to stumble out of the House. He looks after the shooting and fencing to Auntie fun laugh
.Is happy and go hiding behind home run fast Sprint aunt
as legs will take a grand to nonetheless it still felt not. Enough to bend
Street corner My aunt did bump into someone with chrome. My aunt's husband. ' Sweat is soaking wet just Hae to Pant "they both look stunning as a surprise
speaks out
."Damn head lying over there." both men knew immediately that her nephew had been a spurious "access. My aunt and uncle in big

krotha anger."This is the last time a really sassy AI to allow it to scare us," he said. Uncle spoke out, and both men went home. I found my father's House, behind the head, hide, kalon drag the bamboo cages come in a big cage

tight lid broken."In this land" in the West until the fall, "uncle, aunt of the bride, I will lakkrong to throw into the river. Tourism officials don't lie
carry the wind tricked everybody. "
.My aunt, uncle, and was conveyed to find a river. When thrown into the river. Father Chom kalon, cry out that "aunt Uncle lol
. I was realizing how wrong and I am ready to bow in front of the punishment, but please do give me
.The last official tattoo gland. I have one book. The name of the arts said pot I secretly stored behind
home rice kraban Ask for the booklet, I was before him. I have read in hell with "
.Both uncle and aunt were never cruel to reject the final request of the man's neck. In addition, uncle, I would like to know a bit
booklet that tells it what? So my aunt and uncle return home to remove the book, man. As
Yotkra it waiting in the cage the blind man was walking along the river. A young child was blind. "holler me
please come this way, please? If you would like to make visible in the eyes. "
.The blind man heard the sound of calls he felt went to the bamboo cage. Young children, say
"bit solution soon got the rope drop project, then I will tell you how to treat your eyes, blindness, missing"
.Blind man took khlam hand cage until finally managed to open the lid. As soon as they leave the project open, it would take 75/Daddy
phlung jumps out of the cage to run at full speed. When the uncle aunt nephew came back to tell me how to find
.The book cannot be found. Nephew was missing from the cage. See the blind came to stand instead of waiting to get to know whether to treat
either way, all three eyes who has been robbed again, until soup
.Yotkra it cuts into the thick bamboo seat-near the river. As he thoroughly explores find the way out from the
korphai. Accidentally discovered old pots into one of the In a pot full of gold. Bad luck here? He took a thongklap House with my aunt, uncle,

.Amazing thank you treasure that his family the real rich became a millionaire. Now my aunt with Uncle
Accepted that any man to curse less fierce, the child does not change his habits. The two men, so I think maybe if we find a good woman, marry one someday! Young children who will bring to a halt a water sculpture. To wander or stroll about bad behavior does not have too many
grand nephew, married to a young woman in one of the villages. Marriage seem to solve the problem:
For some time, but a few months later, my aunt and Uncle has died down. Father Chom tour starts from false it would cheat to deceive an Ant to tell a lie
next people as ever.
.One day he went to the Woods to wander or stroll about in tret encounter took a few boy scout for lying on grass because he is young, so bad habits catch
Scout them broken foot; it. Singing together at one Scout with pain and sudden he
.Hear saphrueng roar is afraid to come out anywhere near as mother of Scout them themselves. Therefore a liar too!
rushing sneak behind bushes
.Some time later the evil Tiger nursing mother, ran toward the ball. I saw the ball was painful because it is thuronthurai what lessons the
to the Bishop, the bushes have a few colors to draw the leaves khiao it from entering the mouth chew then it leaves the mouth in
.Out of the mouth insert foot; your children and parents yotkra it amazed the rest within a few minutes the wound of the Scout it
.As to kill it The young Prince is waiting until all the Tiger-by mother. They dug the tree house. Bring in planting. Named

tonsai.Since that day. They keep watch over the trees. Tell the wife that God gave him the trees. A it's all wound therapy
type. Disease has even provides tons of dead, bring it up. Let
His wife wait for treatment plants to clean
"do not remove waste to pour at the cone! If the tree is made to fly away, "he said. He has another warning warning without limit
.At first his wife, then follow that her husband told her shortly, but it conflicts with her husband that loves trees than for her. Mrs. bored
to hear the warning again and again of her husband already. One day quarrel, so she's up a tree upset top
.Stop yelling put him, "I will remove garbage to pour put trees lose at any time. If I really want to do "
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Dining, ASEAN countries, Vietnam
about a liar
once upon a young man who was called a liar, he is a bright boy, but he was like the name
He's a pre-notice is that he is the most wise to go in the way he said to lie many other
he ripped off the other people have fun with it all around the house there is no escape from the victim, he was deceiving him, even
brewing.my aunt and uncle who raised him after his parents had grown up until his death
one day Uncle. He went out to plow which is not very far away from the house and my aunt was in the house while working from home
He had been watching her aunt made what is busy in the kitchen, his father a liar had an idea he thought strategy to my aunt and uncle's
their wheels came out. He slipped out of the house one ran to the bottom of the Plow, the uncle Woz is
"My uncle's uncle, sir, " he called his uncle, when he ran up to the
"go back home now, my aunt fell in the blood dripping down. I don't know how to do good."
he fled back to his house as soon as it is not as soon as he said something about the questions, but I can go back to run มมุ Screen Shortcuts to cut-off to the house
before I'm going to go up to him running to rush into the house
shouted."My aunt, aunt and uncle was a bull buffalo in the paddy field, Nancy, it seemed to take a bull through the bottom of the speed, so to me, I'll die and Uncle
he had no sooner said she ran out of the house, and then he looked behind him, and then he laughed at my aunt went to grin fun
Happy is a Woz and to hide behind the house
is my aunt ran ran as fast as his legs will carry the same her yet he was able to stand still feel that it is not responsive enough to turn the
The corner of the street she was crashed into to one of her husband's aunt Woz was puffing, Sweat, body solutions
both looked at each other in awe, speechless
"Damn you liar there again, "both of them knew that it hit an artifice; his nephew to get rid of it, and then both my uncle and my aunt greatly angered, large

"This time it was the last time that it would be a damned fool you, it was bad." He spoke out, and then the two of them had entered the house, his father found a liar is hidden behind the house so I put them in a cage, drag the big bamboo cage

cover securely."You are in so until the sun goes down." My uncle said, 'and you and I will be dragging my aunt's cage to throw down thy keen systematically
will not visit said lying deceiving anyone again, "
In the evening, my aunt and uncle had a cage to a certain redness as he threw down his father in certain generators, a liar and cried,
"my aunt, my uncle said it was wrong, and I knew he was ready to be punished, but it bent down to see what's working, and I
.A: and, behold, it was the last time, I have a book called the art of to tell a lie and I was secretly stored behind the rice basket of
that book in the house, and, behold, I have before, I will have to read it to hell with "
Both my uncle and my aunt had not been cruel to deny the questions asked at last of the boy's throat. Also I want to know how to draw
the book told me that some how my uncle and my aunt went home to take a book, while his nephew
Top of the reeking smell is waiting in a cage blind man one was walking along the edge, discussed below, certain the boy was called
"you blind, sir, please come this way, sir, if you'd like to see again, and his eyes were "
blind man heard it called คลํา bamboo cage, the boy said that he was
"quick, sir, a little hastily untied the rope that cage had a first, and then I will tell you how to keep your eyes away blind"
blind man with his hands. คลํา cage until finally, I managed to remove the lid as soon as you open the lid a cage father
a nylon screen, then jumped out of the cage to run when my uncle and aunt had come back to tell him that his nephew
a book could not be found his nephew was missing from the cage, but I saw blind man came, and stood waiting for recognition rather than the eyes in a way that will keep
any boil once again and the three of them have been
Top of the reeking smell ran through into the bamboo clump clump thickness near certain generators, while he was walking toward the Exit survey from a bamboo
happened to be found in the old pot of gold in the pot is full questions good luck! He took gold home to my aunt and Uncle

treasure, thank you, that was genuine, his family. The hybrid systems has become a rich man rich, and now my aunt and Uncle
Accept that, and then how much more scolding his nephew, it is not working, of the children of his habits, change it, so they think that maybe if we find a good woman, married to a man; it was the boy that may come to an end, to make it systematically.to wander is not working for working. Maybe
so he married to his nephew, one of her daughters in the village of the marriage that seems to help solve the problem.
A few months later, but it was my aunt and uncle died, his father began to fib a visit to lie cheat cheat
people. Like never again
One day he went to wander in the woods and took a tiger to find two or three lay on the grass because he was a bad habits
young scouts took them, broken foot and had a boyscout, cried out with pain and he had suddenly
to become aware of the decision, a voice came out of the horror of what it would be close, your mother was a tiger, they display,
to lie so I ran to hide behind a bush is
A moment later, Tiger mother with an infant in her arms, it ran up to me when I saw a baby leash Woz pain because it's what they carried me to the
the bole of a tree, which is one of the green leaves, it leaves to pull two or three leaves from trees in his mouth, and proceeded to chew the leaves in
I'll put out of his mouth, and then she and her father were amazing. within a few minutes of a wound, scouts had gone
It is left to kill the young man waiting for it until it is a tiger, both mother and son, and then he went to dig the Tree had been planted in the house leader on the court, the Banyan Tree,

since that day, and he kept on guard trees. He said to his wife that he had to the gods, this tree
wound. It's all kinds of ailments and even help heal sicknesses, dead people, and came to ask
His wife was waiting for treatment plants to clean
"Don't trash to empty the root of the tree, if trees will be made to force him to fly away." He warned, and then another reminder พร่ sketches
First, his wife, her husband told me, but did not act in accordance with the slow and she had to be offended with her husband that love trees more than her, and she will be bored with the
warning again and again to listen to the questions of her husband, and one day there was a debate about it, and she was upset Tree Top
to refrain from yelling at him, saying, What shall I put it into the waste-free trees, if I wanted to be when I "
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