Share a happy moment with our friends and it can come back to you. I e การแปล - Share a happy moment with our friends and it can come back to you. I e อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Share a happy moment with our frien

Share a happy moment with our friends and it can come back to you. I enjoy getting to know one woman well than many girls a little. Friendship are great, and an important place to start.
be genuine and let the strange people pass by. Thailand has been my home so i'm not looking to fool about. i'm happy successful and single after most of the year working overseas. Here has alwasy been the home i have chosen and it would be great to connect with a smart sensitive woman that likes to express herself with her voice than try just chat about the weather, I'm a bit of a communicator and very talkative with the right person. Just to make it clear i'm looking for the right woman to share an amazing future with. When love happens, I love Unconditionally. Good looks may get you in the door, Though to share a life over time the most important quality in people can be said in one word.... Kindness.
I stay fit, and always will. i do enjoy taking care of my partner, her career and family. I plan for an amazing life together. For time off i like a movie or and time at home. what most people think is a normal life i really enjoy, it's not often i get the chance Working Around the world. It's great helping my customers feel happy and beautiful with special things to wear as I'm a Jewelry designer, any dishonesty is my job is totally unacceptable.
There is so much of this life to experience in so many beautiful places that i just don't get to sit about much ever.
if you've read this then send me a hi, i'm very friendly
so Smile gorgeous someone is waiting to fall in love with you.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Share a happy moment with our friends and it can come back to you. I enjoy getting to know one woman well than many girls a little. Friendship are great, and an important place to genuine and let the strange people pass by. Thailand has been my home so i'm not looking to fool about. i'm happy successful and single after most of the year working overseas. Here has alwasy been the home i have chosen and it would be great to connect with a smart sensitive woman that likes to express herself with her voice than try just chat about the weather, I'm a bit of a communicator and very talkative with the right person. Just to make it clear i'm looking for the right woman to share an amazing future with. When love happens, I love Unconditionally. Good looks may get you in the door, Though to share a life over time the most important quality in people can be said in one word.... Kindness. I stay fit, and always will. i do enjoy taking care of my partner, her career and family. I plan for an amazing life together. For time off i like a movie or and time at home. what most people think is a normal life i really enjoy, it's not often i get the chance Working Around the world. It's great helping my customers feel happy and beautiful with special things to wear as I'm a Jewelry designer, any dishonesty is my job is totally unacceptable. There is so much of this life to experience in so many beautiful places that i just don't get to sit about much ever.if you've read this then send me a hi, i'm very friendlyso Smile gorgeous someone is waiting to fall in love with you.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Share a happy moment with our friends and it can come back to you. I enjoy getting to know one woman well than many girls a little. Friendship are great, and an important place to start.
be genuine and let the strange people pass by. Thailand has been my home so i'm not looking to fool about. i'm happy successful and single after most of the year working overseas. Here has alwasy been the home i have chosen and it would be great to connect with a smart sensitive woman that likes to express herself with her voice than try just chat about the weather, I'm a bit of a communicator and very talkative with the. right person. Just to make it clear i'm looking for the right woman to share an amazing future with. When love happens, I love Unconditionally. Good looks may get you in the door, Though to share a life over time the most important quality in people can be said in one word .... Kindness.
I stay fit, and always will. i do enjoy taking care of my partner, her career and family. I plan for an amazing life together. For time off i like a movie or and time at home. what most people think is a normal life i really enjoy, it's not often i get the chance Working Around the world. It's great helping my customers feel happy and beautiful with special things to wear as I'm a Jewelry designer, any dishonesty is my job is totally unacceptable.
There is so much of this life to experience in so many beautiful places that i just do not get to sit about much ever.
You've read this then if a Send Me Hi, I'm very Friendly
Gorgeous Smile so someone is Waiting to Fall in Love with You.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Share a happy moment with our friends and it can come back to you. I enjoy getting to know one woman well than many girls. A little. Friendship are great and an, important place to start.Be genuine and let the strange people pass by. Thailand has been my home so I 'm not looking to fool about. I' m happy successful. And single after most of the year working overseas. Here has alwasy been the home I have chosen and it would be great to. Connect with a smart sensitive woman that likes to express herself with her voice than try just chat about, the weather. I 'm a bit of a communicator and very talkative with the right person. Just to make it clear I' m looking for the right woman. To share an amazing future with. When, love happens I love Unconditionally. Good looks may get you in the door Though to,, Share a life over time the most important quality in people can be said in one word... Kindness.I, stay fit and always will. I do enjoy taking care of my partner her career, and family. I plan for an amazing life, together. For time off I like a movie or and time at home. What most people think is a normal life I, really enjoy it 's not often. I get the chance Working Around the world. It 's great helping my customers feel happy and beautiful with special things. To wear as I 'm a Jewelry designer any dishonesty, is my job is totally unacceptable.There is so much of this life to experience in so many beautiful places that I just don 't get to sit about much ever.If you 've read this then send me, a Hi I' m very friendly.So Smile gorgeous someone is waiting to fall in love with you.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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