Hello. You're polite guy, everyone around you will love you all. I fee การแปล - Hello. You're polite guy, everyone around you will love you all. I fee อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Hello. You're polite guy, everyone

Hello. You're polite guy, everyone around you will love you all. I feel a deep mind-supporting by your. If you don't mind I would like to be your friend. I'm Thai lady. Thailand is the land of smile, sun-sea-sand and oriental culture. What is your favourite food? Enjoy Good Food and Great Taste here. Would you like to visit Thailand? I'm willing to take care of you. please feel free to contact me.
Now I live in Udon Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes. And you?
I am a straightforward person with dignity and integrity.

balancing Lady from Thailand
I'm Thai people. Now I live in Udon-Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes.
I focus on a happy family. I'm looking for my soulmate like you.
I can live in wherever USA and Thailand, base on allowing enough comprehension for us.
Take a look at me and if you have any interest write me back.
Sincere, Benny

I'm easy going, can go from jeans and a t-shirt to heels and a night out. Do you have any thought on having a girlfriend as Asian girl? ถ้าคุณได้รู้จักฉันคุณจะยิ่งมีความสุขมาก เพราะคนไทยใจดีและเมืองไทยเป็นเมือง...
I'm Thai lady. Thailand is the land of smile, sun-sea-sand and oriental culture. What is your favourite food? Enjoy Good Food and Great Taste here. Would you like to visit Thailand? I'm willing to take care of you. please feel free to contact me.
Now I live in Udon Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes. And you?
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
please feel free to contact me.
Now i live in udon thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes. and you?
i am a straightforward person with dignity and integrity.

balancing lady from thailand
i'm thai people. now i live in udon-thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes.
.i focus on a happy family. i'm looking for my soulmate like you.
i can live in wherever usa and thailand, base on allowing enough comprehension for us.
take a look at me and if you have any interest write me back.
sincere, benny

. i'm easy going, can go from jeans and a t-shirt to heels and a night out. do you have any thought on having a girlfriend as asian girl?If you had known me, you would be very happy. Heart and Thailand because Thailand is a city ...
i'm thai lady. Thailand is the land of smile, sun-sea-sand and oriental culture. What is your favourite food? Enjoy good food and great taste here. Would. you like to visit thailand? i'm willing to take care of you. please feel free to contact me.
Now i live in udon thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes. and you?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hello. You're polite guy, everyone around you will love you all. I feel a deep mind-supporting by your. If you don't mind I would like to be your friend. I'm Thai lady. Thailand is the land of smile, sun-sea-sand and oriental culture. What is your favourite food? Enjoy Good Food and Great Taste here. Would you like to visit Thailand? I'm willing to take care of you. please feel free to contact me.
Now I live in Udon Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes. And you?
I am a straightforward person with dignity and integrity.

balancing Lady from Thailand
I'm Thai people. Now I live in Udon-Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes.
I focus on a happy family. I'm looking for my soulmate like you.
I can live in wherever USA and Thailand, base on allowing enough comprehension for us.
Take a look at me and if you have any interest write me back.
Sincere, Benny

I'm easy going, can go from jeans and a t-shirt to heels and a night out. Do you have any thought on having a girlfriend as Asian girl? If you want to get to know me better, you'll be very happy. Because Thai people are well and Thailand is ...
I Thai lady is the land of Thailand. smile, sun-sea-sand and What is your favourite oriental food culture. "Enjoy Good Food and Great Taste here you Would like to visit Thailand.? I willing to take care of you please feel free to contact me. ''.
Now I live in Udon Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes. And you?
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hello.You' re polite guy, everyone around you will love you all. I feel a deep mind - by supporting your. If you don 't mind I would like to be your friend.' M I Thai lady. Thailand is the land of smile, sun-sea-sand and Oriental culture. Is your favourite What Enjoy Good Food food? and Great Taste here.You like to visit Thailand Would I'? M willing to take care of you.please feel free to contact me.
Now I live in Udon Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes.And you?
I am a straightforward person with dignity and integrity. balancing Lady from Thailand

M Thai I' people. Now I live in Udon - Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes.
I focus on a happy family.' I M looking for my soulmate like you.
I can live in wherever USA and Thailand, base on allowing enough comprehension for us.
Take a look at me and if you have any interest write me back.
Sincere, Benny

I' M easy going, can go from jeans and a T-shirt and heels to a night out. Do you have any thought on having a girlfriend as Asian girl?If you have known me you will be very happy because the Thai people, Thailand is a kind-hearted and Ajarn
I Thai M'lady. Thailand is the land of smile, sun-sea-sand and Oriental culture. Is your favourite What Enjoy Good Food food? and Great Taste here.You like to visit Thailand Would I'? M willing to take care of you.please feel free to contact me.
Now I live in Udon Thani for taking action of a project to create a small business for sale golf course of 9 holes.And
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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