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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

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. rabbit on the moon legend

.One man on the moon looking down at the forest on Earth.

He saw rabbits, foxes, monkeys and all three lived together there. And we are good friends with each other

.The old man wanted to know if the animal is most generous, it transforms into a beggar
down from the moon to the wild animals, all three live it

"Please help me, I'm starving hungry, too," he said to the three animals
.All three felt compassion for animals Separately to find food to beggars

monkey juice a lot. Fox caught a large fish.
But rabbits can not find any at all
Rabbit awake. But then the idea came up

."Please, please bring your monkey wood to me.
Section, you jackal I have to bring firewood pile is causing me a great fire with "two animals

at the request of the rabbit fire lit well. Rabbit said to the beggar that
."I have nothing to offer you. So I would throw myself into this fire.
Then, when I was on fire until cooked. Instead, I ask you to eat the meat of it wholeheartedly "

rabbits ready to leap into the fire and burned himself
.Suddenly, the beggar was changed into a man on the moon by the

"She's an animal kind of rabbit
but she should not do anything that will hurt herself
because she is an animal of its kind in the. Among all animals
I would like to bring her back up to me "

from it. Old man on the Moon took the rabbit to the moon.
If we look at the moon carefully. The moon is shining brightly K.Tabtim
.We will see a rabbit on it. The old man led them to a long time ago

This is also the legend of a rabbit on the moon of Japan.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

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Emotion mythical rabbits on the Moon

.     At one time Old man on the Moon, look down at the forest on the human world.
Fox, monkeys and rabbits he saw
all three live together there. And a good friend.

Old man wants to know where the donor animals and thus convert the beggar's Moon from
to wild animals that live in these three

" Please help me. I'm hungry, hungry, too, "he said. He talked with the three animals
The three animals in a separate window to find pity food, begging so many juice monkey

. Fox caught a large fish, but could not find a Bunny
scream to moan and Hum at the rabbit, but then it was thought up

."Oh, please, please bring firewood, wood helped monkey came to me
best you have Fox, please bring firewood, wood piles, large forces fire me."

the two animals follow the request of the fire-light flames when powerful rabbit. Rabbit say to begging that
"I don't have anything to give you, so I had to throw himself into the fire, then the fire I was
burn until ripe. Ask you to eat the flesh of the hair, instead of the "

rabbit prepared to leaping into the fire and burned himself
.But suddenly it changed shape, begging is the old man on the Moon by the original

" She is a very gentle animals. Bunny owner
But she should not do anything that hurt her own
because she is the most gentle animals among all animals.
I would bring her back to live with me, "

. Old man on the Moon, to cradle the rabbit to the moon.
If we look honestly at the horoscope, Moon Moon shine slate chamjaras.
.We will see a rabbit on it, which is leading to an old man when a

here is the myth of the rabbit on the Moon of Japan.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

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legend rabbit on the moon

Once an old man on the moon was looking down at the big man in the world
he saw rabbits and Foxes, monkeys
and the three lived there, and a good friend.

an old man wanted to know if the animals are kind where possible so that it is converted into the
and then down a beggar from the moon to the wild animals and the three lived in

"Please help me, so I'm hungry." he said, and the animals and the three
All three animals were sorry to find separate food, monkey, a beggar

fruits, many Foxes caught big fish.
, rabbits, but not able to find anything, it
rabbit cried, but the idea to

"Please, please help me, you are a monkey wood-fired, leading me,
and you Foxes would you please bring the wood pile of wood to build the fire, I'm a "

animals both follow your request, rabbits,
when the fire burning bright, rabbits, and I said that a beggar
"I don't have anything to give you, so I'm going to throw myself into the fire, and then
when I was on fire until it is cooked, and then asks you to eat meat, then, instead of my "

, rabbits, be ready to jump into the fire and grill their own
But at that moment he was a beggar bill is an old man on the moon
"She is a very kind animal rabbit
but she should not do anything that hurts the
because of her own. She is a kind of animal that all animals
I had to bring her back up to me."

and then the old man took a rabbit on the moon to the moon
if we look at the moon, when the moon shone good bright, springy
We will see, rabbits, which is on the old man as a leader in the long ago,

and that it is a legend of a rabbit on the moon Japan.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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