This movie is a romantic comedy movie came in year 2004. Henry Roth li การแปล - This movie is a romantic comedy movie came in year 2004. Henry Roth li อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

This movie is a romantic comedy mov

This movie is a romantic comedy movie came in year 2004. Henry Roth lives an enviable life in a Hawaiian paradise, spending every night with a different beautiful tourist in search of an island fling. It's a great life, no strings attached... until he meets Lucy. He and Lucy hit it off right from the start, but the next day she acts like she doesn't know him. Lucy suffers from short-term memory loss, so every night all memory of her day is erased. But a man in love will go to great lengths to win the girl of his dreams,and if that means having to find imaginative ways of doing it over again every day,then Henry's up for the challenge. In an effort to help her remember him, he makes a video tape for her to watch every morning when they got married . He tried to make her remember everything again and again that shown How much Henry loves her. It is a heart touching movie.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

This movie is a romantic comedy movie came in year 2004. henry roth lives an enviable life in a hawaiian paradise, spending every night with a different beautiful tourist in search of an island fling. it's a great life, no strings attached ... until he meets lucy. he and lucy hit it off right from the start, but the next day she acts like she doesn't know him.lucy suffers from short-term memory loss, so every night all memory of her day is erased. but a man in love will go to great lengths to win the girl of his dreams, and if that means having to find imaginative ways of doing it over again every day, then henry's up for the challenge. in an effort to help her remember him, he makes a video tape for her to watch every morning when they got married.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

This movie is a romantic comedy movie came in year 2004. Henry Roth lives an enviable life in a Hawaiian paradise, spending every night with a different beautiful tourist in search of an island fling. It's a great life, no strings attached... until he meets Lucy. He and Lucy hit it off right from the start, but the next day she acts like she doesn't know him. Lucy suffers from short-term memory loss, so every night all memory of her day is erased. But a man in love will go to great lengths to win the girl of his dreams,and if that means having to find imaginative ways of doing it over again every day,then Henry's up for the challenge. In an effort to help her remember him, he makes a video tape for her to watch every morning when they got married . He tried to make her remember everything again and again that shown How much Henry loves her. It is a heart touching movie.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

This movie is a romantic comedy movie came in year 2004.Henry Roth Hawaiian lives an enviable life in a paradise, spending every night with a different beautiful tourist in search of an island fling. It's a great life, no strings attached ... until he meets Lucy.He Lucy and hit it off right from the start, but the next day she acts like she doesn 't know him.Lucy suffers from short-term memory loss, so every night is erased all memory of her day.But a man in love will go to great lengths to win the girl of his dreams, and if that means having to find imaginative ways of doing it over again every day, then Henry's up for the challenge. In an effort to help her remember him, he makes a video tape for her to watch every morning when they got married.He tried to make her remember everything again and again shown that much How Henry loves her. It is a heart touching movie.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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