Hey, it's Lewis from Brighton in the south of England! Looking to chat การแปล - Hey, it's Lewis from Brighton in the south of England! Looking to chat อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Hey, it's Lewis from Brighton in th

Hey, it's Lewis from Brighton in the south of England! Looking to chat to a variety of people from other countries around the world.

I'd describe myself as the type of guy who is easy to talk to, approachable, relaxed, fun loving and open minded. I try to understand others opinions and don't harass people.

I've studied at London and Brighton, and would like to take some time out to do a bit of travelling which has always been a dream of mine. I have a few places in mind where to go but have not made any final decisions yet. Maybe I can get some ideas from being on here.

Brighton is a well known coastal town in England with a nice SANDY BEACH and a great uni. There's lots to see and do here and I'd recommend it to anyone thinking of visiting the UK. But I'd advice you to come in the summer because nobody likes sitting on a beach in cold cloudy weather!

I intend to add lots more to my profile over time, but for now I hope you will send me a message and we can chat!
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Hey, it's Lewis from Brighton in the south of England! Looking to chat to a variety of people from other countries around the world.

I'd describe myself as the type of guy who is easy to talk to, approachable, relaxed, fun loving and open minded. I try to understand others opinions and don't harass people.

I've studied at London and Brighton, and would like to take some time out to do a bit of travelling which has always been a dream of mine. I have a few places in mind where to go but have not made any final decisions yet. Maybe I can get some ideas from being on here.

Brighton is a well known coastal town in England with a nice SANDY BEACH and a great uni. There's lots to see and do here and I'd recommend it to anyone thinking of visiting the UK. But I'd advice you to come in the summer because nobody likes sitting on a beach in cold cloudy weather!

I intend to add lots more to my profile over time, but for now I hope you will send me a message and we can chat!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hey, it's Lewis from Brighton in the south of England! Looking to chat to a Variety of People from Other Countries Around The World. I'd describe type of Myself As The Guy Who is Easy to talk to, approachable, relaxed, fun Loving and Open minded. I TRY to Understand Opinions and others do Not Harass People. I've studied at London and Brighton, and would like to Take some time out to do a bit of traveling which has Always been a Dream of Mine. I have a few places in mind where to go but have not made ​​any final decisions yet. I Can Get some Ideas maybe from being on here. Brighton is a Well Known Coastal Town in England with a Nice SANDY BEACH and a Great Uni. There's lots to see and do here and I'd recommend it to anyone thinking of visiting the UK. But I'd Advice You to Come in The Summer Because Nobody likes sitting on a Beach in cold cloudy weather! I intend to Add Lots more to My profile over time, but for now I Hope You Will Send ME a message and We Can chat. !

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Hey it ', s Lewis from Brighton in the south of England! Looking to chat to a variety of people from other countries around. The world.

I 'd describe myself as the type of guy who is easy to talk to approachable relaxed,,, loving fun and open minded.? I try to understand others opinions and don 't harass people.

I' ve studied at London, and BrightonAnd would like to take some time out to do a bit of travelling which has always been a dream of mine. I have a few places. In mind where to go but have not made any final decisions yet. Maybe I can get some ideas from being on here.

Brighton. Is a well known coastal town in England with a nice SANDY BEACH and a great Uni.There 's lots to see and do here and I' d recommend it to anyone thinking of visiting the UK. But I 'd advice you to come. In the summer because nobody likes sitting on a beach in cold cloudy weather!

I intend to add lots more to my profile over. Time but for, now I hope you will send me a message and we can chat!
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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