madame jennyWhen the day before my family and go shopping at the Mall, การแปล - madame jennyWhen the day before my family and go shopping at the Mall, อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

madame jennyWhen the day before my

madame jenny
When the day before my family and go shopping at the Mall, a row home and I've seen the commercials, travel to your book on your shopping mall are, I feel love in your global travel.
Book your travel around the world I see already and I think it will be fun and predict coming anyway otherwise you wouldn't go in less than a year, you make me want to try it out of the House, opened the door to go out try something new and frightening? I think it is something that I am okay, and maybe if I try to see what I might be like and love it like you do, that it's not just me that likes to advertise your book, my family too, everyone loves! My family would like you to come with us tourist attractions-CHAN. I have a place in Thailand, would like to introduce to you the shot coming and many challenges, I would like you to try to do something fun in Thailand, see I think it better!?, if you try and see the difference I'm pleased if you will come and will be happy to book travel with me and my family.
Places I recommend to you, it is a place where family and I go frequently, I think it is very beautiful and I wanted to let her read it.
1 National Park, Tham PLA PA suae – though always point cave fish. Is located in the foothills are characterized by a large pond. With many fish that live in the cave include the fish or fish carp is a thatched fish with Kang, flake, large and extremely rare.
2. Phu PA po, in Mt. Hor were spectacular, especially in the moments before the morning light of a new day is going up.
3. the market stalls is a popular shop that invite the most frightening. In when train vendors rush to close their shop store. When the convoy passed and then it will open the parachute, which is the distance between the railway shop less than 2 m away in your pajamas!
A ngasing crazy, however, ivory, I advise you to have a blank or I think you have to love a place that I recommended it to 'em and I hope you will read the letter and reply on my mail I will wait your mail reader.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
madame jennyWhen the day before my family and go shopping at the Mall, a row home and I've seen the commercials, travel to your book on your shopping mall are, I feel love in your global travel.Book your travel around the world I see already and I think it will be fun and predict coming anyway otherwise you wouldn't go in less than a year, you make me want to try it out of the House, opened the door to go out try something new and frightening? I think it is something that I am okay, and maybe if I try to see what I might be like and love it like you do, that it's not just me that likes to advertise your book, my family too, everyone loves! My family would like you to come with us tourist attractions-CHAN. I have a place in Thailand, would like to introduce to you the shot coming and many challenges, I would like you to try to do something fun in Thailand, see I think it better!?, if you try and see the difference I'm pleased if you will come and will be happy to book travel with me and my family.Places I recommend to you, it is a place where family and I go frequently, I think it is very beautiful and I wanted to let her read it.1 National Park, Tham PLA PA suae – though always point cave fish. Is located in the foothills are characterized by a large pond. With many fish that live in the cave include the fish or fish carp is a thatched fish with Kang, flake, large and extremely rare.2. Phu PA po, in Mt. Hor were spectacular, especially in the moments before the morning light of a new day is going up. 3. the market stalls is a popular shop that invite the most frightening. In when train vendors rush to close their shop store. When the convoy passed and then it will open the parachute, which is the distance between the railway shop less than 2 m away in your pajamas! A ngasing crazy, however, ivory, I advise you to have a blank or I think you have to love a place that I recommended it to 'em and I hope you will read the letter and reply on my mail I will wait your mail reader. yungying
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Madame Jenny
When the Day before My Family and Go Shopping at the Mall, I've seen a Row Home and the Commercials, Book your travel to your Shopping Mall are on, I Feel Love in your Global travel.
Book your travel around the world I see already and I think it will be fun and predict coming anyway otherwise you would not go in less than a year, you make me want to try it out of the House, opened the door to go out. try something new and frightening? I think it is something that I am okay, and maybe if I try to see what I might be like and love it like you do, that it's not just me that likes to advertise your book, my family too, everyone loves! My family would like you to come with us tourist attractions-CHAN. I have a place in Thailand, would like to introduce to you the shot coming and many challenges, I would like you to try to do something fun in Thailand, see I think it better!?, If you try and see the difference I '. m pleased if you will come and will be happy to book travel with me and my family.
Places I recommend to you, it is a place where family and I go frequently, I think it is very beautiful and I wanted to let her read it.
1 National Park, Tham PLA PA suae - though always point cave fish. Is located in the foothills are characterized by a large pond. With many fish that live in the cave include the fish or fish carp is a thatched fish with Kang, flake, large and extremely rare.
2. Phu PA po, in Mt. Hor were spectacular, especially in the moments before the morning light of a new day is going up.
3. the market stalls is a popular shop that invite the most frightening. In when train vendors rush to close their shop store. When the convoy passed and then it will open the parachute, which is the distance between the railway shop less than 2 m away in your pajamas!
A ngasing crazy, however, ivory, I advise you to have a blank or I think you have to love a place that I recommended it to 'em and I hope you will read the letter and reply on my mail I will wait your mail reader. .
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Madame Jenny.When the day before my family and go shopping at, the Mall a row home and I 've seen, the commercials travel to your book. On your shopping mall are I feel, love in your global travel.Book your travel around the world I see already and I think it will be fun and predict coming anyway otherwise you wouldn t. ' Go in less than a year you make, me want to try it out of, the House opened the door to go out try something new and frightening?? I think it is something that I, am okay and maybe if I try to see what I might be like and love it like, you do that it s. ' Not just me that likes to advertise your book my too everyone, family, loves! My family would like you to come with us tourist. Attractions-CHAN. I have a place in Thailand would like, to introduce to you the shot coming and many challenges I would,, Like you to try to do something fun, in Thailand see I think it better!?, if you try and see the difference I m pleased. ' If you will come and will be happy to book travel with me and my family.Places I recommend, to you it is a place where family and I, go frequently I think it is very beautiful and I wanted to. Let her read it.1, National Park Tham PLA PA suae - though always point cave fish. Is located in the foothills are characterized by a large. Pond. With many fish that live in the cave include the fish or fish carp is a thatched fish with Kang flake large and,,, Extremely rare.2. Phu, PA Po in Mt. Hor, were spectacular especially in the moments before the morning light of a new day is going up.3. The market stalls is a popular shop that invite the most frightening. In when train vendors rush to close their shop. Store. When the convoy passed and then it will open the parachute which is, the distance between the railway shop less than 2 m. Away in your pajamas!A ngasing crazy however ivory,,, advise I you to have a blank or I think you have to love a place that I recommended it. To 'em and I hope you will read the letter and reply on my mail I will wait your mail reader.Yungying.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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