How are you and how was your day? Thank you once again for responding  การแปล - How are you and how was your day? Thank you once again for responding  อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

How are you and how was your day? T

How are you and how was your day? Thank you once again for responding to me and giving me your email. I really hope we become special to each other and hopefully some day we will be one family. I have attached some pictures of me and my daughter, Tina here for you. I know that I do not look half as good as you

Well I have seen from your profile and picture that you are very beautiful and so it has me wondering why you are still single? I had a very long relationship with my wife before her death. We met while in the University and got married in February 2000, we had courted for many years. That is the only relationship that i have ever really had. And so when i lost her, it hurt me so much and i just couldn't bring myself to find another woman. I put in a lot of emotions, finances and time into that relationship and I was really distraught when it ended so I just kept away from relationships. I started seeing a Counselor because of this because i started feeling so lonely and depressed. I have been feeling much better since i started seeing him and so now I am planning to give it a shot again and if it still hurts this time then I know that maybe I am meant to live the rest of my life, single.....smiles....Well, so you want to tell me more about you.

I have strong family values and my Tina is the most precious and only family I have now, the best thing that has ever happened to me is my Daughter. I lost my mum and dad. So, Tina is so precious to me, I do not leave her behind anytime am on a trip, domestic or when i'm going out of the country. I take good care of her and she is always with me unless she is in school. We live together without the help of a maid as I took it upon myself to give her the best in life. I like the outdoors with my Daughter and the weekend is always a special time for me and my Daughter as we sometimes go to the Stadium to watch soccer matches. For the past two years and two months raising my Daughter Tina alone has not been very easy. That is why i also need a mother to help me raise her into a beautiful and caring young woman.

I have left the website(TLL.COM) because I also met people that have all kinds of behavior. I always get unwanted & unsolicited daily messages from different women which i didn't find useful and just irritated me. I think that you are different maybe someday you would leave the website just to focus on me alone like I have done for you...haha...

Well thanks again for giving me the chance to introduce myself to you...i hope you like me as much as i like you.
Hoping you Write back soon

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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
how are you and how was your day? thank you once again for responding to me and giving me your email. i really hope we become special to each other and hopefully some day we will be one family. i have attached some pictures of me and my daughter, tina here for you. i know that i do not look half as good as you though ... lol ...

.well i have seen from your profile and picture that you are very beautiful and so it has me wondering why you are still single? i had a very long relationship with my wife before her death. we met while in the university and got married in february 2000, we had courted for many years. that is the only relationship that i have ever really had. and so when i lost her,.i have been feeling much better since i started seeing him and so now i am planning to give it a shot again and if it still hurts this time then i know that maybe i am meant to live the rest of my life, single ... .. smiles .... well, so you want to tell me more about you.

i have strong family values ​​and my tina is the most precious and only family i have now,.i like the outdoors with my daughter and the weekend is always a special time for me and my daughter as we sometimes go to the stadium to watch soccer matches. for the past two years and two months raising my daughter tina alone has not been very easy. that is why i also need a mother to help me raise her into a beautiful and caring young woman.

i have left the website ( because i also met people that have all kinds of behavior. i always get unwanted & unsolicited daily messages from different women which i didn't find useful and just irritated me. i think that you are different maybe someday you would leave the website just to focus on me alone like i have done for you ... haha ​​...

well thanks again for giving me the chance to introduce myself to you ...i hope you like me as much as i like you.
hoping you write back soon

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
How are you and how was your day? Thank you once again for responding to me and giving me your email. I really hope we become special to each other and hopefully some day we will be one family. I have attached some pictures of me and my daughter, Tina here for you. I know that I do not look half as good as you

Well I have seen from your profile and picture that you are very beautiful and so it has me wondering why you are still single? I had a very long relationship with my wife before her death. We met while in the University and got married in February 2000, we had courted for many years. That is the only relationship that i have ever really had. And so when i lost her, it hurt me so much and i just couldn't bring myself to find another woman. I put in a lot of emotions, finances and time into that relationship and I was really distraught when it ended so I just kept away from relationships. I started seeing a Counselor because of this because i started feeling so lonely and depressed. I have been feeling much better since i started seeing him and so now I am planning to give it a shot again and if it still hurts this time then I know that maybe I am meant to live the rest of my life, single.....smiles....Well, so you want to tell me more about you.

I have strong family values and my Tina is the most precious and only family I have now, the best thing that has ever happened to me is my Daughter. I lost my mum and dad. So, Tina is so precious to me, I do not leave her behind anytime am on a trip, domestic or when i'm going out of the country. I take good care of her and she is always with me unless she is in school. We live together without the help of a maid as I took it upon myself to give her the best in life. I like the outdoors with my Daughter and the weekend is always a special time for me and my Daughter as we sometimes go to the Stadium to watch soccer matches. For the past two years and two months raising my Daughter Tina alone has not been very easy. That is why i also need a mother to help me raise her into a beautiful and caring young woman.

I have left the website(TLL.COM) because I also met people that have all kinds of behavior. I always get unwanted & unsolicited daily messages from different women which i didn't find useful and just irritated me. I think that you are different maybe someday you would leave the website just to focus on me alone like I have done for you...haha...

Well thanks again for giving me the chance to introduce myself to you...i hope you like me as much as i like you.
Hoping you Write back soon

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
How are you and how was your day?Thank you once again for responding to me and giving me your email.I really hope we become special to each other and hopefully some day we will be one family.I have attached some pictures of me and my daughter, Tina here for you. I I know that do not look half as good as you though ... lol

...Well I have seen from your profile and picture that you are so very beautiful and it has me wondering why you are still single?I had a very long relationship with my wife before her death.We met while in the University February and got married in 2000, we had courted for many years. That is the only relationship that I have ever really had.And so when I lost her,it hurt me so much and I just couldn 't bring myself to find another woman. I put in a lot of emotions, finances and time into that relationship and I was really distraught when it ended so I just kept away from relationships. I started seeing a Counselor because of this because I started feeling so lonely and depressed.I have been feeling much better since I started seeing him and so now am I planning to give it a shot again and if it still hurts then I know this time that maybe I am meant to live the rest of my life, single ..... smiles .... Well, so you want to tell me more about you.

I Tina have strong family values and my family is the most precious and only I have now,The best thing that has ever happened to me is my Daughter.I lost my mum and dad. So, Tina is so precious to me, do not leave her behind I anytime am on a trip, or domestic when I' M going out of the country. I take good care of her and she is always with me unless she is in school. We live together without the help of a maid as I took it upon myself to give her the best in the outdoors with my Daughter I and the weekend is always a special time for me and my Daughter as we sometimes go to the Stadium to watch soccer matches. For the past two years and two months raising my Daughter Tina alone has not been very easy. That is why I also need a mother to help me raise her into a beautiful young woman and caring.

I have left the website (TLL.COM) because I also met people that have all kinds of behavior. I & always get unwanted unsolicited messages daily from different women which I didn' T find useful and just irritated me.I think that you are different maybe someday you would just leave the website to focus on me alone like I have done for you ... haha ...

Well thanks again for giving me the chance to introduce myself to you ...I hope you like me as much as I like you. You Write Hoping
back soon

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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