พฤติกรรมการเรียน End-User และประสบการณ์ของลูกค้าเหตุผลหนึ่งที่ทำให้ผู้ การแปล - พฤติกรรมการเรียน End-User และประสบการณ์ของลูกค้าเหตุผลหนึ่งที่ทำให้ผู้ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

พฤติกรรมการเรียน End-User และประสบก

พฤติกรรมการเรียน End-User และประสบการณ์ของลูกค้าเหตุผลหนึ่งที่ทำให้ผู้ใช้มีเช่นดี ประสบการณ์ ในตัวอย่างที่อธิบายข้างต้นเป็นเพราะ
พฤติกรรม นี้เป็นเหมือนพฤติกรรมบำบัดซึ่งจะใช้
ในด้านจิตวิทยา พฤติกรรมบำบัดจะขึ้นอยู่กับการเรียนรู้
ขึ้นอยู่กับเงื่อนไขต่างๆ นักบำบัดที่มีแนวโน้มที่จะ FOL-
เข้าใจการรักษา, การตรวจสอบและป้องกันที่ไม่พึงประสงค์หรือ
ระบุพฤติกรรม "ผิดปกติ" ของการใช้งานและ
ระบบที่ ส่งผลต่อ ประสบการณ์ของผู้ใช้และพฤติกรรม
ผู้เขียนที่คุณชื่นชอบพร้อมด้วยรีวิวราคาและส่วนลด คุณมีความยินดีที่จะค้นพบ
หากคุณสามารถตรวจสอบผู้ใช้ขั้นปลายและพฤติกรรมการใช้ -
และเรียนรู้สิ่งที่เป็นปกติและสิ่งที่ไม่ปกติ แล้วคุณจะ
ธุรกิจสาย Gure ออกสาเหตุของปัญหาและ
การคืน การวิเคราะห์อัตโนมัติอำนวยความสะดวกใน
ประสบการณ์ของผู้ใช้ และ ประสิทธิภาพ มากขึ้น
ทางเลือกเชิงรุกเพื่อวิธีการทั่วไปเพื่อสาย Xing
น้อยกว่าการแจ้งเตือนก่อนหน้านี้และถูกต้องมากขึ้น ตัวอย่างเช่น
สิ่งที่เป็น "การทำงาน" ในโครงสร้างพื้นฐานของคุณและสามารถ
ลบ ส่งผลต่อบรรทัดล่างของ บริษัท ของคุณ ถ้าจะใช้เวลา
สถานที่ของผู้ใช้และอื่น ๆ โดยการทำความเข้าใจ
หรือแม้แต่เลว, ละทิ้งเว็บไซต์ของคุณ คุณยังสามารถได้อย่างรวดเร็ว
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
This behavior as behavior therapy, which is used in psychology
. Behavior therapy is based on learning theory and practice
ing unwanted behavior through
techniques designed to reinforce positive
.Operation and eliminate the unwanted data is treated with the weather
regard to the type of behavior that is expected statistical
depends on the conditions. Therapists tend to fol-
.Low Model predictions that will help them in the analysis: the treatment, to detect and prevent unwanted or
abnormal behavior
Similarly, it has a form of its own and to
.A behavioral "disorders" of applications and
systems affecting the user experience and behavior: an application of this technology is known: learning user behavior, which will tell IT about. each
.As soon as you log in the retailers know who you are and the newest book from your favorite author
with reviews and discounts. Would you be willing to discover
.The author of this book is just out, and within a few minutes for you to complete and
Applications and services to be delivered to the customer in the end
affect your business
.If you can determine the end-user and application behavior. -
And learn what is normal and what is not normal.
Then you will be more proactive in monitoring performance issues
.Technology to monitor the impact on users and the business line

gure out the cause of the problem and push for corrective action to prevent the problem from returning
. Automatic analysis facilitates
.User experience and more efficient alternative
proactively to the general approach to the line. xing

solve problems with technology, learn to understand the system behavior,
detects deviations from normal behavior and a
.Less alert earlier and more accurate.
For example, the slow response time is a clear indication that some -
what is "working" in your infrastructure and can
.Negative impact on your company's bottom line: If it takes too long for one of your customers to enter: online application, add an order or send payment,
.He or she may get frustrated and leave your site: the use of technology for learning behavior prevents
this by saying the response time expected by
on the time of day, day of the week on the system.
.Location of the user and the other by understanding
expected behavior of applications under various
conditions, you can be sure to slow down before the
will actually pick up the phone and call the help desk,
or. Even worse,.Abandon your site. You can also quickly
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
End-User learning behavior and customer experience is one of the reasons that makes it possible for a user with such as well. Experience in the example described above, it is because the results of delivery technology
on the basis of learning.This behavior is behavior therapy, which uses the
in psychology. Behavior therapy is based on the learning theory of
ING and treats unwanted behaviors through
techniques designed to enhance plus
.Operation and get rid of the unwanted action
data is treated with oils and take into consideration the type of behavior
forecasts of statistics depending on various conditions.
. Therapists tend to be FOL-
Under the forecast model that will help them in understanding analysis,
monitor and prevent unwanted or abnormal behaviour,

similarly, has its own style and technology to
.Specify the behavior of "unusual" and that can affect systems
. The user's experience and behavior
applying this concept to a technology known as
learning user behaviour which will tell it about each
.People who use technology, particularly considering this situation or application you
decided to buy the book and want to see what's available online
.As soon as you log on to retailers who know who you are and introduce the newest books from your favorite authors
with reviews, prices and discounts. You are welcome to discover
.The author of the recently released this book and within a few minutes, so that you will complete and constant conflict.
Usage and service that is delivered to the customer in the end
affect your business
.If you can check the end users and usage habits-
and learn what is normal and what is abnormal, you will become more proactive in
monitor performance problems
.A technology that can monitor the impact on the business and user wired
Gure out the cause of the problem, and
push corrective action to prevent problems arising from
return. Automatic analysis of
User experience and performance, much more aggressive alternatives to the
general approach to problem-solving Xing

learning technologies,
system to understand behavior deviates from the normal behaviour is detected and
.Less than the previous notification, and more. For example,
sluggish response time is a clear indicator that some-what is
"working," he said. In your infrastructure and can
.Remove the bottom line impact of your company. If it takes too long for the one
online login application, add an item to a purchase order or send payment,
.He or she may get frustrated and leave your site user behavior learning technology helps prevent
by telling the response time expected by
with the time of day the day of the week to load in the system
.Location of the user, and so by understanding the behavior of
usage expected under various conditions you can check
slowing before the user actually will pick up the phone and call
Desk help,
or, even worse, Discard your Web site. You can also quickly
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
behavior in the classroom End - User and one of the reasons why the customer experience, such as a user experience in the example described above, this is because
technology for the delivery of the desired results on the basis of the learning
This behavior is like behavior therapy which will be used in the above
psychology behavior therapy will depend on the learning
ING theory and practice on behavior that is not spam through the technical
have been designed to complement the positive
Continue and get rid of unwanted actions
information will be kept in the engine and having regard to the type of behavior that is
statistical forecast are subject to the conditions of the treatment, is likely to be FOL-
The model predicts that low will help them to understand the analysis
treatment, monitoring, and prevent unwanted behavior or abnormal

there was a similar pattern of their own technology and to
Specify behavior "failure" of the use and
system that affect the user's experience and the behavior of an application using the concept
with the technology is known as the learning behavior of the user who will tell you about each
itpeople who use of technology, especially the application or
consider this situation you decide to buy a book and want to see what the online
As soon as you enter the system in a retail store and who knows that you are the latest recommended new book
who wrote that you love with the view and price discounts you will find it is a pleasure to be a
.The author of the recently issued this book and within a few minutes to complete, and you will be

of the conflict, and the service is delivered to the customer at last
affect your business
If you can make an end user and the behavior of -
and to learn what is normal and what is not normal, and you will be a proactive
more to check performance issues
The technology can be used to check the effects and
Business Wire Gure
push the cause of the problem and the corrective action to prevent the problem that is caused by the night
automatic analysis facilities in
user experience and more efficient choice
proactive approach to General problems to call Xing

technology to solve the problem of learning to understand the behavior,
detected deviation from normal behavior, and
Less than prior notification and more accurate response time. For example,
a sluggish as a clear indication that some-
what is a "Work" in your infrastructure and can be
negative impact on your company's bottom line if it takes too long to
for one of your customers to access the online application, add a
order or send the payment,
He or she may have been disappointed and out of your Web site
the use of technology to learn behavior helps to prevent this
with the said response time is expected to be in accordance with the
on the time of day day of the week in the system load
Many of the user and others, to understand the expectations of behavior
use under the terms of
you can check the slowdown before the user
True will receive phone calls and call Help Desk,
or even worse,Leave your Web site, you can also quickly
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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