Ovid. (Fast. v. 255, &c.) ENCYCLOPEDIAARES (Arês), the god of war and  การแปล - Ovid. (Fast. v. 255, &c.) ENCYCLOPEDIAARES (Arês), the god of war and  แอฟริกา วิธีการพูด

Ovid. (Fast. v. 255, &c.) ENCYCLOPE

Ovid. (Fast. v. 255, &c.) ENCYCLOPEDIA
ARES (Arês), the god of war and one of the great Olympian gods of the Greeks. He is represented as the son of Zeus and Hera. (Hom. Il. v. 893, &c.; Hes. Theog.921; Apollod. i. 3. § 1.) A later tradition, according to which Hera conceived Ares by touching a certain flower, appears to be an imitation of the legend about the birth of Hephaestus, and is related by
The character of Ares in Greek mythology will be best understood if we compare it with that of other divinities who are likewise in some way connected with war. Athena represents thoughtfulness and wisdom in the affairs of war, and protects men and their habitations during its ravages. Ares, on the other hand, is nothing but the personification of bold force and strength, and not so much the god of war as of its tumult, confusion, and horrors. His sister Eris calls forth war, Zeus directs its course, but Ares loves war for its own sake, and delights in the din and roar of battles, in the slaughter of men, and the destruction of towns. He is not even influenced by party-spirit, but sometimes assists the one and sometimes the other side, just as his inclination may dictate; whence Zeus calls him alloposallos. (Il. v. 889.) The destructive hand of this god was even believed to be active in the ravages made by plagues and epidemics. (Soph. Oed. Tyr. 185.) This savage and sanguinary character of Ares makes him hated by the other gods and his own parents. (Il. v. 889-909.) In the Iliad, he appears surrounded by the personifications of all the fearful phenomena and effects of war (iv. 440, &c., xv. 119, &c.); but in the Odyssey his character is somewhat softened down.
It was contrary to the spirit which animated the Greeks to represent a being like Ares, with all his overwhelming physical strength, as always victorious; and when he comes in contact with higher powers, he is usually conquered. He was wounded by Diomedes, who was assisted by Athena, and in his fall he roared like nine or ten thousand other warriors together. (Il. v. 855, &c.) When the gods began to take an active part in the war of the mortals, Athena opposed Ares, and threw him on the ground by hurling at him a mighty stone (xx. 69, xxi. 403, &c.); and when he lay stretched on the earth, his huge body covered the space of seven plethra.
The gigantic Aloadae had likewise conquered and chained him, and had kept him a prisoner for thirteen months, until he was delivered by Hermes. (v. 385, &c.) In the contest of Typhon against Zeus, Ares was obliged, together with the other gods, to flee to Egypt, where he metamorphosed himself into a fish. (Antonin. Lib. 28.) He was also conquered by Heracles, with whom he fought on account of his son Cycnus, and obliged to return to Olympus. (Hesiod, Scut. Herc. 461.) In numerous other contests, however, he was victorious.
This fierce and gigantic, but withal handsome god loved and was beloved by Aphrodite : he interfered on her behalf with Zeus (v. 883), and lent her his war-chariot. (v. 363; comp. Aphrodite.) When Aphrodite loved Adonis, Ares in his jealonsy metamorphosed himself into a bear, and killed his rival.
According to a late tradition, Ares slew Halirrhotius, the son of Poseidon, when he was on the point of violating Alcippe, the daughter of Ares. Hereupon Poseidon accused Ares in the Areiopagus, where the Olympian gods were assembled in court. Ares was acquitted, and this event was believed to have given rise to the name Areiopagus. (Dict. of Ant. s. v.)
The warlike character of the tribes of Thrace led to the belief, that the god's residence was in that country, and here and in Scythia were the principal seats of his worship. (Hom. Od. viii. 361, with the note of Eustath.; Ov. Ars Am. ii. 585 ; Statius, Theb. vii. 42; Herod. iv. 59, 62.) In Scythia he was worshipped in the form of a sword, to which not only horses and other cattle, but men also were sacrificed. Respecting the worship of an Egyptian divinity called Ares, see Herodotus, ii. 64.
He was further worshipped in Colchis, where the golden fleece was suspended on an oak-tree in a grove sacred to him. (Apollod. i. 9. § 16.) From thence the Dioscuri were believed to have brought to Laconia the ancient statue of Ares which was preserved in the temple of Ares Thareitas, on the road from Sparta to Therapnae. (Paus. iii. 19. § 7, &c.) The island near the coast of Colchis, in which the Stymphalian birds were believed to have dwelt, and which is called the island of Ares, Aretias, Aria, or Chalceritis, was likewise sacred to him. (Steph. Byz. s. v. Areos nêsos; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 1047; Plin. H. N. vi. 12; Pomp. Mela, ii. 7. § 15.)
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Ovidius. (Fast. v 255, & c.) Encyclopedia
are (sondaars), die god van oorlog en een van die groot Olimpiese gode van die Grieke. Hy word voorgestel as die seun van Zeus en Hera. (Hom. IL V. 893, & c;... Hes Theog.921;... Apollod I. 3 § 1) 'n later tradisie, waarvolgens hera ontvang sondaars deur die aanraking van 'n sekere blom, lyk na 'n nagemaakte wees. van die legende oor die geboorte van Hephaestus,.en is verwant deur
die karakter van sondaars in die Griekse mitologie sal die beste verstaan ​​word as ons dit vergelyk met dié van ander gode wat ook in een of ander manier verbind met 'n oorlog. Athena verteenwoordig bedagsaamheid en wysheid in die sake van die oorlog, en beskerm mense en hul wonings in sy verwoesting. sondaars, aan die ander kant, is niks anders as die verpersoonliking van die vet krag en sterkte.en nie soseer die god van oorlog as van sy rumoer, verwarring en gruwels. sy suster Eris noem uitgetrek, Zeus gelas sy natuurlik nie, maar sondaars lief oorlog vir sy eie onthalwe, en vreugde in die lawaai en brul van die gevegte, in die slag van die mense, en die vernietiging van die dorpe. Hy is nog nie beïnvloed word deur party gees, maar soms help die een en soms die ander kant.net soos sy neiging kan dikteer, van waar Zeus noem hom alloposallos. (Il. v 889.) Die vernietigende hand van hierdie God is selfs geglo om aktief te wees in die verwoesting wat deur plae en epidemies. (Soph. OED Tyr.. 185.) Hierdie wrede en bloedige karakter van sondaars maak hom gehaat deur die ander gode en sy eie ouers. (Il. v 889-909.) In die Ilias.Hy verskyn omring deur die personificaties van al die verskriklike verskynsels en gevolge van die oorlog (IV. 440, & c, XV 119, & c...);. maar in die odyssee sy karakter is ietwat versag af
dit was strydig met die. gees wat geanimeerde het die Grieke 'n wese soos sondaars te stel, met al sy oorweldigende fisiese krag, soos altyd oorwin nie, en wanneer hy kom in aanraking met 'n hoër magte.Hy is gewoonlik verower. Hy is gewond deur Diomedes, wat deur athena bygestaan ​​is, en in sy val hy brul soos nege of tien duisend ander krygers saam. (Il. v 855, & c.) Wanneer die gode begin 'n aktiewe rol in die oorlog van die sterflinge te neem, athena gekant sondaars, en gooi hom op die grond deur die gooi by hom 'n groot klip (XX. 69, xxi. . 403, & c);. en toe hy lê uitgestrek op die aarde.Sy groot liggaam bedek die ruimte van sewe plethra
die reuse aloadae ook oorwin het en vasgeketting hom. en gehou het vir hom 'n gevangene vir dertien maande, totdat hy is deur Hermes. (V. 385, & c.) In die wedstryd van die Typhon teen Zeus, is sondaars verplig om, saam met die ander gode, om te vlug na Egipte, waar hy metamorfose homself in 'n vis. (Antonin. lib. 28.) Hy was ook verower deur Herakles, met wie hy geveg het op grond van sy seun cycnus, en verplig om terug te keer na Olympus. (... Hesiod, veer Herc 461) In talle ander wedstryde, was hy egter seëvierende
Dié kwaai en groot, maar hy was mooi God liefgehad het en 'n liefling by Aphrodite:. Hy ingemeng het namens haar met Zeus (vers 883). , en het haar sy oorlog-wa. (V. 363;. Comp Aphrodite.) Wanneer Aphrodite liefgehad Adonis, are in sy jealonsy metamorfose homself in 'n beer, en vermoor sy teenstander.
Volgens 'n laat tradisie, sondaars gedood halirrhotius, die seun van Poseidon, toe hy op die punt van die oortreding van alcippe, die dogter van. sondaars. Hierop Poseidon beskuldig sondaars in die areiopagus, waar die Olimpiese gode in die hof vergader. sondaars is vrygespreek.en hierdie gebeurtenis is geglo het aanleiding gegee tot die naam areiopagus. (Dict. mier. SV)
die oorlogsugtige karakter van die stamme van Thracië het gelei tot die geloof dat die God se woning was in daardie land, en hier en in Skithië was die skoolhoof sitplekke van sy aanbidding. (Hom. OD viii 361, met die kennis van eustath;..... Ov Ars is Ii 585;.. Statius, theb VII 42;. Herodus Iv 59, 62...) In Skithië hy aanbid in die vorm van 'n swaard, wat nie net perde en ander vee, maar mans het ook geoffer. respek vir die aanbidding van 'n Egiptiese godheid genoem are, sien Herodotus, II. 64
Hy is verder aanbid in colchis, waar die goue vag op 'n terpentynboom opgeskort is in 'n Grove vir hom heilig.. (I Apollod.. 9 § 16..) Daarvandaan het die dioscuri het vermoedelik gebring LACONIA die antieke beeld van die are wat in die tempel van sondaars thareitas bewaar is, op die pad van Sparta te therapnae. (Iii Paus. 19.. § 7, & c.) Die eiland naby die kus van colchis, waarin die stymphalian voëls is vermoedelik gewoon het, en wat bekend staan ​​as die eiland van sondaars, aretias, aria, of chalceritis.was ook vir hom heilig. (. Byz Sv Steph. Areos nêsos;.. Apollon Rhod Ii 1047;. Plin Hn vi 12;...... Prag Mela, II 7 § 15)
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