ความฝันของฉันคืออยากไปเที่ยวเกาะเซจูประเทศเกาหลีใต้เมื่อฉันเรียนจบจะหา การแปล - ความฝันของฉันคืออยากไปเที่ยวเกาะเซจูประเทศเกาหลีใต้เมื่อฉันเรียนจบจะหา อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
My dream is to go to Koh San Ju, Korea when I leave school to find work and save money to Jeju Island with the atmosphere is amazing and is a tourist resort Korean popular vacation it. My ever.To Korea I came back, it would like to tell about a tour in Korea always seems to tell me that was both fun and knowledge about how to make kimchi, I'd say that if you go to Jeju Island. Extensions to the plane of the goods.Alice went to Jeju Island, the airfares are not expensive, about to turn one hundred thousand won, or about three thousand only comfort is that I want to go to Jeju Island, probably because many people go to Korea, I often go to t. A new player in the Seoul International.Value, but for me, I try to see my natural Jeju simple lifestyle of the Korean people in the form of a beautiful nature and has been honored as a UNESCO World Heritage Site Jeju, I do not. I missed the chance to go.Jeju Island.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
My dream is to go to South Korea for the country-island when I graduated to find work, and then the Bill go to Jeju with a magical atmosphere, and is a popular tourist destination that is popular in Korea, holidays, my uncle ever.The secret country, Korea has come like a poultice of story trips in Korea always Uncle told me to listen to all that is fun and knowledge about making kimchi I told Uncle if they go to Jeju to flight from Manila Ninoy Aquino.Sonpai Jeju Island best airfare is expensive by about one hundred to three thousand baht or won only about being the reason I wanted to go to Jeju International Airport may be because many people who went to Korea, they often go out to play in Seoul is best m.Each visit I want to try for a natural, I would like to see Jeju simplicity of lifestyle people, on the other hand, Korea model have seen nature so far has been praised, Jeju is a world heritage site, so I don't want to miss it.Jeju International Airport
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
I wanted to go to the dream of a processor and Julia visit Island South Korea when I graduated to find work, and keep the money to visit เชจู island atmosphere is really special and it is a tourist resort of South Korea's most popular my aunt came to visit on holidays I have beenWhen he got back to the country to Visit South Korea, would like to come to the story to keep my aunt told me that Korea Tour, I have to listen to that, the fun and the knowledge about the kimchi my aunt told me that if I wanted to be on the plane to the Island of the city the เชจูThe value to the island, Greece เชจู plane tickets are not expensive, about to go back to one hundred thousand Wons or approximately three thousand baht only. Why do I want to visit Island เชจู may be because many people go to South Korea, it is always going to a play in Seoul, and is the part,I wanted to try, but as for going to a natural เชจู island lifestyle simple. I want to see them again in Korea Format. See the beauty that nature has been honored เชจู Island, it is a World Heritage so I don't want to miss out on going to visitIsland เชจู
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