ยังเฝ้ามองที่นาฬิกาอยากเร่งช่วงเวลาให้หลับสักทีในความฝันทุกคืนที่ฉันมี การแปล - ยังเฝ้ามองที่นาฬิกาอยากเร่งช่วงเวลาให้หลับสักทีในความฝันทุกคืนที่ฉันมี อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด




ทิ้งตัว ล้มนอน
รู้ดี หัวใจ ไม่อยากให้มันมีวันพรุ่งนี้

ถ้าในฝันนั้น ฉันได้มีเธอ
ขอนอนหลับไม่ตื่นได้ไหม ก็มันไม่พร้อม
ยอมรับว่าเธอจากไป ไปจากฉันจริงๆ


กลิ่นปลอกหมอนจางๆ ที่ข้างกัน

ทิ้งตัว ล้มนอน
รู้ดี หัวใจ ไม่อยากให้มันมีวันพรุ่งนี้

ถ้าในฝันนั้น ฉันได้มีเธอ
ขอนอนหลับไม่ตื่นได้ไหม ก็มันไม่พร้อม
ยอมรับว่าเธอจากไป ไปจากฉันจริงๆ

ถ้าในทุกเช้า ฉันไม่มีเธอ
ขอนอนหลับไม่ตื่นได้ไหม ก็มันไม่พร้อม
ยอมรับว่าเธอจากไป ไปจากฉันจริงๆ

จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Also take a look at the clock: it accelerates the time to sleep anymore
in a dream every night that I have: I have seen her eyes

on knowing the truth: she then never returned
but. Her voice was a grand farewell

I'm sorry to repeat.Settling down to sleep
I just hugged a pillow to dream
knew I did not want it tomorrow

sore every morning to open my eyes and see her
I want to know the truth, that I do not have anyone
if in I had a dream that she
.I sleep and not wake me. It is also admitted that she and
. I'm really not used to it

loneliness Realizing that someone just lost every time I breathe it

I love it

I always stop myself.But just then she turned to look across the pillow smells faintly
. The side it tells me to think of her

dropped. I just wanted to hug the pillow and then fall

I knew I did not want to make it tomorrow

I do not open my eyes every morning to see her
.I recognize the fact that I do not have anyone that
if in a dream.
I love my sleep and not wake me. It is also admitted that she and

I'm really sore from the morning to open my eyes and see her
.I recognize the fact that I do not have anyone
if every morning.
I do not get her to sleep and not wake me. It is also admitted that she and

I'm really from.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Also take a look at the clock, sleep duration would
in a dream every night that I had just seen episode

she once knew in fact that she's never customized
, but her voice is one of the greatest ass I'm sorry

reiterated.Leave the I just fell down the pillow hug
know better. My heart doesn't want to make it there tomorrow

is that every morning, sore eyes, and cannot see her
doesn't want to recognize the fact that I do not support anyone if a dream
. I've had her.
.I'd never sleep wake up? it is not ready to accept that her from

I'm really not familiar at all, just knowing how desolate
someone just disappear all the time it needs to breathe, who am lonely

do not tear it also seeks to restrain yourself.
.But turned to look, she stayed only a faint odor at the pillow above
it tells me to think of her

left, I just fell down the pillow hug
know better. My heart doesn't want to make it there tomorrow

is that every morning, sore eyes, and cannot see her
.He doesn't want to recognize the fact that I do not support anyone if a dream
. I have not asked her to wake sleeping
?, it is not ready to accept that from her

I'm really sore from all that is good and not see her eyes
.He doesn't want to recognize the fact that I do not support anyone
if in every morning. I didn't have her, I awake no sleeping
?, it is not ready to accept that her from

I'm really.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Also watched the clock
wanted to accelerate the time to sleep for a moment in the dream every night
I have just closed my eyes and saw her in

when I knew that she was in fact
there is no date, but the sound of her
leave a more pointed out, I'm sorry I

just wanted to leave the fallen lay

to hug a pillow, and then dreams he knew my heart did not want to give it a day to-morrow

sore every morning. Don't see the need to open your eyes, and then she did not want to be aware of the fact that
mine if there was no one in my dreams, I am
she has
It does not wake up sleeping? It's not with
agree that she had to go away from me,

lonely is not familiar with it. Just know that just one missing.
it must be lonely at the time, breathing
it also do not shed tears had not been secretly

always slipped my own heart.but it turned and looked at her to find a pillow that smelled faintly
side by side. It told me to think of her

wanted to leave the bed to fall just to hug a pillow, and then dream
knew her heart did not want to give it a day, to-morrow

sore every morning. That must be opened her eyes, and then she could see
Don't want to be aware of the fact that there was no one was mine
if in my dreams, that I have not slept for her
wake up? It's not ready
agree that she had to go away from my real

sore every morning. That must be opened her eyes, and then she could see
Don't want to be aware of the fact that there was no one was mine
if every morning I don't have any request for sleep
she does not wake up with
? It's not accepted that she had to go away from me,

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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