Adecco Worldwide - Adecco is a Fortune Global 500 company and the glob การแปล - Adecco Worldwide - Adecco is a Fortune Global 500 company and the glob อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Adecco Worldwide - Adecco is a Fort

Adecco Worldwide - Adecco is a Fortune Global 500 company and the global leader in Human Resources services. Registered in Switzerland, and managed by a multinational team with expertise in markets spanning the globe, the Adecco Group delivers an unparalleled range of flexible staffing and career resources to clients and associates. Adecco was created in 1996, following the merger of Adia (Switzerland) and Ecco (France), two leading personnel service firms with complementary geographical profiles. We are now having more than 7,000 offices in 60 countries and territories worldwide.

Adecco Thailand - Adecco Thailand is the leader in Human Resource Solutions, offering Recruitment, Employment/ Outsource/ Contract Staffing and Human Capital Solutions. With over 20 years of experience in Thailand, we have developed the network and expertise to assist companies in building successful teams. We are now operated with 10 Business Units, connects over 8,000 Associates each day through Adecco network of over 200 Employees. Our recruitment managers and consultants are in possession of expertise, knowledge of industry and employment trends, enabling us to fully understand HR requirements and offer the most practical solutions.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
following the merger of adia (switzerland) and ecco (france), two leading personnel service firms with complementary geographical profiles. we are now having more than 7,000 offices in 60 countries and territories worldwide.

Adecco thailand - adecco thailand is the leader in human resource solutions, offering recruitment, employment / outsource / contract staffing and human capital solutions.with over 20 years of experience in thailand, we have developed the network and expertise to assist companies in building successful teams. we are now operated with 10 business units, connects over 8,000 associates each day through adecco network of over 200 employees. our recruitment managers and consultants are in possession of expertise, knowledge of industry and employment trends,.enabling us to fully understand hr requirements and offer the most practical solutions.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Adecco Worldwide - Adecco is a Fortune Global 500 company and the global leader in Human Resources services. Registered in Switzerland, and managed by a multinational team with expertise in markets spanning the globe, the Adecco Group delivers an unparalleled range of flexible staffing and career resources to clients and associates. Adecco was created in 1996, following the merger of Adia (Switzerland) and Ecco (France), two leading personnel service firms with complementary geographical profiles. We are now having more than 7,000 offices in 60 countries and territories worldwide.

Adecco Thailand - Adecco Thailand is the leader in Human Resource Solutions, offering Recruitment, Employment/ Outsource/ Contract Staffing and Human Capital Solutions. With over 20 years of experience in Thailand, we have developed the network and expertise to assist companies in building successful teams. We are now operated with 10 Business Units, connects over 8,000 Associates each day through Adecco network of over 200 Employees. Our recruitment managers and consultants are in possession of expertise, knowledge of industry and employment trends, enabling us to fully understand HR requirements and offer the most practical solutions.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Adecco Worldwide - Adecco Fortune Global is a 500 Company and the global leader in services Human Resources. Registered in Switzerland, and managed by a multinational team with expertise in markets spanning the globe, the Adecco Group delivers an unparalleled range of flexible staffing and career resources to clients and associates. Adecco was created in 1996,Following the merger of Adia (Switzerland) and Ecco (France), two leading personnel service firms with complementary geographical profiles. We are now having more than 7,000 offices in 60 countries and territories worldwide.

Adecco Thailand - Adecco Thailand is the leader in Human Resource Solutions, offering Recruitment, Employment/Outsource/Contract Staffing and Human Capital Solutions.Over 20 years of experience in With Thailand, we have developed the expertise and network to assist companies in building successful teams.We are now operated with 10 Business Units, connects over 8,000 Associates Adecco each day through network of over 200 Employees. Our recruitment managers and consultants are in possession of expertise, knowledge of industry and employment trends,enabling us to fully understand HR requirements and offer the most practical solutions.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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