Painting a picture of the future of Thailand artA new star on the Thai การแปล - Painting a picture of the future of Thailand artA new star on the Thai อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Painting a picture of the future of

Painting a picture of the future of Thailand art
A new star on the Thai art scene will be discovered during the “Bualuang101 Art Competition” where aspiring young creative will showcase their skills to vie for scholarships worth 200000 baht.
Organised by Bangkok Bank Fonu- dation , the competition will see contestants –all of whom are third year and senior art students from institution across the country –creating their art under the concept of “White Canvas” , which refers to fresh young talent who will make a difference in the art scene.
This is a competition and a reality show as all contestant are required to reside at the Queen’s Art Gallery in order to create their works during a nine-day period from Nov -13
The event will be broadcast live on ant art lovers are invited to vote for thir favourite pieces and pieces and as will being given the chance to win prizes , too.
Throughout the event, however, the prospective artists will have a chance to learn some techniques and valuable knowledge from many renowned speakers who will give talks.
Panya Vijinthanasarn, winner of the Bualuang Artist 2012, will talk about “My impression of art galleries in the UK” Phra Santipong Kemapanyo from Sukato
Temple in Chaiyaphum willdiscuss “Dhamma, art and life” , and Chaipranin Visudhipol, chairman of TBWA, will give a seminar on career opportunities for art students.
Other interesting topics include “The problem in the process of making art” by Thongchai Rakpathum, “Normal art-art that is not normal” by Assist Prof Thawon Ko-udomwit and “Contemporary art : content and style” by Prof Wichok Mukdamani. The work produced during the competition will be judged by a panel of national artists, art experts and renowned academics . the result will be announced on Nov 24.
The Bualuang Artist of the Year will receive 100000 baht and the Bualuang Creative Artist will be awarded 70000 baht. There is also an outstanding prize borth 30000 baht.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
painting a picture of the future of thailand art
a new star on the thai art scene will be discovered during the "bualuang101 art competition" where aspiring young creative will showcase their skills to vie for scholarships worth 200000 baht.
organised by bangkok bank fonu. - dation,.the competition will see contestants-all of whom are third year and senior art students from institution across the country-creating their art under the concept of "white canvas", which refers to fresh young talent who will make a difference in the art scene.
.this is a competition and a reality show as all contestant are required to reside at the queen's art gallery in order to create their works during a nine-day period from nov -13
the event will be broadcast live on ant. art lovers are invited to vote for thir favourite pieces and pieces and as will being given the chance to win prizes, too.
throughout the event, however,.the prospective artists will have a chance to learn some techniques and valuable knowledge from many renowned speakers who will give talks.
panya vijinthanasarn, winner of the bualuang artist 2012, will talk about "my impression of art galleries in the uk" phra santipong kemapanyo. from sukato
temple in chaiyaphum willdiscuss "dhamma, art and life", and chaipranin visudhipol,.chairman of tbwa, will give a seminar on career opportunities for art students.
other interesting topics include "the problem in the process of making art" by thongchai rakpathum, "normal art-art that is not normal" by assist prof thawon ko-. udomwit and "contemporary art: content and style" by prof wichok mukdamani.the work produced during the competition will be judged by a panel of national artists, art experts and renowned academics. the result will be announced on nov 24.
the bualuang artist of the year will receive 100000 baht and the bualuang creative artist will be awarded 70000 baht. there is also an outstanding prize borth 30000 baht.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Painting a picture of the future of Thailand art
A new star on the Thai art scene will be discovered during the "Bualuang101 Art Competition" where aspiring young creative will showcase their skills to vie for scholarships worth 200000 baht.
Organised by Bangkok Bank Fonu- dation , the competition will see contestants –all of whom are third year and senior art students from institution across the country –creating their art under the concept of "White Canvas" , which refers to fresh young talent who will make a difference in the art scene.
This is a competition and a reality show as all contestant are required to reside at the Queen's Art Gallery in order to create their works during a nine-day period from Nov -13
The event will be broadcast live on ant art lovers are invited to vote for thir favourite pieces and pieces and as will being given the chance to win prizes , too.
Throughout the event, however, the prospective artists will have a chance to learn some techniques and valuable knowledge from many renowned speakers who will give talks.
Panya Vijinthanasarn, winner of the Bualuang Artist 2012, will talk about "My impression of art galleries in the UK" Phra Santipong Kemapanyo from Sukato
Temple in Chaiyaphum willdiscuss "Dhamma, art and life" , and Chaipranin Visudhipol, chairman of TBWA, will give a seminar on career opportunities for art students.
Other interesting topics include "The problem in the process of making art" by Thongchai Rakpathum, "Normal art-art that is not normal" by Assist Prof Thawon Ko-udomwit and "Contemporary art : content and style" by Prof Wichok Mukdamani. The work produced during the competition will be judged by a panel of national artists, art experts and renowned academics . the result will be announced on Nov 24.
The Bualuang Artist of the Year will receive 100000 baht and the Bualuang Creative Artist will be awarded 70000 baht. There is also an outstanding prize borth 30000 baht.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
a picture of the future of Painting Thailand art
A Thai New star on the art scene will be discovered during the "101 Bualuang Art Competition" where aspiring young creative will showcase their skills to vie for scholarships worth 200000 baht.
by Organised Bangkok Bank Fonu - dation,The competition will see contestants - all of whom are third year institution and senior art students from across the country - creating their art under the concept of "White Canvas", which refers to fresh young talent who will make a difference in the art scene.
This is a competition and a reality show contestant as all are required to reside at the Art Gallery Queen' s in order to create their works during a nine-day period from Nov - 13
The event will be broadcast live on www.Kapook .com ant art lovers are invited to vote for thir favourite pieces and pieces and will as being given the chance to win prizes, too.
Throughout the event, however,The prospective artists will have a chance to learn some techniques and valuable knowledge from many renowned speakers who will give talks.
Panya Vijinthanasarn, winner of the Bualuang Artist 2012, will talk about "My impression of art galleries in the UK" Phra Santipong Kemapanyo from Sukato
Temple Chaiyaphum willdiscuss in "Dhamma, art and life", and Chaipranin Visudhipol,chairman of TBWA, will give a seminar on career opportunities for art students.
Other interesting topics include "The problem in the process of making art" by Thongchai Rakpathum, "Normal art - art that is not normal" by Assist Prof Thawon Ko - "Contemporary udomwit and art: content and style" by Prof Wichok Mukdamani.The Work produced during the competition will be judged by a panel of national artists, art experts and renowned academics.The result will be announced on 24 Nov.
The Bualuang Artist Year will receive 100000 of the baht and the Bualuang Creative Artist will be awarded 70000 baht. There is also an outstanding prize borth 30000 baht.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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