After further discussion with Univac on the construction & design inte การแปล - After further discussion with Univac on the construction & design inte อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

After further discussion with Univa

After further discussion with Univac on the construction & design intend of the bushing, if both are made of steel will lead to scoring marks problems after long run, in order to maintain the good concentricity and sizes control they actually assemble the core bushing to the core base and do a final machining to achieve the accuracy. This will ensure longer tool life as compare to machine separately to sizes and assemble.

Since we already activate CPLP to send part over to support B1835 urgent need, we can send the wear core base with bushing for Univac for repair. They will dismantle and replacing with new bushing, the additional cost incur is SGD120/pc.

The price for Core base SGD 580/-
Bushing core SGD 210/-
Repair cost SGD 120/-

With the above proper approach we can salvage the Core base and save some spare parts cost. (SGD 790 vs SGD 330/-).

If no further concern will ask Prapakorn to arrange the repair to Univac.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
after further discussion with univac on the construction & design intend of the bushing, if both are made of steel will lead to scoring marks problems after long run, in order to maintain the good concentricity and sizes control they actually assemble the core bushing to the core. base and do a final machining to achieve the accuracy.this will ensure longer tool life as compare to machine separately to sizes and assemble.

Since we already activate cplp to send part over to support b1835 urgent need, we can send the wear core base with bushing for univac for repair. they will dismantle and replacing with new bushing, the additional cost incur is sgd120/pc.

the price for core base sgd 580 / -
bushing core sgd 210 / -
.repair cost sgd 120 / -

with the above proper approach we can salvage the core base and save some spare parts cost. (Sgd 790 vs sgd 330 / -).

If no further concern will ask prapakorn to arrange the repair to univac.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
After further discussion with Univac on the construction & design intend of the bushing, if both are made of steel will lead to scoring marks problems after long run, in order to maintain the good concentricity and sizes control they actually assemble the core bushing to the core base and do a final machining to achieve the accuracy. This will ensure longer tool life as compare to machine separately to sizes and assemble.

Since we already activate CPLP to send part over to support B1835 urgent need, we can send the wear core base with bushing for Univac for repair. They will dismantle and replacing with new bushing, the additional cost incur is SGD120/pc.

The price for Core base SGD 580/-
Bushing core SGD 210/-
Repair cost SGD 120/-

With the above proper approach we can salvage the Core base and save some spare parts cost. (SGD 790 vs SGD 330/-).

If no further concern will ask Prapakorn to arrange the repair to Univac.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
further discussion with Univac After & design intend on the construction of the bushing, if both are made of steel will lead to scoring marks problems after long run, in order to maintain the good concentricity and sizes they actually control the core bushing to assemble the core base and do a final machining to achieve the accuracy.This will ensure longer life as tool to compare sizes and machine to assemble separately.

Since we already activate CPLP part to Send Over to support B 1835 urgent need, we can send the core base with bushing for wear Univac for repair. They will dismantle and replacing with new bushing, the additional cost is SGD incur 120/PC.

The Core base price for SGD 580 / -
Bushing SGD core 210/ -
Cost Repair SGD 120 / -

With above the proper approach we can salvage the Core base and save some spare parts cost (SGD SGD 790 vs 330/ - ) .

If will ask no further concern Prapakorn to arrange the repair to Univac.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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