ข้อทฤษฎีของคนบางคนล้วนแล้วแตกต่างกันไปในหลากหลายมุมมอง ยิ่งมีคนมากข้อค การแปล - ข้อทฤษฎีของคนบางคนล้วนแล้วแตกต่างกันไปในหลากหลายมุมมอง ยิ่งมีคนมากข้อค อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด


ข้อทฤษฎีของคนบางคนล้วนแล้วแตกต่างกันไปในหลากหลายมุมมอง ยิ่งมีคนมากข้อความคิดเห็นก็จะแตกต่างกันออกไป ในเรื่องของความฝันก็เช่นเดียวกัน ในข้อทฤษฎีเรื่องหนึ่งสนับสนุนางด้าน psychological theory ส่วนอีกด้านจะเป็นการสนับสนุนทาง scientific idea
สนับสนุนทางด้าน psychological theory ,The major causes of behavior have their origin in the unconscious.Psychic determinism: all behavior has a cause/reason. Different parts of the unconscious mind are in constant struggle.Our behavior and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences.
The causes of dreams,While sleeping, for instance, you hear a noise outside, and that noise becomes woven into the dream in order to make sense of it. Nearly all dreams are 'wish fulfillments', that is, they reveal a deep motivation or desire which wants to be fulfilled, often a wish going back to earliest childhood.
In conclusion,ทางด้าน psychological theory is saying that all of us behavior have their origin in the unconscious but,ทางด้าน scientific idea, dreams come from a noise and sound around us and, ours dream are 'wish fulfillments', desire from something.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Special theory of some cynics vary in different perspectives. I have a very different note, it would go out. The subject of the dream is the same. In theory, one of the side supporting her. psychological theory.scientific idea
.Supports. psychological theory, the major causes of behavior have their origin in the unconscious.psychic determinism: all behavior has a cause / reason. different parts of the unconscious mind are in constant struggle.our behavior and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted. in our childhood experiences.
the causes of dreams, while sleeping,.for instance, you hear a noise outside, and that noise becomes woven into the dream in order to make sense of it. nearly all dreams are 'wish fulfillments', that is, they reveal a deep motivation or desire which wants to be fulfilled, often a wish going back to earliest childhood.
in conclusion,.The psychological theory is saying that all of us behavior have their origin in the unconscious but, the scientific idea, dreams come from a noise and sound around us and, ours dream are 'wish fulfillments', desire from something.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
The theory of some people, vary in a wide range of perspectives. There are many people, even an opinion, it will be different. On the subject of dreams. In theory, a subject of psychological theory to superimpose her teen hang out. scientific idea
Support to the psychological theory, The major causes of behavior have their origin in the unconscious.Psychic determinism: all behavior has a reason/cause of Different parts. the unconscious mind are in constant struggle.Our behavior and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences, dreams of The
causes. While sleeping, for instance, you hear a noise outside, and that noise becomes woven into the dream in order to make sense of it. Nearly all dreams are 'wish fulfillments', that is, they reveal a deep motivation or desire which wants to be fulfilled, often a wish going back to earliest childhood.
In conclusion,On the psychological theory is that all of us saying behavior have their origin in the unconscious, but the scientific idea come from dreams, and a sound and noise around us, ours are ' dream wish fulfillments ' desire from something.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The theory of some people in a variety of different things, and then the more people view more text comments, it will be different from the next in terms of the dream, as well. In the theories of the psychological theory of support.scientific idea
The psychological theory, The major causes of behavior have their origin in the unconscious. Psychic determinism: All behavior has a cause/reason. Different unconscious parts of the mind are in constant struggle. Our behavior and feelings as adults (including psychological problems) are rooted in our childhood experiences.
The causes of dreams, sleeping While,For instance, you hear a noise outside, and that noise becomes woven into the dream in order to make sense of it. Nearly all dreams are 'wish fulfillments', that is, they reveal a deep motivation or desire which wants to be fulfilled, often a wish going back to earliest childhood.
In conclusion,The psychological theory is saying that all of us have their origin in the unconscious behavior but, in the scientific idea, dreams come from a sound and noise around us and, ours are 'dream' wish fulfillments, desire something from.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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