What is Arson? It is the act of intentionally, maliciously, and willfu การแปล - What is Arson? It is the act of intentionally, maliciously, and willfu อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

What is Arson? It is the act of int

What is Arson? It is the act of intentionally, maliciously, and willfully setting fire to any structure, or causing an explosion to the structure. It is governed by state criminal laws and usually classified as a felony. If the arson leads to death, the arsonist can be charged with murder. Arson can also include causing an explosion or setting fire to a motor vehicle, aircraft or personal property of another.

Generally, it is the act of setting the fire that meets the element for arson, so even if the fire is minimal, it is still considered arson. Most states do recognize varying degrees of arson, however, based upon the amount of damage caused, whether the arson posed a danger to human life, and whether the arson was intended to defraud, such as insurance fraud.

An arson conviction can result in a prison sentence of five to 15 years in most states. If tried in federal court, the penalty is a minimum of five years in a federal prison.

Some arson is committed with the intent to collect illegally on an insurance claim. Others are meant to disguise or cover up another crime. There are also arsonists, considered pyromaniacs, who just enjoy setting fires.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
what is arson? it is the act of intentionally, maliciously, and willfully setting fire to any structure, or causing an explosion to the structure. it is governed by state criminal laws and usually classified as a felony. if the arson leads to death, the arsonist can be charged with murder. arson can also include causing an explosion or setting fire to a motor vehicle,.aircraft or personal property of another.

generally, it is the act of setting the fire that meets the element for arson, so even if the fire is minimal, it is still considered arson. most states do recognize varying degrees of arson, however, based upon the amount of damage caused, whether the arson posed a danger to human life, and whether the arson was intended to defraud,.such as insurance fraud.

an arson conviction can result in a prison sentence of five to 15 years in most states. if tried in federal court, the penalty is a minimum of five years in a federal prison.

some arson is committed with the intent to collect illegally on an insurance claim. others are meant to disguise or cover up another crime. there are also arsonists, considered pyromaniacs,.who just enjoy setting fires.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
What is Arson? It is the act of intentionally, maliciously, and willfully setting fire to any structure, or causing an explosion to the structure. It is governed by state criminal laws and usually classified as a felony. If the arson leads to death, the arsonist can be charged with murder. Arson can also include causing an explosion or setting fire to a motor vehicle, aircraft or personal property of another.

Generally, it is the act of setting the fire that meets the element for arson, so even if the fire is minimal, it is still considered arson. Most states do recognize varying degrees of arson, however, based upon the amount of damage caused, whether the arson posed a danger to human life, and whether the arson was intended to defraud, such as insurance fraud.

An arson conviction can result in a prison sentence of five to 15 years in most states. If tried in federal court, the penalty is a minimum of five years in a federal prison.

Some arson is committed with the intent to collect illegally on an insurance claim. Others are meant to disguise or cover up another crime. There are also arsonists, considered pyromaniacs, who just enjoy setting fires.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
is What Arson It? Is the act of intentionally, maliciously, and willfully setting fire to any structure, or causing an explosion to the structure. It is governed by state laws and criminal usually classified as a felony, the arson If leads to death, the arsonist can be charged with murder.Arson can also include causing an explosion or setting fire to a motor vehicle,Personal aircraft or property of another.

Generally, it is the act of setting the fire that meets the element for arson, so even if the fire is minimal, it is still considered arson. Most states do recognize varying degrees of arson, however, based upon the amount of damage caused, whether the arson posed a danger to human life, and whether the arson was intended to defraud,such as insurance fraud.

An arson conviction can result in a prison sentence of five to 15 years in most states. If tried in Federal Court, the penalty is a minimum of five years in a federal prison.

Some arson is committed with the intent to illegally collect on an insurance claim. Others are meant to disguise or cover up another crime.There are also arsonists, considered pyromaniacs,who just enjoy setting fires.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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