Garlic—An All-Around Health Boosting HerbThe featured article in Medic การแปล - Garlic—An All-Around Health Boosting HerbThe featured article in Medic อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Garlic—An All-Around Health Boostin

Garlic—An All-Around Health Boosting Herb

The featured article in Medical News Today1 contains an impressive list of garlic’s historical use as a natural medicine, and modern research to back up the wisdom of such antiquated claims. Green Med Info has also assembled a list of studies demonstrating more than 150 beneficial health effects of garlic! For example, studies show that regular consumption of (primarily raw) garlic:

May be effective against drug-resistant bacteria
Reduces risk for heart disease,2 including heart attack3 and stroke
Helps normalize your cholesterol4 and blood pressure
Protects against cancer,5, 6 including brain,7 lung,8 and prostate9 cancer
Reduces risk of osteoarthritis10
It’s thought that much of garlic’s therapeutic effect comes from its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin, which are also what give it its characteristic smell. Other health-promoting compounds include oligosaccharides, arginine-rich proteins, selenium and flavonoids.11
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
garlic-an all-around health boosting herb

the featured article in medical news today1 contains an impressive list of garlic's historical use as a natural medicine, and modern research to back up the wisdom of such antiquated claims. green med info has also assembled a list of studies demonstrating more than 150 beneficial health effects of garlic! for example,studies show that regular consumption of (primarily raw) garlic:

may be effective against drug-resistant bacteria
reduces risk for heart disease, 2 including heart attack3 and stroke
helps normalize your cholesterol4 and blood pressure
protects against cancer, 5,. 6 including brain, 7 lung, 8 and prostate9 cancer
reduces risk of osteoarthritis10
.it's thought that much of garlic's therapeutic effect comes from its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin, which are also what give it its characteristic smell. other health-promoting compounds include oligosaccharides, arginine-rich proteins, selenium and flavonoids.11.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Garlic—An All-Around Health Boosting Herb

The featured article in Medical News Today1 contains an impressive list of garlic's historical use as a natural medicine, and modern research to back up the wisdom of such antiquated claims. Green Med Info has also assembled a list of studies demonstrating more than 150 beneficial health effects of garlic! For example, studies show that regular consumption of (primarily raw) garlic:

May be effective against drug-resistant bacteria
Reduces risk for heart disease,2 including heart attack3 and stroke
Helps normalize your cholesterol4 and blood pressure
Protects against cancer,5, 6 including brain,7 lung,8 and prostate9 cancer
Reduces risk of osteoarthritis10
It's thought that much of garlic's therapeutic effect comes from its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin, which are also what give it its characteristic smell. Other health-promoting compounds include oligosaccharides, arginine-rich proteins, selenium and flavonoids.11
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
- Garlic An All - Around Health Boosting Herb

The Medical News Today featured Article in 1 contains an impressive list of garlic's historical use as a natural medicine, and modern research to back up the wisdom of such antiquated claims. Green Med Info has also assembled a list of more than 150 studies demonstrating beneficial health effects of garlic! For example,studies show that regular consumption of (primarily raw) garlic:

May be effective against drug-resistant bacteria
Reduces risk for heart disease, including heart attack 3 and 2 stroke
Helps normalize your blood pressure and cholesterol 4
Protects against cancer 5, 6 including brain, lung 7, 8 and 9 prostate cancer risk of osteoarthritis Reduces
It' s thought that much of garlic's therapeutic effect comes from its sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin, which are also what give it its characteristic smell. Other health-promoting compounds include oligosaccharides, arginine-rich proteins, selenium and flavonoids 11
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