Paris, this lovely city, is a place that you will never spend enough t การแปล - Paris, this lovely city, is a place that you will never spend enough t อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Paris, this lovely city, is a place

Paris, this lovely city, is a place that you will never spend enough time. Three days is too short a period for everything, so I missed a lot, but did have wonderful experiences. Musée du Louvre and Musée d’Orsay, which I think you will definitely enjoy, are great places for art lovers. But it is a pity that I did not have enough time to visit Musée Rodin. Les Catacombes and two other cemeteries are also very impressing. Maybe you do not know I have a fever for graveyards (in my photography space you may find an album called Graveyards). These three graveyards have quite different atmosphere. Les Catacombes is an underground bone-and-skull world, directly reminding us bodies of dead mortals in the long long past. Père-Lachaise Cemetery is a quiet and a little melancholy place. A light rain accompanied me while I was there, making it quieter and prettier. Montmartre Cemetery is more an intimate but melancholy yard, below ground level and folded by surrounding buildings. The rain stopped when I arrived, and threads of beautiful sunshine shedded on the somewhat colourful tombstones. I also had an unusual experience being caught in a heavy rain, getting totally soaked within five minutes. Being cold and hungry, I walked through the quiet Parisian streets and ended up in a streetside café with food, red wine, hot chocolate, and refreshing street scenes. It was the heavy rain that prevented me taking any photo of the shining Pont Alexandre III (Alexander III Bridge). Very different to Pont Alexandre III, Pont des Arts is a walking bridge, quiet and at ease, quite suitable for a leisure walk in fresh-air-mornings or warm-sunshine-afternoons. There are too much to say, but I will not bother talking about the charming Notre Dame or the breath-taking Tour Eiffel
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
paris, this lovely city, is a place that you will never spend enough time. three days is too short a period for everything, so i missed a lot, but did have wonderful experiences. musée du louvre and musée d'orsay, which i think you will definitely enjoy, are great places for art lovers. but it is a pity that i did not have enough time to visit musée rodin.very different to pont alexandre iii, pont des arts is a walking bridge, quiet and at ease, quite suitable for a leisure walk in fresh-air-mornings or warm-sunshine-afternoons. there are too much to say, but i will not bother talking about the charming notre dame or the breath-taking tour eiffel.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Paris, this lovely city, is a place that you will never spend enough time. Three days is too short a period for everything, so I missed a lot, but did have wonderful experiences. Musée du Louvre and Musée d'Orsay, which I think you will definitely enjoy, are great places for art lovers. But it is a pity that I did not have enough time to visit Musée Rodin. Les Catacombes and two other cemeteries are also very impressing. Maybe you do not know I have a fever for graveyards (in my photography space you may find an album called Graveyards). These three graveyards have quite different atmosphere. Les Catacombes is an underground bone-and-skull world, directly reminding us bodies of dead mortals in the long long past. Père-Lachaise Cemetery is a quiet and a little melancholy place. A light rain accompanied me while I was there, making it quieter and prettier. Montmartre Cemetery is more an intimate but melancholy yard, below ground level and folded by surrounding buildings. The rain stopped when I arrived, and threads of beautiful sunshine shedded on the somewhat colourful tombstones. I also had an unusual experience being caught in a heavy rain, getting totally soaked within five minutes. Being cold and hungry, I walked through the quiet Parisian streets and ended up in a streetside café with food, red wine, hot chocolate, and refreshing street scenes. It was the heavy rain that prevented me taking any photo of the shining Pont Alexandre III (Alexander III Bridge). Very different to Pont Alexandre III, Pont des Arts is a walking bridge, quiet and at ease, quite suitable for a leisure walk in fresh-air-mornings or warm-sunshine-afternoons. There are too much to say, but I will not bother talking about the charming Notre Dame or the breath-taking Tour Eiffel
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Paris, this lovely city, is a place that you will never spend enough time.Three days is too short a period for everything, so I missed a lot, but did have wonderful experiences. Muse E du Louvre and Muse e d'Orsay, which I think you will definitely enjoy, are great places for art lovers, it is a pity that But I did not have enough time to visit Muse Rodin e.Les Catacombes and two other cemeteries are also very impressing. Maybe you do not have a fever for graveyards I know (in my photography space you may find an album called Graveyards). These graveyards have three quite different atmosphere. Les Catacombes is an underground bone-and-skull world, directly reminding us dead bodies of mortals in the long long past.Pe re-Lachaise Cemetery is a quiet place and a little melancholy. A light rain accompanied me while I was there, making it quieter and prettier. Montmartre Cemetery is more an intimate but melancholy yard, below ground level and folded by surrounding buildings. The rain stopped when I arrived, beautiful sunshine and threads of the shedded on somewhat colourful tombstones.I also had an unusual experience being caught in a heavy rain, getting totally soaked within five minutes. Being cold and hungry, I Parisian walked through the quiet streets and ended up in a streetside cafe with food, red wine, hot chocolate, and refreshing Street scenes. It was the heavy rain that prevented me taking any photo of the shining Pont Alexandre III (Alexander III Bridge).different Very to Pont Alexandre III, Pont Des Arts is a walking Bridge, quiet and at ease, quite suitable for a leisure walk in fresh-air-mornings or warm-sunshine - afternoons. There are too much to say, but I will not bother talking about the charming Notre Dame or the breath-taking Tour Eiffel
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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