Today I am thankful for family! My husband who is my rock, my hero, my การแปล - Today I am thankful for family! My husband who is my rock, my hero, my อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Today I am thankful for family! My

Today I am thankful for family! My husband who is my rock, my hero, my best friend, my support, my soul mate, and the love of my life, I am so thankful for you!!! God truly blessed me when He joined us together and I will never be able to thank Him enough. My children....I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to be a parent to my wonderful sons! I cannot imagine my life without them!!! I am so proud of the young men they have become and I enjoy every moment talking, laughing, hugging and just being in the same room with them. They have brought so much joy to my life, they will never know how much I truly love them. I see so many qualities in them like their dad, they are all amazing and I am so unbelievably blessed! I love you Don, Brandon and Bryan! Now for my two precious beautiful girls, Marki and Annsly...these two additions to my family have made us complete for now! Marki is like a ray of sunshine, she brightens up the room when she walks in, her smile is contagious! If I had been given the honor of choosing a wife for Brandon, she would be the one I would choose!!! I love her dearly because of how happy she makes my son and for the amazing remarkable young woman she is. They complete each other and I love seeing my son so happy! Annsly has brought so much joy to all our lives, she has stolen my heart!!! This child was given to us by God, I know this because she came at a time when I was so overwhelmed with this constant pain, I wanted to just give up. She has given me reason to go on, to see her reach each milestone, to hear her laughter, see her smiles and to watch her grow has been such a pleasure. I can just think about her and I smile, she makes my heart overflow with love, just as when I look at Don, Brandon, Bryan and Marki! I am so incredibly BLESSED!!! I love my family! ♥♥♥
— รู้สึกได้รับพร
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

Today i am thankful for family! my husband who is my rock, my hero, my best friend, my support, my soul mate, and the love of my life, i am so thankful for you!!! god truly blessed me when he joined us together and i will never be able to thank him enough. my children .... i am so thankful that the lord allowed me to be a parent to my wonderful sons! i cannot imagine my life without them!!!now for my two precious beautiful girls, marki and annsly ... these two additions to my family have made us complete for now! marki is like a ray of sunshine, she brightens up the room when she walks in, her smile is contagious! if i had been given the honor of choosing a wife for brandon, she would be the one i would choose!!!she has given me reason to go on, to see her reach each milestone, to hear her laughter, see her smiles and to watch her grow has been such a pleasure. i can just think about her and i smile, she makes my heart overflow. with love, just as when i look at don, brandon, bryan and marki! i am so incredibly blessed!!! i love my family! ♥ ♥ ♥
- I have been blessed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Today I am thankful for family! My husband who is my rock, my hero, my best friend, my support, my soul mate, and the love of my life, I am so thankful for you!!! God truly blessed me when He joined us together and I will never be able to thank Him enough. My children....I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to be a parent to my wonderful sons! I cannot imagine my life without them!!! I am so proud of the young men they have become and I enjoy every moment talking, laughing, hugging and just being in the same room with them. They have brought so much joy to my life, they will never know how much I truly love them. I see so many qualities in them like their dad, they are all amazing and I am so unbelievably blessed! I love you Don, Brandon and Bryan! Now for my two precious beautiful girls, Marki and Annsly...these two additions to my family have made us complete for now! Marki is like a ray of sunshine, she brightens up the room when she walks in, her smile is contagious! If I had been given the honor of choosing a wife for Brandon, she would be the one I would choose!!! I love her dearly because of how happy she makes my son and for the amazing remarkable young woman she is. They complete each other and I love seeing my son so happy! Annsly has brought so much joy to all our lives, she has stolen my heart!!! This child was given to us by God, I know this because she came at a time when I was so overwhelmed with this constant pain, I wanted to just give up. She has given me reason to go on, to see her reach each milestone, to hear her laughter, smiles and watch her to see her grow has been such a pleasure. "I think I can just about her and she makes my heart smile, overflow with love, just as when I look at Brandon, Don, Bryan and I am so incredibly BLESSED! Marki!!! I love ♥ ♥ ♥ my family!
— feeling blessed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

Today I am thankful for family! My husband who is my rock, my hero, my best friend, my support, my soul mate, and the love of my life, I am so thankful for you! God truly blessed me when He joined us together and I will never be able to thank Him enough. My children ....I am so thankful that the Lord allowed me to be a parent to my wonderful sons! I cannot imagine my life without them!I am so proud of the young men they have become and enjoy every moment I talking, laughing, hugging and just being in the same room with them. They have brought so much joy to my life, they will never know how much I truly love them.I see so many qualities in them like their dad, they are all amazing and am so unbelievably blessed I I! love you Don, and Brandon Bryan!for my two precious Now beautiful girls, and Marki Annsly ... these two additions to my family have made us complete for now! Marki is like a ray of sunshine, she brightens up the room when she walks in, her smile is contagious! If I had been given the honor of choosing a wife for Brandon, she would be the one I would choose!I dearly love her because of how she makes my son happy and for the amazing remarkable young woman she is. They I complete each other and love seeing my son so happy! Annsly has brought so much joy to all our lives, she has stolen my heart! This child was given to us by God, I know this because she came at a time when I was so overwhelmed with this constant pain, I just wanted to give up.She has given me reason to go on, to see her reach each milestone, to hear her laughter, see her smiles and to watch her grow has been such a pleasure. I I and can just think about her smile, she makes my heart overflow with love, just as when look at I Don, Brandon, Bryan and am so incredibly BLESSED Marki! I! I love my family!
♥ ♥ ♥ - Feel blessed.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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