In nature. The creatures have evolved unique characteristics to which this process is often slow and to have natural law as a human dwelling, push. Normally, the creature would take several hundred thousand years. In the selection and adaptation than to develop until the color harmony with the environment to camouflage themselves from predators, but in today's world is entering the food shortages due to population increase. Make the natural resources that exist is not enough to feed the entire world. A decidedly modern science technology access, so solving the problem by altering genetic GMOs or fair is a creature which, whether plant or animal that has been genetically modified by genetic engineering process from cutting, remove one of the organism's genes put into the topology.Logon to another type of creatures, the creatures of that type that has the desired feature or property, but the emergence of genetic engineering have been storming the walls separating the natural species. Present various creatures can be genetically modified to create new types of creatures like never before. By the unique needs of human beings.
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