1. The teacher asked the students to write answers to the most extensive problem in five minutes
- What is petroleum. Happen?
- What are products from petroleum. And utilized by the
teacher randomly 2. representatives present to answer questions 3
3. Teachers lead discussions more complete answer. The students build knowledge
4. teacher led discussion on the organics. Students write a summary comparing the differences between organic and inorganic substances, the
teacher led discussion 5. creating chemical bonds and molecular formula. Structure of carbon, a hydrocarbon
6. The teacher presents examples of Mughal recipe carbon compounds are isomer together. The students build knowledge and cobwebs. (Web)
7. Students study the relationship between the type of hydrocarbon compounds with structural formula. And compare the differences between the structure of hydrocarbon saturated with unsaturated type. Written Venn Diagram
8. Teachers lead a discussion about the type and structure of hydrocarbons. The students build knowledge by writing a mind map.
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