Cambodia has an area of 181,035 square kilometers
with a population of 14.45 million people,
the capital, Phnom Penh (Phnom Penh)
regime. A democratic system with the King as Head of State
official language is Khmer (Khmer)
religion is Theravada Buddhism (Maha Nikai 90% and Dhammayuttika sect 10%),
the currency is the Riel (Riel)
national flower is a flower Rumdul or flowers. Lam duel white flowers on yellow leaves are fragrant in the evening
economic data
export goods including clothing, textiles, footwear, fish, timber, tobacco and rice
imports, including petroleum products, Caprica. Building materials, machines, vehicles, appliances,
drinks, textile and rubber products
import markets such as China (18.1%), Hong Kong (16.8%), Vietnam (12.3%), Thailand (12%), Taiwan (10.9%),
export markets are the rooms. American States (66.6%), Germany (9.6%), the UK (5.5%),
Canada (4%), Vietnam (2.7%).
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