Legal name: Lao People's Democratic Republic (The Lao People Democratic Republic)
location: As a country in which there is no exit to the sea. China and Myanmar and bordering Northwest Contact with Viet Nam in the East Contact with Cambodia, to the South, and contact with the West country, Thai. Area: 236,800 square kilometres (approximately half of the country, Thai), divided into 16, and 1 special municipality (Vientiane)
capital city: Vientiane (Vientiane) (a capital city like Bangkok. Best road, Vientiane is another, one next to the Vientiane): 5.6 million population
(year 2548 (2005)) consists of. Lao thoeng, Lao group 68 percent to 22 percent in Laos, about 9 percent of total height 68 tribes
climate: The average temperature of 33 degrees to 29 degrees 10-minimum quantity of rain yearly average moisture 1715 mm 70-80%
language: official language is Lao language
religion: Buddhist 75 percent 16 percent-17 the rest of the ghost population profess Christianity (about 100,0 people) and Islam (about 300 people)
currency: Kip (Kip) exchange rate 1 baht: 276 Kip (May. 2551 (2008))
regime: The ruling Communist socialist system (the Lao People's Democratic analogy) by a single political party is an organization of revolutionary people's Party, is suggestive of Laos have maximum power from Laos began to rule in Socialist regime. Wed December 2Head of State-President of 2518 (1975) RS
(in Lao language refers to the presidential position) is a three-mama teach Ya Wan Li (2549 (2006) June 8)
head Government-the Prime Minister is Mr. Boa taught stamping PHA days (June 8 2549 (2006))
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