Compared with the former is very different in the past this ancestors. We don't know e technology telephoneDifferent from the color of HD channel not to bathe. Drink will have to get used to scoop the pool dig to เดินไปหาบ for several kilometers. To go to school will have to walk if who have drug screen the rich machinery brand Vera wheel size. The road trip was overgrown with forest.The sun will help parents face a cold wind cold wind blows the harvest winter will be cold มากๆถ้า at home at night, it will get together by the fire.The advantages 1
. Modern / up-to-date / catch / update information so that we can communicate with the world
2.Lets learn, work, modern and more convenient, such as learned from สื่อท modern created by computer. " The program CAI
3.Is a source of great learning To help in the search for knowledge is a large library
4. Please take - send a message quickly
5.? To help ease the tension, such as games, movies, listening to music, singing,
6.Help to create art, design innovative and beautiful
- the relation of human cons deteriorate
- conflict Risk in the information
* The cultural cause unpleasant
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