Escherichia coli is gram-negative bacteria. The cell is placed in the subfamily Enterobacteriaceae rods, size 1.1-1.5 x 2.0-6.0 μm sort options may be single or double is a cell can create a capsule and toxins. Using gel. q: Charoen in both conditions, oxygen or oxygen. Prosperous temperatures 37° c. Most people are just not in some pathogenic species only pathogenic.E. coli is a bacteria in the bowels of the local people and warm-blooded animals, usually E. coli. Often benefits the body, because it can generate vitamin k and prevents other types of pathogenic bacteria flourish inside the intestine. In addition, live in the intestines of warm-blooded animals and people, then E. coli is alive outside the body for very long, so it can be used as indicators of quality water sources contaminated fecal E. coli, some species can trigger the disease. Which is the most infectious disease in the digestive tract, especially diarrhoea (diarrhea), the species E. coli that cause diarrhea (E. coli diarrhoeagenic) has many varieties can be classified as disease mechanisms into 5 groups (Phat Chai, 2549) include:
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