The multinational corporations play an important role in the economic cooperation. Make learning and cultural transmission. Between multinational corporations and the government and the people of the country into the business.The impact on the cultural system of the developing
.3.2 causing new values to popular consumption. The spread of the transnational corporations in developing countries. Especially in mass communication industry, the United States. And Japan becomes the center of a new culture.Advertising of the transnational corporations in developing countries affect the consumerism (Consumerism) by a multinational company who will determine whether to produce goods of any kind.Through the process of advertising, publicity, which the advertising of multinational corporations cause. At London traditional values of the developing countries. As taweewat evolved (taweewat, ปุณฑริก.2544, am36) said, "advertising products the American and Japanese have deep values of the society in the third world. The illiteracy rate in the third world countries makes people feel sensitive to advertising.Advertising products at present, heaven of consumption in this life, customs and values, the third world abandoned. Success in life depends on the security of the object becomes "
.3.3 makes the concept and lifestyle of social change. The expansion of the multinational corporations Combined with the development of communication technology. The impact to society in developing countries need to open to the world, concept, way of thinkingDesign by multinational corporations (Disign) model, model of eating, living, and the sleep of people in modern society have changed. Consumers in the capital to buy a once most goods to fully (One Stop Shoping).Various popular high, because there are goods, and other services, fully equipped. Besides, Prague rule of such events. Also becomes a value สากลไป. Certain items that we found in one country is generally seen in other countries, such as Mc DonaldPizza Hut etc.
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