Art is something that man created. In the ancient philosopher, art (Art) means that the art is man-made is not something that occurs naturally. Therefore, the trees, mountains, seas, waterfalls, natural beauty, it's not art. Beautiful flowers that Goliath was not an art at all. If we honor the meaning. What is human-created plain, but all of it is all art, whether painting prints? Thematic work Carvings of wedding jewelry, clothes, housing, The vehicle. Living machines, as well as to the use of weapons of war, but all art is not plain that a man creating a classy, beautiful or ugly fine luxury despicable plain, however, but is it art? The art is a creative task.In later. There, the meaning of art, that art is a creative work that we want in the meaning interpreted the word "creativity". Creativity or the English called "Cerative" is to cause something to come up, which is something. Never come before a product or a process, or the idea of it. What is the creative work will be a new invention that never before in the world, or a new process is created to perform something, succeed, or is the creation of a new concept that will lead to new ideas, new methods, this is the?The origin of the creation of a new concept, because it will lead to the development of new processes or methods that will lead to productivity or the invention of karma. New, emerging in the world and meet the needs of the human being to replace the original invention or innovation output response is insufficient or is not satisfied. On the other hand, creative, everything happening is better than ever, which makes the multiple ways it might be improved by a new, more productive, or as an output format for updates using the same method, but yields more quality, but any format is done, arising from the use of a new concept and, as a result of the method is called "creativity.
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