Shutter speed is the unit or parts of seconds seconds that will give our shutter exposure as a few seconds. Most of the figures which we are of course is 1/1/1/30s 60s 80s there is a shutter speed of 1 60 portion of one second.
The shutter speed In seconds Or fraction of seconds Whether to shutter a few seconds of exposure. Numbers, most of which we often see today is 1 / 30s 1 / 60s 1 / 80s, there was a shutter speed of 1 part 60 of a second.
The shutter speed. In seconds, or a portion of the second. To give our shutter exposure is a matter of seconds. These numbers, we mainly often see is 1 / 30s 1 / 60s 1 / 80s is our 1 the 60 shutter speed.