In lectures and presentations, you can be kinder to your listeners
by providing what educators call “signposts” – indicators of where the
talk is going and the organization of ideas. These are words, phrases, or
sentences that can help you to organize your sentences, and help
listeners understand your flow of thought. This so-called “signposting”
includes commonly used words and shorter phrases that linguists call
transitionals or discourse markers – expressions that speakers use to
organize thoughts, and that provide transitions. Also, these sometimes
provide cues about the interpretation of sentences and speakers’
attitudes toward what they are saying.
In lectures and presentations, you can be kinder to your listenersby providing what educators call “signposts” – indicators of where thetalk is going and the organization of ideas. These are words, phrases, orsentences that can help you to organize your sentences, and helplisteners understand your flow of thought. This so-called “signposting”includes commonly used words and shorter phrases that linguists calltransitionals or discourse markers – expressions that speakers use toorganize thoughts, and that provide transitions. Also, these sometimesprovide cues about the interpretation of sentences and speakers’attitudes toward what they are saying.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Lectures and presentations in, You Can be kinder to your listeners
by providing what educators Call "signposts" - indicators of where the
talk is going and the Organization of ideas. These are Words, Phrases, or
sentences that Can Help You to Organize your sentences, and Help
listeners Understand your flow of thought. This so-Called "signposting"
includes commonly used Words and Phrases that linguists Call shorter
Transitionals or Discourse markers - Expressions Speakers that use to
Organize Thoughts, and that provide transitions. Also, sometimes these
provide cues About the Interpretation of sentences and Speakers'
attitudes toward what they are saying.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

In lectures and presentations you can, be kinder to your listeners
by providing what educators call "signposts" - indicators. Of where the
talk is going and the organization of ideas. These, are words phrases or
sentences, that can help you to organize. Your, sentences and help
listeners understand your flow of thought. This so-called "signposting"
.Includes commonly used words and shorter phrases that linguists call
Transitionals or discourse markers - expressions that. Speakers use to
organize thoughts and that, provide transitions. Also these, sometimes
provide cues about the interpretation. Of sentences and speakers'
attitudes toward what they are saying.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..