Impressive attractions. Palace flora Park enjoy a round shaft.I am impressed with the attractions of the province buriram to have the opportunity to field trips that schools, when I study high school year 5 Tohoku Khan. This attraction is "floral park Palace axle advantage" which is popular in buriram province. Travel not only create happiness from the ability to enjoy this attraction, but also as a source of learning with entertainment. There are many interesting things. Whether it is the flowers that decorate the inside beautifully around the place and there are many activities available for those who want to join the fun, which prepared the following base. Abseiling activities base "leaning tower Pisa". Short one zone "once upon a time", which will be a gallery exhibition space that represents a "way of life" by the Thailand exhibition trajectory of cultural evolution. And there is a tradition of rice. Ancient exhibits.The activity base to gun cliff "the great wall of China", the second "zone that short adventure activity" which, in this point, the Park has become a place where wonders simulation and world famous cuisine, such as adventure activities, build the leaning tower Pisa as a base for abseiling activities, great wall of China is the base rock climbing activities, which can be used as a base to enjoy the activities and also gain knowledge on attractions, famous in foreign land. Again, both within this section, it is also a place to stay.The atmosphere inside the building, "the flowering phlaophloen Park" In the second section, "La page floral park advantage" is the area of the greenhouses were used as 7 displays international species of flowering plants and flowers at the Park, is also considered the first flora of the Park in the South East region.The shooting corner decorated with a beautiful "pineapple, bright colors."Connection of individual buildings, it also has a garden, and the shooting angle up beautifully, and commemorative photographs of six buildings. Arrange Anthurium varieties with saetngotok atmosphere is a welcome building of isaan and the exotic with the exhibition "with love and loyalty," all the way again. "Trabong diamond" and the atmosphere of the desert.For those who are looking for a place to relax or enjoy the beauty of the flowers and wanted to explore together the whole family can watch together, donkeys, advantage page "boutique resort" and "strategic" floral park la page that will make your next trip, this is a recreation, along with learning options are available. "Pineapple color" beautifully.Pot plants exhibition with colour decoration adopted under the concept of natural colours. That is, there are many beautiful corners together. The atmosphere of the two buildings is a fern species, international exhibitions, which are replicated within the ancient forest is, The third building is the desert, building four varieties of orchids on display and exhibit building five such different types of Cactus plants in the tropics. "Varieties of ferns," exhibit at the second flowering wood building. All flowers Park building 7. Within each area, the atmosphere, the building was designed to have a different style. By building one of them exhibited seasonal flowers will be in season flowers rotate then the winter will be like tulips. The rainy season will blossom as krachiao, etc. Turbine House corner Switzerland-styleStrategic shaft "boutique resort" and "strategic" axles floral park was created by the purpose of ISAN, then the places you porn under the education tourism has not yet built up a strategic shaft so as attractions and as a source of learning, coupled with "the divine has dathon. Managing Director, project page that says "La phloen excursion is considered to be the core of the development of sustainable learning because you can get the direct knowledge and experience which in the space sector. Apart from the various zone said, there is also a big garden, there are small trees watching the flowering and fruit. When successfully walking tour can also be purchased as of fakklap. To visit the Park "Palace axle advantage" in this impress me a lot because it not only fun to go only. I also have a lot of knowledge from things that have seen and experience, which is a new experience for me and a lot. Impressive attractions. Palace flora Park enjoy a round shaft.I am impressed with the attractions of the province buriram to have the opportunity to field trips that schools, when I study high school year 5 Tohoku Khan. This attraction is "floral park Palace axle advantage" which is popular in buriram province. Travel not only create happiness from the ability to enjoy this attraction, but also as a source of learning with entertainment. There are many interesting things. Whether it is the flowers that decorate the inside beautifully around the place and there are many activities available for those who want to join the fun, which prepared the following base. Abseiling activities base "leaning tower Pisa". Short one zone "once upon a time", which will be a gallery exhibition space that represents a "way of life" by the Thailand exhibition trajectory of cultural evolution. And there is a tradition of rice. Ancient exhibits.The activity base to gun cliff "the great wall of China", the second "zone that short adventure activity" which, in this point, the Park has become a place where wonders Simulator and create world famous cuisine, such as adventure activities.
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