Tamarind, tropical fruits, tamarind, English is the name Tamarind tamarind science to use the word Tamarindus indica Linn.Tamarind trees ในทวี origin of black Africa. Later, the planting in Asia and Thailand. The provincial tree is also in the city of sweet tamarind, and according to the Buddhist saint, the tamarind is a kind of sacred trees.Evil spirits not much to become Also, a tree with the name ml canal Hold a tips make someone formidable
.For the sake of tamarind tamarind and properties that are plentiful. He is a fruit for health and high nutritional value and are also been used in medicine. The medicine is used as a meat pods (tamarind).And the kernel. It can help cure many diseases, such as medicine, pituitary, relieve diarrhea, relieve constipation. Used as a vermifuge. Etc.
.Tamarind is also rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body, vitamin C, vitamin B2 vitamin calcium phosphorus Iron, protein, carbohydrate, etc. by tamarind to arrange that we called.The sweet tamarind 100 g is equal 314 calorie calories
.The benefits of tamarind
1. Tamarind, help strengthen the immunity of the body. With anti-oxidants
2.? Nourish the skin radiant with vitamin C from tamarind
3. Help to slow the age and the occurrence of premature ageing
4.Calcium from tamarind to help maintain strong bones and teeth.
5 tamarind iron, which contributes to the creation of blood
6. Used in treatment By remembering to be unpleasant to ED nook groin, armpit, crook, which will help reduce dark circles down
7.The tamarind soaked, peel took out the fiber tamarind is light, help skin moist throughout the day. And help get rid of bacteria effectively too
8.Tamarind and chalk mixture until combined. The face mask and leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse. To help skin look bright and clean, more compact
9.Tamarind juice mixed with warm water and milk using a mask, help the skin with pitch black to white, bright gentle increasingly
10.? Used as a mixture or used as fruit acid (AHA)
11.For people who drink coffee or smoking. The tamarind pulp to polish teeth regularly every time brushing your teeth. To help remove stains the teeth down
12.Be used to do ยานวดผม, which helps maintain the hair root, disinfection flat on the scalp and helps to kill the head lice. With the addition of the tamarind juice mixed with water and used tamarind pulp to dissolve out mixed with water. The water that will look liquid.The massage head after the hair, then leave for 30 minutes then rinse
.13.Used as liquid bath with the tamarind leaves were one. Add tamarind leaves into the boiling water, then cover and simmer for about 30 minutes. Then bring down from the stove let cool the bath will help your skin better.14. Processing tamarind can be used in processing of various kinds, such as tamarind tamarind tamarind seed stirring baked without tamarind tamarind tamarind plum compote mix Tamarind NK, etc.
15. Help prevent and cure scurvy
16.Tamarind vitamin that contributes to the maintenance and the treatment of eye
17.? Reduce the heat in the body as well
18.Constipation by using tamarind about 15 pods. The sauce with salt and eating. Salt adding water or juice from a
19.Relieve the symptoms of diarrhea, with the use of the bark around 2 clasp. The boiled with water and 31.91 or taken orally
20.Just take a roundworm in intestinal parasite worms with the use of tamarind seed roasted post-reproductive shell out. The kernel soaking brine until soft and dosage 20 tablets
21.Helps to relieve the pituitary dissolve phlegm of tamarind sauce salt, and eat
22. มะขามอุดม with organic acid. Who is qualified to help cleanse the dirt in pores and remove it on the skin, as well as
23.The roots of tamarind contributes diarrhea
24.? Tamarind roots help to heal the wound
25.? The roots of tamarind help in the treatment of herpes simplex 26,
. The roots of tamarind help in the treatment of งูสวั
27. Shell tamarind. Help fix fever stem
28. The core of the tamarind tree. Help maintain pulmonary uterine
29.The core of the tamarind tree helps to drive the blood
30.? The core of tamarind contributes to drug seizures uterus to garage
31. Fresh leaves tamarind, used as a purgative laxative expel intestinal
32. Fresh leaves tamarind, help maintain the cold. Cough
33. Fresh leaves tamarind contributes to dysentery
34.Fresh leaves tamarind has used as eye drops treating conjunctivitis, cure amblyopia
35. Fresh leaves tamarind features to help purify blood
36.? Fresh leaves were boiled, mixed with other herbs using bath after birth
37.The meat of the tamarind seed coat used as medicine with flush
38 raw tamarind. Pod, used in tanning โลหิจ
39. Pod ดิบของ tamarind used in the diet. A laxative to reduce body temperature, 40
. The shell of tamarind help treat fresh burns diabetic wound. The
41.Tamarind seed oral wound healing at the neck, tongue and body
42. Fresh flowers of tamarind is used as a medication hypertension
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